I'm Rick from the Netherlands,
Gaming became a big part of my life around 1998.
I started out as TBS/RTS mainly focussing on AoE/C&C and CIV, I pushed myself into RPGs around 2000 with TES and LoZ and got into MMO's in 2001 with RS classic. I've played/beta tested about every MMO out there.
i got pulled into FPS in 2003 by friends, starting of with WE:ET and MoH:AA and now mainly CoD/BF and the latest FPS/TPS MMO's.
I've seen it all and played it all, I have knowledge and skills in all genres and platforms, I play radically different than most players because of it. Never play to win, just have fun and aid others.
I'm mainly known as:
The Rocket (MoH/CoD series)
TheM4trix (FPS/old skool MMO)
ShadowzTear (older MMO/RPG)
|NL|Rikkert (most recent)
Odai Tel Aruhn (MMO/RPG)
If you see me in-game, feel free to ask me anything or team up with me.