Originally posted by sgel So are we allowed to dislike the game in this subforum?...
You are allowed to dislike the game. You can even dislike the game whilst perusing this forum. I'm not sure what will happen however if you express such senti…
Originally posted by mbblade so what you are looking for is like a web based MMO similar to like runscape and the like where you can log in though the browser and play?? I can't say that i know of any although i quit looking a couple years ago
Originally posted by Dolmong I recommand Mortal Online if you can get by First Person View.
They have quite a deep system and is smooth launch.
However, they are still trying to work their ass off fixing bugs, (is just realeased 1 month ago) s…
Atlantica Online is one of the best, if not the best MMO I've played andt it certainly is distinctive with its timed turn based tactical squad combat. It is a FTP game with item mall that has deep strategy, pvp, crafting and a great economic simula…
Originally posted by Loke666 Still seems somewhat odd that they don't actually mail people and tell them that they are giving away free time....
Even stranger is that my fiance got an email from SOE today about the free time but I didn…
Yeah definitely weird, I didn't receive an email either. If I hadn't stumbled across this thread I would never have known.
I just checked my fiance's station account and her account has been credited with the free time also. Perhaps there is a s…
I'm glad I stumbled across this thread, just checked my station account and lo and behold I have 23 days free time as well. Thanks SOE for the Xmas gift, I guess you're not as bad as I thought!
Originally posted by Amafi
I had this issue.
Tried everything to fix it - the only thing that got rid of it was by changing my OS back to XP..(was using Vista 64 bit)
I'm running XP so it can't be that. I only had the issue in the tutor…
Originally posted by ninjajucer
Originally posted by NegativeJoe
until something is released i consider it just buzz to keep the few thousand players from quitting.
i mean, its the same thing for years now. dangle something to breathe a little …
Originally posted by Theocritus
So basically what you are saying is that the game has reached the point where they need to force everyone to go to one server because the pop is too low to keep the other servers alive?? I dont think most of us…
Originally posted by romanswinter
Thanks for the recap. That sounds pretty good actually. I think I may resub
You might want to check this article on the Herald as well www.camelotherald.com/devblog/news_article.php which talks about the s…
Originally posted by Loky
1 - 3 Realm warfare. RvR. Nobody touches this. No Good vs Bad Bs..... 3 realms all out.
2 - Farming mobs still moves the bar. I personally enjoy farming mobs rather then quest grinding, when in pve. Call me old idc.
3 -…
Originally posted by sevitoth
The Devon cluster is averaging between 2000-3000 players a night. Classic cluster is pretty much dead now, only a couple hundred a night. Pretty much everyone has re-rolled on Devon because that's where the populati…
Originally posted by Yeebo
It has nothing to do with your card or drivers. That indicates a building that is missing a texture. Make sure you are running the latest DAoC graphical client, and try having the game check all files for ubdates when…
Originally posted by eccoton
Originally posted by Moirae
Oh for gods sakes Tarnicus... you have to be kidding. Businesses scrap ideas all the damned time. Even ones they announced to the public. Why is it that some people expect MMO"s to hold t…
Originally posted by Milky
They flat out lied! How do companies get away with promising their customers and subcriber base something and and not delivering? Its outrageous to me anyway.
I actually cried into a big man-sized tissue when I hea…