My name is Arron. I go to school in costa mesa, at a jc. Im an avid player of video/computer games of all sorts. I like anime, dungeons and dragons 2nd ed not 3rd, Exalted, Jakie Chan movies, Chow Yun Phat movies(even the much over hyped crouching tiger hidden Dragon), Foo fighters, Nirvana, Chevelle, Tool, APC, Norah Jones, Sara Mclaughlin, The Simpsons, Family Guy, Futurama, ... joe millionare... It was an accadent it came on after the simpsons one night and i watched it... any way on with the list, Hopkido, Kempo/Kaji-Kempo, Shoto Kahn, Shito Ryu, Wing Chun and Kuk Sool. that pretty much covers it OH and the Crow love the crow..