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In game hour will be real life hour. Meaning if you can only play 7pm to 10pm EST everyday, then you're pretty much never going to see the sun in this game.
The DEVs want this but I think it is rather a horrid system
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
Yuck....nope I dont like that idea at all. Where did you read this?? Do you have a link please?
Would be a big shame, especially as the night-to-day and day-to-night effects in WoW are so good.
Rizean of Iseult 50 SM/RR3/L6
Pomho of Iseult 50 Healer/RR2/ML6
Koah of Iseult 46 Shaman
Moge of Iseult 50 Warrior/RR2/ML2
Rizean of Iseult 50 SM/RR3/ML6
Pomho of Iseult 50 Healer/RR2/ML6
Koah of Iseult 46 Shaman
Moge of Iseult 50 Warrior/RR2/ML2
*nods* true...I hadnt even begun to think about that aspect of it !
What about the night elves?? I am sure I remember in Warcraft that the night elves had some skills that could only be used at night. Would be annoying having a skill that you could only use every 12 hours.
Will stealth be easier at night for instance...could make playing a rogue a little more awkward if you have to wait hours to be able to stealth properly.
Hmm..mind you..I suppose most people would be playing in the evenings/ in fact the problem would be the opposite I guess, never seeing the sun. Erk...imagine playing a game day in and day out where everytime you play its dark. Hell, I remember all the complaints in Midgard Daoc because it was eternally raining hehehe, in the end they toned down how often it rained..but playing in the dark all the time. That could get pretty annoying
I've never seen it say this before. Please give the link.
If it is true, that really stinks. Not being able to see the world in the light because you always play at night would really suck. Why would you make a 24hour world cycle if people will only be playing maybe 3 hours a day. I think that this is a really horible idea, and i hope that they change it before release.
Here's your link...
Its on the 5th post down.
Remember though that the 24hr cycle is subject to change in beta.
I dont think there is enough information here to determine a day/night cycle. I've never played a WC before, are there multiple suns/moons ? I can't believe they would be stupid enough to run a real-time coinciding schedule.
A fronte precipitium a tergo lupi
Requiiem, Templar
Well, according to WOW's only Moderator (lol, they need more as half the forums are filled with flames and trolls), they will literally have a 24 hour time span unless they dont like it in Beta.
Also, Katricia said that if it takes two hours to bake bread for crafting, then it will iterally take 2 hours.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
The Ultimate MMORPG exspert
The Ultimate MMORPG exspert
I bet you 50$ they change this.
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That quote is straight off the WoW FAQ, and like I said, there isnt enough info to determine shyte. . .
A fronte precipitium a tergo lupi
Requiiem, Templar
It's all a test you morons, no need to get all ****** up for that.
They said that they would try it out in the beta, and if it didn't work out well, then they would change it...
Two words: Time Zones.
1st off to all you ppl still thinking the Nevles ability to vanish will only work at night, this isn't WC3, this is WOW, based on the world of War Craft. They've already said that each races powers work at anytime of day.
2nd, that post about the day-night cycle, they've said repeatedly that they're constantly messing with it, and they only had it that way when the post was made. There's no doubt in my mind that it will change soon as the game hits beta. Reason being, if it is a 24 hour cycle, wait until all those beta testers start complaining about quests they can't do becuase Blizz has already said there will be things that happen only at night, and things that happen only during the day.
3rd, time zones don't mean shyte. I'm Pacific time zone for example, and obviously I'd want to play on a Pacific server for the best connection, and to play with people closer to my State. Problem with that is I still do most of my gaming after 9pm. I don't want to play on a Europeon or Korean server just to see the fricking sun in game. So I highly doubt they will have a 24 hour cycle. Too many problems with it, and what benefit would it give? More realism? There's fricking gnomes riding around on rams, and orcs flying on bats... It's fantasy so they have no reason to make it a 24 hour cycle. The only relevance I'd like to see, is something other mmorpg's have done, and that's reflect the season it is in game. So that in some reason where you might normaly not see snow, soon as December rolls around, there's so there in the game. 24 hour cycle though? eww. But don't worry, it WON'T be there when the game's released, doubt that'll even last long if at all in beta.
"With every post, I lose just a little bit more of my sanity." -Dracius
Im pretty sure they will change it.
They have stated several times that there will be some quests only spawining at precise times so if they make a real 24h cycle some of us that cant play more than 2-5 hours/day would miss most of those spawns.
Never seen anyone quote themselves before, especialy without even adding anything.
"With every post, I lose just a little bit more of my sanity." -Dracius
Ok I realize I"m probably the only one on this, but I want them to keep it. Before I found out that WOW is schedualed to adopt this interface, I had it listed on my... well list of things I wish to see in a mmorpg.
I do realize being a person who was once contricted to playing only during the hours of 2-6am that playing in total darkness all the time could, and probably will get old. However if I could end my gaming experance with the sun comming up on Azeroth, as it does outside my window, then it's all worth it. Besides you have to look at the positives here! Maybe Blizzard is just trying to give lazy gamers an excusse to get out of bed before 2 in the afternoon. It may not be a large step, but at least it's a step and who knows where that might leed: Bathing, Physical activity... Dare I say Girl Friends!!!
Most likely they're going to change it, but it would be a real pitty to loose the system entirly. The should at least keep a few servers around still devoted to the idea, for people like me who are willing to play during all hours of the day.
Some things you seem to be missing:
1) Some NPCs that are part of specific quests only spawns at precise times (like sunset, morning, ...) if you are not able to play the 24h you will miss those spawns so ... you will not be able to complete some quests. This has been stated by Devs on interviews.
2) Some ppl have a life outside games, yeah sounds incredible, i know, but its true, some of us have a work, a wife, kids, .. things that need our attention and are "a bit" more important than games. That "force ppl to get up earlier" statement .... ppl plays when can and want and a game should not "force" ppl to interfere in his real life.
3) Forcing games to have same time speed than real life means devs are forced to deform the time needed to do some things, ie: the final process of crafting a sword in real life should take .. lets say 2 or 3 hours in accelerated time it can be kept more real, but if you do not accelerate time you have 2 options, trash the reality and make them be crafted in seconds or ruin the game making ppl hammer the sword for hours. This sword thing is just an example to explain my point of view:
Like Blizzard has stated MMORPGs are not social experiments from Devs teams, are just games, fun stuf to make us rest our mind when we come back home from work, to evade from real life for just a few mins or hours. In order to do that a game must be MAINLY FUN, "forcing" ppl to get tied for more time than they can to the game is a bad step, its just not a good idea.
Im sure Devs will see that and change it, there is nothing wrong on changing own mind, like we use to say at my country "Rectificar es de sabios"
Play today.
Die tomorrow.
Neodias, why are you replying to old topics and inserting random lame comments?
Its quite annoying.