I have seen this debate all over the internet for quite some time now. I thought I would drop it on here and see the results. Keep in mind that ninjas were operating in the same time period as pirates. Lets say its the 18th century and both had a wide array of weaponary. In my honast opinion what it would really come down to is training and experience. Who would dominate in a melee fight? Lets say 30 ninjas versus 30 pirates.
I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
Im bringin sexy back.
Im bringin sexy back.
...and then the acid wore off and you realized that you were stuck under a rack of clothes at Hot Topic
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
albinofreak im sorry but pirates are just so much cooler than ninjas, its just fact, cant deny it. Plus if they were to fight pirates would give the ninjas a new asshole or if they were feeling kind just kill them on the spot. And when pirates party the parties are huge and fun, with ninjas, well ive never seen a ninja party or have fun so their lives must be really dull. And yes pirates were cool even before pirates of the caribean.
Ninjas were cruel people by nature, who trained in select locations under the cover of darkness so that they wouldn't exploit their identities. Ninjas were hated and feared by all, even the samari were affraid. They had no codes of honor, and no loyalities. They would use any means available to kill their target, even in their sleep. It was a violation of their training to let their enemy get the drop on them. So the idea of sneaking up on them at their camp is gone.
Pirates were raiders, plain and simple. They mainly targeted unarmed targets to maintain control and keep the upperhand. If something looked to risky they would go for another target that was less of an endangerment. Pirates also had their own codes of honor. Even the famous Black Beard had codes of honor. He would rather take prisoners than kill everyone. So the idea of savage blood thirsty pirates is gone.
So who really has the advantage? I say ninjas. Ninjas are trained to go into any situation and take out their enemy when they have the greatest advantage. They will not attack enless they are absolutley sure they will win. Ninjas were trained as moral less assassines since birth. Thats all they know is killing. They had as many weapons available as a pirate did, yes even muskeets. Didn't know that one did you? Pirates may look all flashy and rough in the movies but realistically they were no more as dangerous than your modern day car jacker.
I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
Ninja's win hands down.
Ninja's: skilled in various martial arts, weapons, use stealth to their advantage, and are just bad ass all around.
Pirates: a bunch of drunken idiots, usually missing limbs and eyes, prefer to spend long periods of time on a boat with nothing else but men, kind of sounds like the navy.
I have seen Chuck Norris kick ninja but in "the Octagon", but I have yet to see him whip ass on a band of pirates. I think that is the true test.
I shoot for the curve... anything above that is gravy.
This comparison isn't fare, Chuck Norris pwns all.
Also if you look back into history the reason why you see so many pirates missing legs, arms, eyes and whatnot is because of Chuck Norris. It's the only way it can possibly be explained.
ninja is about martial art, pirate is about hit and hack and slash?
Which FF Character Are You?
ninjas would win because the have stealth on there side and pirates are stupid so they wouldnt see the ninjas and the ninjas would assasinate the pirates!!!!!!!
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
Sir Blasts Alot
Ninjas got stealth
Ninjas got moves
Ninjas wear black
Ninjas have cool swords that can cut through any other one
Ninjas speak a cool language
Ninjas wear masks
Ninjas go after SWEET chinese treasure
Pirates just got boats and guns and have aids
I wholeheartedly agree! I could not respond the first time I read it because I was laughing too hard!
10/10 Style
10/10 Deg. Of Difficulty
10/10 Execution
I shoot for the curve... anything above that is gravy.
Everyone always says that pirates were just a bunch of useless drunks, but it was not so! I saw a show on the History channel, and there was this pirate that didn't drink at all. His names was something Richards, and he took down more ships than any other pirate ever to sail the seas. He even took down a french galleon once! ...Shortly thereafter, though, all his men drunk themselves into a stupor were sitting ducks when the English galleon arrived. He just stood on a cannon and let them shoot him so that he would not be taken. Once he was dead, his crew hurredly wrapped him in a sheet and tossed him into the sea...
Ok, so maybe this doesn't go far to say they weren't drunks, but... the best one wasn't.
Also, the Pirates aren't as gay as some people seem to love insisting. Sure there weren't often women on the boat(There were two famous female pirates, but I don't remember their names. One died in prison, the other's father smuggled her out. Well, that's what people think, since there were records of her being put in jail, but there were none of the execution that was supposed to happen.), but they did land, ya know.
Independant, Shinto, Lesbian, and Proud!

I shoot for the curve... anything above that is gravy.
For you Soul Calibur players, think: Taki vs. Cervantes.
Hmmm . . . If you think about it, Cervantes is pretty badass. But, Taki has true skills also.
Oh well, I like ninjas better, so, NINJA!
This siggy is CGI that my cousin made in 4 hours.
Hmm, I had scientific Proof that Pirates>Ninjas in the last thread, but I can't seem to fing the thread to copy/paste it. So here is the proof as best as I can remember it.
Alright, So lets say that in combat, Pirates and Ninjas are pretty even. What Pirates lack in steath they make up for in ruthlessness. After a couple of battles, neither the Pirates or the Ninjas would seem to be ahead.
So, as to break the stalemate and save lives, the Pirate Cap'n challenges the Ninja leader to a one on one match, like they always do in the movies.
They meet in the predetermined place, and while the Ninja pulls out a Sword and expects the Cap'n to do the same, the Cap'n sets up a table, has some of his men roll a couple of kegs up next to it, and pours two glasses. Its a drinking competition. We all know who would win in a Rum-Drinking Competition.
The End, Pirates Win.
We barely remember who or what came before this precious moment;
We are choosing to be here right now -Tool, Parabola
True, but it doesn't really explain who would win in combat.
As in the OP, it asked who would win in a melee fight.
In the Rum-Drinking Competition, ninjas are so stealthy that it looks like their drinking the rum, but they're actually not.
This siggy is CGI that my cousin made in 4 hours.
True, but it doesn't really explain who would win in combat.
As in the OP, it asked who would win in a melee fight.
In the Rum-Drinking Competition, ninjas are so stealthy that it looks like their drinking the rum, but they're actually not.
I was just saying, that in a war, Pirates would win. I guess there was that hypothetical question at the beginning, but hey, who even reads OPs nowadays?
We barely remember who or what came before this precious moment;
We are choosing to be here right now -Tool, Parabola
True, but it doesn't really explain who would win in combat.
As in the OP, it asked who would win in a melee fight.
In the Rum-Drinking Competition, ninjas are so stealthy that it looks like their drinking the rum, but they're actually not.
I was just saying, that in a war, Pirates would win. I guess there was that hypothetical question at the beginning, but hey, who even reads OPs nowadays?
How does a pirate beat something he cannot see?

True, but it doesn't really explain who would win in combat.
As in the OP, it asked who would win in a melee fight.
In the Rum-Drinking Competition, ninjas are so stealthy that it looks like their drinking the rum, but they're actually not.
I was just saying, that in a war, Pirates would win. I guess there was that hypothetical question at the beginning, but hey, who even reads OPs nowadays?
*Raises hand*
This siggy is CGI that my cousin made in 4 hours.