Originally posted by tejondour
Originally posted by xaldraxius
Originally posted by tejondour
Originally posted by miagisan
syncing issues would cause the rest of the background and such to slow down and speed up as well.
It's the t…
Originally posted by Cathalo
The game is unplayable. The synchronization is so bad that you cannot see what you are fighting.
Remember when Tasos said "we are testing our server stability using bots" and players laughed?
Remember wh…
That sounds entertaining.. but wait til you have to do it for the 10th time because people keep jumping in front of your attacks and making you go rogue.
The whole thing sounds 'old'. basically you hide in the bushes, wait til someone is fighting…
Originally posted by Darkwish_Inc
I'm hearing that this issue was also happening to some beta testers but they were so small that no1 bothered to work on it to fix it i hope they do otherwise im gona be asking for my money back which probly wont …
Originally posted by VultureSkull
Although this thread is almost inactive, i would like to apologise to JackDog for refering to him as a Troll and flaming his post, around post #113 of this thread. I miss interpreted his comments and miss took hi…
Originally posted by Battlekruse
Funcom has lost money every quarter for more than three years. The company continues to lose more money every quarter. That's what I reported. The bias comes about when people try to spin those losses into somethi…
Originally posted by Battlekruse
Funcom need money right now and I mean now. A free trial wont bring them any more money why?. Because the game is still a complete mess, even after almost a year now. Please take a look on these cases:
#1 Case: Fu…
sounds like a memory from beta.
You failed to mention the dozens of 'frozen' people in every starter town. Everything I've seen is a bunch of people who can't move, seeing a lot of other people who can't move.
Originally posted by Joliust
Originally posted by Deathstrike2
This makes me question exactly how many people they did allow into beta. Obviously it wasn't the "thousands and thousands" reported by some fans.
Just because thousands…
Well, i don't know how people can say it's only a 'billing' problem. I have 3 idiot friends who pre-ordered
1. Can't get his pre-order account to work, even though he was charged
2. Can't get past queue anymore. One time he did get in the gam…
Originally posted by tbox
Oh well. I want to play but if you consider this beta 4 then I can wait a week or two until they get some more servers up.
By the time they manage to get more servers up, the one they have will be empty.
Originally posted by miagisan
if you are interested in ordering the game, please take it up with the official forums so that an official representative can point you in the right direction...thank you!
Or instead of buying the g…
Originally posted by TalRasha
I think we can all clasify this game as "released" when it's in the "Released Games" section on this mmorpg site.
Until then, it's in development. If people are playing a game wich is in development then they are par…
Originally posted by SabbathSMC
Originally posted by Darkfall01
Shouldn't you really be posting this on the official Darkfall technical forums. I know in other games I've played, I usually get a very fast response on how to fix a problem like…
Shouldn't you really be posting this on the official Darkfall technical forums. I know in other games I've played, I usually get a very fast response on how to fix a problem like this by one of the game's tech support people.. expecially when you …
Originally posted by downtoearth
i think they have no idea how to launch a game so the learning how to do it as they go but they code just fine
We will see. They still have a few steps to get to that point. They have to get billing an…
Originally posted by premierebori
A couple of people got their emails that their order has ben processed, but their names have been misspelled.
Couple that with the fact that Tasos said that doing the preorders took longer then ususal...
I am s…
Originally posted by donjn
Well, it is time to make a prediction. Based on everything I have seen, I believe that Darkfall will "end up" being quite a good game. Just so you know I am not a fanboi nor a troll. I have been an objective observer fo…
In other words.
1. We couldn't handle the pre-order process on our account mgmt page
2. We couldn't handle the billing process
3. We couldn't handle the forum servers
But you can be confident that the game server will work tomorrow.. you kn…