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Im looking for a game with these qualities.

Im looking for a game that has many races to choose from, is a MMORPG, not text-based, good graphics, and has great character customization and alot of races to choose from.Free would be nice but im willing to pay a small monthly fee for EXTRAS, not to play though.I just quit runescape at lvl 94 with awesome stats, and Im playing Rakion now.Anyone have any ideas?


  • GameloadingGameloading Member UncommonPosts: 14,182
    doesn't exist. not for that price, that is.

  • skulldreyskulldrey Member Posts: 4
    Graphics as good as rakion?Cause its free and it has awesome graphics.Would Silkroad be good?
  • skulldreyskulldrey Member Posts: 4
    P.S. I love Suikoden4
  • Squall15Squall15 Member Posts: 454
    Try Minions of Mirth, free, but u can buy the extras ( $30 i think? U buy, then u have it 4 life ) seems kinda like everquest, and each update brings TONS of stuff.
  • AelfinnAelfinn Member Posts: 3,857

    Anarchy Online's graphics are dated, but still good. It easily fits all other requirements, and the basic version of the game (with content up to level 200) is free

    There are 48 different possible race/class combinations, and not one is gimped. Some combos will be harder to work with than others though. You can put points in any skill at any time, there is no predetermined path to follow. Along with the thousands of equipment options, you've got a hell of a lot of customization.

    Although its significantly different genetically modified versions of the human race you choose from as apposed to different species, I suppose the Atroxes might technically be a different species since they cant produce viable offspring... (they're unisex, with no method of reproduction outside of a lab)

    As to your comment on the monthly fees, pretty much everyone that charges a fee goes with the standard 15 a month, unless some kind of deal is in place.

    No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.

  • skulldreyskulldrey Member Posts: 4
    thanks guys, i think im gunna try out minions of mirth.Sounds like a fair price if u only have to pay one time.
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