Originally posted by Alders
It was known during beta.
This. I was also a member of beta and that TOR was a huge train wreck in the making was known by nearly everyone that participated. All of it's most critical problems were identified before liv…
Originally posted by TribeofOne The game is a universal hit with over 300,000 concurrent connections and has overcome all the petty issues experienced by some at launch. The feeling in game is so positive and the promise of continued content and eve…
Originally posted by WhiteLantern The point of the game is to entertain.
Close, but this is not actually the point of the game at all. The point of the game is to make Zenimax money. The entertaining part is simply the method by which they hope t…
Originally posted by Asm0deus
It's possible the kid did lie but it also possible he didn't, there is no way any of us can know this one way or the other. Dad should have used this moment to teach his son something better than what he chose though.…
Great, another parent whose child can do no wrong. If your son was guilty, hoo boy you're setting yourself up for major future pain. If he was innocent you've lost out on a teachable moment that didn't have to involve rage quitting.
Look, I think most MMO PVP is lame but this is nothing more than an example of a player that doesn't know what the hell he's doing. Dude, you wanted to "pvp unflag yourself" on a PVP server? Are you an idiot?
Roll PvE if you are interested in opti…
I tried STO and ended up hating it. Even got burned on a lifetime sub (yeah boo me). But everyone has their individual taste in MMOs, and I'm glad you're enjoying the game.
Originally posted by Axeion
Originally posted by Arnstrong
Originally posted by eyeswideopen
Blizzard still cares, and listen and the panel, The Shattering Novel, and Cataclysm proves it.
Obviously red shirt kid does. They s…
So... accept that the control interface is a crappy port and that PC gamers were never REALLY intended to play this game... oh and spend "5-6 hours(!!!!)" tweaking your video settings and, oh yeah, overclocking your video card. And then you can play…
Originally posted by Arioc I think I'd be more interested to try (yes I played Crescent Hawk's Inception and Revenge ) if the tilesets were more interesting. The screenshots on the site display what looks like cloud's rendered in photoshop as the ti…
The "Combat Drop" expansion is just around the corner, a few days at most.
It was nice to see a few people drop in from mmorpg, we could def use the fresh blood. If anyone giving the game a shot has any questions, I go by the same name in game, f…
Originally posted by Sovrath My opinion is that the guild leader was into drama.
All he had to do was say "hey, I know it was a movie but we're trying not to have expletives in guild chat". Given that it was a move it seems extreme but if that's h…
Takes a real "pro player" to insult a game aimed at young children. Or did you guys, by any chance, misunderstand and think "Helly Kitty Online" was going to be heavily marketed to a traditional demographic.
But then, I suppose your 4, 5 and 6 yea…
As someone that played original UO from day 1 for several years, and loved every minute of it, I think it needs to be acknowledged that its day is past. A decent number of people still play for nostalgic purposes but to even fool yourself for a seco…
Originally posted by maskedweasel
Originally posted by Katrar
So yeah I was, like, at Krispy Kreme yesterday buying a dozen of their glazed donuts. The manager stopped by the cash register with a bag and said, "Hey, I noticed you're buying a …
So yeah I was, like, at Krispy Kreme yesterday buying a dozen of their glazed donuts. The manager stopped by the cash register with a bag and said, "Hey, I noticed you're buying a dozen glazed. Good choice, that's what we're famous for. Let me throw…
Originally posted by Ramonski7 Wow I remember playing this between classes in the student breakroom on a Amiga-32 at Devry (even though we didn't have the MMO part).......wow. I'll have to give it a spin.
Probably not the same game. =P But if y…