Originally posted by drel
I am really disappointed in OB so far. The lag sucks. CB did not have this problem.
There is also "rubberbanding" of your character so your forward progress just doesn't happen like it should. You move forward then all o…
Well I personnaly believe that putting money on free games is totally pointless...If you're going to spend money in a game just spend it in a P2P game, they're just way more polished ans have more content. Games like TOP are fun, I'll ahve to admit,…
Yup, I've tried it. Man y people seem to like it...I liked everything but the fighting system, not my style at all...I prefer the traditionnal ighting system with skills and such.
Originally posted by Pyrostasis
Originally posted by olimasso
I have played my assassin to lvl 15...frankly I was expecting them to do way more damage than this. Killing mobs requires me to do everything perfectly if I don't want to lose half o…
I played WoW a bit then stopped when BC came out...BC was ridiculous, you would get 1handed weapons with 120dps but before you would struggle to get 2handed weaps with 60dps. In fact, BC rendered the original game and istances completely obsolete!