People for some reason compare this game to ragnarok, and i suppose those were the 2 games i always played. I think FlyFF is better than Ragnarok though for its FLYING and because it's 3D and good for slower computers. The lag though is a little tremendous as a lot of people play it. The GMs should really add more sub-servers. Ragnarok seems better because of more classes, though you can be any class to open up a shop on FlyFF. And you can actually level skills by using them, not just use skill points. For a pay game vs free game, FlyFF takes the cake!
Flyff all the way! I just love it! I am a big Flyff fanatic!
*Honey wheres my Flyff T-shirt?*
*In the shrine, ready for todays The Flyff adoring ritual*
*Ok! Thanks honey*