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  • Originally posted by insidegirl Pls dont tell me this is something new for you? Apparantly for some people it is. 
  • Originally posted by Yamota Seeing as Eves combat is complete click/crap it does not say much that this game is better. Does it have more options than just DPS taken and DPS dealed? Such as crowdcontrol, buffs, debuffs etc?   There is a bit…
  • Originally posted by yahtzard SadeyX and Xtin, there is another thread for the insurance stuff, please take the convo over there. Regarding where the sidetrack came from... IMO, it's tough to enjoy a sandbox for any extended length of time if you …
  • I'm one of those people who liked Eve a lot, but there was always something missing for me.  I still played for three years and have nothing but praise for the game, but Perpetuum hooked me in ways that Eve didn't.    At the top of my gaming wis…
  • Originally posted by sadeyx  Its not a judgment or an opinion, I state it from fact.  I know exactly how it was done and how much money you need and how long it takes.   E=Mk2 is a group of players who the Devs have publically named as cheater…
  • Originally posted by sadeyx No need to be insulting and defensive, I wasnt accusing you.   But yes, I'm very well aware of exactly how it works.   I personally know people that did it and they showed our corp how we could do it, spreadsheets and …
  • Originally posted by sadeyx Originally posted by XTinTX There were many players and corporations involved and only the worst were named.  Since E=Mk2 is such a small corp and were bad enough to be named.  Coupled with your evidence that they d…
  • Originally posted by sadeyx Originally posted by XTinTX   I’ll use the Corp E=mk2 as an example.  They are a small group of friends, no more then I think 15 toons total in the Corp, and you normally don’t see more than four …
  • Originally posted by yorkforce To add the voice of opposition (to an extent :P)  PvP (which is either sitting at a gate doing nothing for hours or heading off into one of the other and almost duplicated islands to attack other miners). I'm …
  • Originally posted by dweetybyrd The game is soooo Corp centric you can't even explore without a large team. I’m going to good naturedly disagree with you on this one dweety, though I admit it depends to a degree on what it is you are trying to…
  • Originally posted by Gdemami Two wrongs do not make one right   Which is true, but not everyone sees two wrongs here. 
  • Originally posted by Gdemami Justification would require some reasoning which you failed to deliver. Although I respect it as your opinion, despite it is no more than baseless belief. Believe what you want to believe.  Plenty of people can see …
  • I can justify it just fine, you have a different opinion.  The only thing I have difficulty understanding is how people are surprised by this. 
  • Dunno what to tell you.  We all knew to avoid it, others apparantly didn't.  The correct course of action is now evident. 
  • Originally posted by Gdemami It would be an exploit if only certain individuals, under certain circumstances due certain mechanics not working as intended were enriching themselves but that isn't the case. That is completely false.  Using a dup…
  • I'm pretty sure Paypal offers some kind of deal that you pay directly through them with a credit card, and not have to have an account with a balance.  I don't know if that's acceptable to you, but I know corpmates who have done it and it seemed pre…
  • Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think so Dol.  They have added Moneybrokers as a second option, but afaik that and Paypal are still the only choices. 
  • Originally posted by ElendilasX To that "carebear" remark I didnt understand it, do you call me carebear? If so, sorry but you wrong. Played plenty of sandboxes with open pvp and enjoyed them.   Oh no, I don’t ever throw names like careb…
  • I don’t quite get some of your remarks in regards to mining.  Did switching from Ark to Bist give you the feeling that the routine was changing up?  I prefer the PO way, as I know where to find what it is that I need.    Your perception that…
  • I'm out on beta every night, and there's not been any real shortage of PvP.  For a variety of reasons it's not always the best PvP, but there has been plenty.  The French alliance has been particularly active the past few days.