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Git-R-Done is way overused

NeptusNeptus Member UncommonPosts: 988

Ok, I know that guy has fans, and other people.
But common...Quit Saying That Stupid Quote.

I was in Wal-Mart (weird I work at wal-mart and yet I'm there on my days off...) and I see this fat lady walking down the aile with a pink hat on her head. The hat surprisingly says Git-R-Done. For some reason I make a fist and I had the biggest urge to punch her in the face.
It was so weird.
Then for like two hours after that I kept thinking about wanting to hit people in the face for saying that retarded quote.

Neptus - FFXI - Pandemonium
Neptus - WoW - Detheroc


  • XeximaXexima Member UncommonPosts: 2,698
    I hate larry the cable guy, he isn't funny, he is stupid.
  • Vertex1980Vertex1980 Member Posts: 951
    I agree, he really isn't funny.  He's just a stupid fat ass redneck who people think it's funny.

  • kel11kel11 Member Posts: 1,089
    I find him funny.  

    Change my mind so much I can't even trust it
    My mind change me so much I can't even trust myself

  • DyrttDyrtt Member Posts: 422
    I agree.  The only thing more annoying than celebrities with stupid catch phrases are the people that spout them off and think that they're funny.  I used to have a boss that ended every memo and email with 'Git-R-Dun!'  Even though he was a nice guy it made it hard not to hate him. 

    btw, it sounds like you have some anger issues. 

  • NeptusNeptus Member UncommonPosts: 988

    Originally posted by Dyrtt
    I agree. The only thing more annoying than celebrities with stupid catch phrases are the people that spout them off and think that they're funny. I used to have a boss that ended every memo and email with 'Git-R-Dun!' Even though he was a nice guy it made it hard not to hate him. btw, it sounds like you have some anger issues.

    Haha, actually less than you think. For some reason I unleashed a beast that was inside me for a mere moment.
    It was just...., Crazy.

    Neptus - FFXI - Pandemonium
    Neptus - WoW - Detheroc

  • hazmatshazmats Member Posts: 1,081

    I find him funny.

    Git-R-Done co-cheese

  • SpathotanSpathotan Member Posts: 3,928

    Originally posted by Vertex1980
    I agree, he really isn't funny.  He's just a stupid fat ass redneck who people think it's funny.

    Thats why people think he is funny. He is sucking on the tit of american stereotyping.

    "There's no star system Slave I can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the Galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now."
    — Boba Fett

  • SnaKeySnaKey Member Posts: 3,386

    First off let me say... Click my info and tell me that I'm not sick of hearing it.

    Secondly, I never thought it was funny.Whenever I watched him, he would just say it at inapropriate times.

    "My wife was telling me that i had to wash dishes. I told her to screw off.

    "My wife bought a cat, he's annoying as hell

    Stupid catch phrase that makes no sense.
    A Work in Progress.
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  • destroyerdibdestroyerdib Member Posts: 23
    i would have to agree with the violence method whenever yopu see someone with git-r-done on there clothing or some one saying it i think you should beat the shit out of whoever it is then that might stop the overly used phrase!
  • qotsaqotsa Member UncommonPosts: 835

    Originally posted by Neptus

    Ok, I know that guy has fans, and other people.
    But common...Quit Saying That Stupid Quote.
    I was in Wal-Mart (weird I work at wal-mart and yet I'm there on my days off...) and I see this fat lady walking down the aile with a pink hat on her head. The hat surprisingly says Git-R-Done. For some reason I make a fist and I had the biggest urge to punch her in the face.
    It was so weird.
    Then for like two hours after that I kept thinking about wanting to hit people in the face for saying that retarded quote.

    Riiight...Here's your sign.
  • opeth313xopeth313x Member Posts: 234
    Just for a thread like this, I think I'm going to make Git-R-Done my new quote.


  • albinofreakalbinofreak Member Posts: 449

    Larry the Cable guy is a piece of trash who isnt funny at all. All the Blue Collar dudes are shitty comedians but Larry the Cable Guy is definitely the worst. I dont get how people can watch him when there are so many other better comedians out there, most of whom actually use their brains and come up with some degree of wit for their jokes.

    Plus, what the hell is with that movie he just put out? Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector. Does that make sense to anyone? You cant be both a cable guy and a health inspector. Piece of trash.

  • Rikimaru_XRikimaru_X Member UncommonPosts: 11,718
    Humm. "Git-R-Done" is just like saying "That's Hot". That is how Larry makes his money from his merchandise. I don't use the term though. Stop being so angry over a word bro.

    -In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-

  • kimosabekimosabe Member Posts: 516

    While I agree that Larry the Cable Guy (LCG) is not all that funny, he is a brilliant comedian in the fact that he has played off Foxworthy's redneck material as his own whole character (not to say he is taking credit for it). This strategy takes Average Joe's interest in Foxworthy's jokes to pull in an already laugh-willing crowd. Now, LCG may be a white collar citizen who saw this and used it to his advantage, or noticed that this was an opportunity to base his career off of his own life. Seeing as his crowds already love the novel idea of redneck uncivilization, he doesn't need to come up with any spectacular jokes to please his fans. This lack of signature style, however, led him to his overused (and misused just for the sake of saying it) catch phrase. I won't even type it because I am the kind of person (obsessive compulsive) who can't stand that horrid misuse of language. Unfortunately, I also have an unbearable urge to wreak havoc (verbal or physical) on any target that has the misfortune to utter that phrase within earshot. (Please do not confuse my ranting with a hatred of LCG, I do not enjoy his comedy, but admire him for his brilliant, if accidental, career move)

    This fanaticism that led to his multi-million dollar catchphrase and rendered it one of the newest cliches, has allowed LCG the kind of star status that he could sell out theatre after theatre by simply uttering this claim to fame, and it makes me sick.

    Je mettrai l'amour sur dos de moi.

  • fizzle322fizzle322 Member Posts: 723
    Moderator delete this thread please.


  • InflictionInfliction Member Posts: 1,115
    Lucky for me I dont live in the south. I rarely hear that one anywhere but on TV. What I personally can't stand is hearing whatever lameass made up word that a rapper came up with is hot for any given day.


  • MunkaMunka Member UncommonPosts: 252

    You know what, I'm from the south and I talk with a drawl, say the odd slang terms you all hate so much, and I'm freakin proud of it. I still keep an open mind to peoples tastes, opinions, and do my damnedest to not comes across as a complete jack-ass. I hate racism, sterotyping, I'm better than you grade school bullshit, narrow minded people that think their taste is the best thing next to nacho's and the word NOOB, Newbie, nub, etc.. I find it insulting, degrading, and just plain stupid.

    Get'er-done! = the correct way of saying it.

  • NeptusNeptus Member UncommonPosts: 988

    Originally posted by Munka
    You know what, I'm from the south and I talk with a drawl, say the odd slang terms you all hate so much, and I'm freakin proud of it. I still keep an open mind to peoples tastes, opinions, and do my damnedest to not comes across as a complete jack-ass. I hate racism, sterotyping, I'm better than you grade school bullshit, narrow minded people that think their taste is the best thing next to nacho's and the word NOOB, Newbie, nub, etc.. I find it insulting, degrading, and just plain stupid.Get'er-done! = the correct way of saying it.


    To let you know....

    Larry the Cable Guy is from Nebraska so your proudness of him being Southern, well that's just been pissed on.

    Neptus - FFXI - Pandemonium
    Neptus - WoW - Detheroc

  • MarleVVLLMarleVVLL Member UncommonPosts: 907

    MMO migrant.

  • viadiviadi Member Posts: 816
    what is this Git-R-Done?

    Tin Foil hats dont work.. its all a conspiracy

  • DyrttDyrtt Member Posts: 422

    Originally posted by Munka

    You know what, I'm from the south and I talk with a drawl, say the odd slang terms you all hate so much, and I'm freakin proud of it. I still keep an open mind to peoples tastes, opinions, and do my damnedest to not comes across as a complete jack-ass. I hate racism, sterotyping, I'm better than you grade school bullshit, narrow minded people that think their taste is the best thing next to nacho's and the word NOOB, Newbie, nub, etc.. I find it insulting, degrading, and just plain stupid.
    Get'er-done! = the correct way of saying it.

    I'm also from the South, speak with a Southern accent, and am proud of where I come from.  In fact, most of my families necks are so red you can feel the heat coming off of them.  They're also some of the best people you could hope to meet.  I don't hate Larry the Cable Guy.  I'm just irritated by him because of that goofy catch phrase.  Catch phrases are for people who aren't talented enough to fill an entire set with origional material.  Hell, I think his show would be pretty amusing if he would just cut out all the 'Git-R-Duns'.  It would also be about a minute and a half long.  And if you're so put off by stereotypes then this guy should really piss you off.
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