Chris Paolini, the "kid," is two years your junior.
"Just because your voice reaches halfway around the world doesn't mean you are wiser than when it reached only to the end of the bar." - Edward R. Murrow
Apparently he is two years my senior according to wikipedia. But he was still between 15-18 or 19 when he wrote the book and his current age doesn't make any difference.
Harry Potter has good books. A lot of people bash em because it's Harry Potter, but if you actually read the first few books, they are great. Once the movies started to come out, the books started to change (knowning it will be turned into a movie) and got worse.
Well, I'll give a half vote to Harry Potter for at least having an original environment, and an easy-to-read story. Beyond that, Eragon is a re-hash of every fantasy storyline, and had it been written by an adult would have sold half the copies. How does this same cliche shit keep getting published over and over? Damn you people, stop buying Robert Jordan so these people will stop writing the same old thing.
Originally posted by kel11 I don't read kid books.
It's good to be well rounded in reading, just like in everything else. I read the horse and his boy by cs lewis, then went and read Fountainhead by Ayn rand, and there is nothing kiddy about that book.
Originally posted by Vertex1980 Harry Potter has good books. A lot of people bash em because it's Harry Potter, but if you actually read the first few books, they are great. Once the movies started to come out, the books started to change (knowning it will be turned into a movie) and got worse. WTG Hollywood.
i know what you mean i mean the 4th book rock but when the 6th book came out dumbldore died
Originally posted by slish Originally posted by Vertex1980 Harry Potter has good books. A lot of people bash em because it's Harry Potter, but if you actually read the first few books, they are great. Once the movies started to come out, the books started to change (knowning it will be turned into a movie) and got worse. WTG Hollywood.
i know what you mean i mean the 4th book rock but when the 6th book came out dumbldore died Please don't ruin it for people who haven't read the books.
i dont know what eragon is but ive read harry potter and the other book but harry potter would win be cause of magic and thats really all whats hes got on the other ones
I heard Eragon is weak and very very cliche. I thumbed through it in a bookstore and it was very obvious a kid wrote it.
I picked up the first book for exactly that reason. I had heard over and over again how amazing it was that a kid wrote the books. Once i started reading I just assumed that I had misunderstood people. I guess they were just amazed that the kid had gotten his work published so early, I thought they meant that it was amazing that a kid wrote something that good.
"Just because your voice reaches halfway around the world doesn't mean you are wiser than when it reached only to the end of the bar."
- Edward R. Murrow
Apparently he is two years my senior according to wikipedia. But he was still between 15-18 or 19 when he wrote the book and his current age doesn't make any difference.
Artimas Fowl would be my choice of the three.
Harry Potter has good books. A lot of people bash em because it's Harry Potter, but if you actually read the first few books, they are great. Once the movies started to come out, the books started to change (knowning it will be turned into a movie) and got worse.
WTG Hollywood.
None of the above.
Well, I'll give a half vote to Harry Potter for at least having an original environment, and an easy-to-read story. Beyond that, Eragon is a re-hash of every fantasy storyline, and had it been written by an adult would have sold half the copies. How does this same cliche shit keep getting published over and over? Damn you people, stop buying Robert Jordan so these people will stop writing the same old thing.
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Plus they are making movies out of all three. Eragon comes out December 15th!!! :d
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Hmm, I'd go with none
Although, for the worst out of that, Artimis Fowl Was one of the worst books I ever read.
I like Clancy (Executive Orders), Cricton(Sp) (Not sure, But I'll go with Jurrasic Parl), And Herbert (Dune FTW)
We barely remember who or what came before this precious moment;
We are choosing to be here right now -Tool, Parabola
Please don't ruin it for people who haven't read the books.
I got two Words for you
You're actually wrong. The first few books were written very well. And the movies are actually top quality and with good actors.
some of the actors played were good in the moive, but i don't like harry potter anyway
I got two Words for you
I got two Words for you
I got two Words for you
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
Sir Blasts Alot
It's better be hated for who you are, than loved for who you aren't.

PLS i want eragon mmorpg

I picked up the first book for exactly that reason. I had heard over and over again how amazing it was that a kid wrote the books. Once i started reading I just assumed that I had misunderstood people. I guess they were just amazed that the kid had gotten his work published so early, I thought they meant that it was amazing that a kid wrote something that good.
Which it isn't.
Good that is.