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Go ahead, delete this post too.
So nobody is allowed to call another person stupid, even if it is in response to a flame?
Let's see: Other people are allowed to attack me, but I am not allowed to attack them back?
I guess they must be paying you 4$/hr, or nothing, in which case you have every right to be angry. It's just ironic how lately people have been getting banned for things that the mods would have overlooked earlier.
If there is a place for feedback, then I apologize for bitching about your incompetence here in the forum.
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
Hell yes
I concur
I agree
It's true, they've done studies
EVE rocks, all other games kick you in the testicles and give you cancer!!!
MMORPG=Mostly men online roleplaying girls
Flamers are only around because there are enough idiots to respond to them.
Thanks for the vote of confidence
You know the REALLY funny part ?
This is the second "noob mods" thread I have seen, both posted by people with an axe to grind over a warning or ban....... and here is the kicker....
They were BOTH warned or banned by senior staff not the so called "noob mods"
The irony is enough to help me get over the insults

"MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol"
"Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
What's your Wu Name?
Donovan --> Wu Name = Violent Knight
Methane47 --> Wu Name = Thunderous Leader
"Some people call me the walking plank, 'cuz any where you go... Death is right behind you.."
i dont think its as much as problem with the mods in general.
i think the rules of conduct need to be rewritten, the difference between off topic and spam redefined more clearly in the RoC, and be more clear on things like multiple accounts, and things that are somewhat of issues now and werent as much in the past.
we also need new definitions of hate related offenses, such as the difference between saying "It is stupid that emo kids cut themselves" which is said a lot and "i hate emo kids"
we also could use a defined set of how many warnings/offenses consitutes what amount of ban.
basically what im saying is the population has outgrown the system and we need more definition to it.
we have grown too much for the "mods know the members, how bad they are, and what punishment they deserve" which is what happened in the past.
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
You make some good points Verg
Please bear with me on this post because being a "noob" Im not certain where the line is with what I can and cant say on this topic so I will play it safe.
For my part I do pretty much what you said. I have been around for a few years now and I know most of you and your posting styles pretty well. Id say on average I would dismiss more reports than I act upon because I can tell from the poster and what they say if they are joking etc (most of the time).
However now and then we are faced with blatent breaches of the rules, by expereienced posters and we are left with no choice but to enforce the guidelines currently in place.
What I would suggest you do if your not happy with the current RoC structure, or how it is implemented, would be to email Stradden about it. He is an extremely approachable and sensible person. He will give your ideas a hearing and explain to you why or why not things are as they are. Im sure he would welcome any suggestions for improvement.
On the general subject of the performance of the new mods. Again for my part I have tried VERY hard to NOT wave the "ban stick" and issue warnings willy nilly. I certainly didnt want to be tagged as "powermad" and despite the fact that I have gone about this in a very slow and considered way it seems people are quick to jump to conclusions about who took action against them. All I can say for the other new mods is this. If you knew the truth, you would be embarressed about tagging them as heavy handed and reactive. Thats all Im saying.

"MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol"
"Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
And razorbacks posts was really insightful and informative which is nice.
And razorbacks posts was really insightful and informative which is nice.
Shut up! You wanna take this to the argument forum noob? Let's go, I'll argue the crap out of you and my post won't get deleted!
See, doesn't this make things better?
well what got me to thinking about this is the fact that when i got both my bans it said "you have had multiple warnings before"
im sitting there going ok, so were really counting warnings i recieved 2 years ago like a prior felony conviction, when you consider ive recieved not counting my two bans like 4 or 5 warnings at most over like 3 years that is an entirely ridiculous philosophy.
especially considering that as far as most of the older members are concerned things are totally different now, back when i first started posting so much would fly, that now would be a near instantaneous ban. Look at murt and kiamde as examples. or just look at the off topic does not mean spam thread, or early sig thread.
so i really think a change in policy should come with a clean start.
because these forums are changing and it is without an notice, or written change in policy with very clear changes.
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
I just took a major dump. I guess it helps if people take dumps on this forum once in a while to lighten their load.
As long as no one breaks any rules, let people bitch and complain all they want. Doesn't hurt anyone.
First of all, the rules of conduct is fine here (trust me...I read the thing over 2 million times as a former MOD and I based it for all of my decisions). When you call someone stupid and if it gets reported, it is an offense that will more than likely get your thread deleted and a warning.
The reason why you think everyone is picking on you is because no one else really comes out in public and get upset about how they got warned. The best people on these forums have been warned one time or anotherso don't worry about it.
Also, the reason why some threads where people call other people stupid are not deleted is because they simply have not been reported. You have to think about this. You have about ten Moderators here and about 280K members. Do you have any concept of how many posts are created at any given time? It's literally impossible to get them all unless they have been reported.
Finally and most importantly, the Moderators here are pretty much doing all of this work for free with no perks (once they become Moderators they are not allowed to participate in any contests, in essence, they have less perks than you do). So let's give them slack for crying out loud. They're busting their asses to keep this site stable and mature. Let's thank them for once rather than moaning and groaning because you got a warning for calling someone stupid.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
Man Enigma's on fire with that post. Whenever the mods post here you can tell they're trying to be precausious about their decisions- it's not like they wanna piss people off, no one wants to read a thread like this about a decision they made, but alas you can't please everyone.
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
I have to agree with the OP on this.
I think the mods are listening to much to the ppl that report instead of knowing an issue. I too have been attacked on several accounts.
Even had someone attack my country and people, sadly for me Im not from USA so my feelings are not listened to when I reported 6 comments in the same topic and his posts remain. But once someone attacks USA then the topic is locked and the posts deleted....

There are even users here that follow spesific users and allways troll and insult. Nothing is done there as well, no matter how often you report. They say Harrasment is not allowed, but they dont enforce it. So I insult back, and I get my post deleted, and I am guessing because the person had more posts then me so he/she/it must be more reliabul?
Nah, these forums are a joke and the devs/mods. Sadly we have to put up to it because there really is no other mmorpg community.
It all depends on who did it. If actions by mods were ever listed, a person would be able to see....well everything. Showing what mod did what is somthing that would actually strengthen the community in a way if you think about it.
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
Thats one hell of a good idea!
The chance that the devs will do this? Not in our life time I think. They are just as senitive to criticism as we posters are, but they can hide behind the mask of power. Once we know who is doing what, I think a riot might break out. Soon there will be topics about that spesific mod.
But I have to say that would deffently strengthen the community, and make the mods more aware over what they are doing, instead of just shruging there shoulders on complaints.
You're stinky.

"Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb." -- Batman
And who are u to say all that?