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Pirates VS Ninjas



  • mithrandir72mithrandir72 Member Posts: 1,286

    Originally posted by Rikimaru_X

    Originally posted by ninja_omega
    Of course ninja's would win.Because pirates are stupid, and ninjas are very stealthy.Ninja's could sneak onto the boat(or boats)and poison their supply of food.duh
    He has a point. The ninja has the stratagy to poison food and booze to turn a pirate ship into a ghost ship. Nice point man.

    Ninjas wouldn't be able to get near the rum. Ninjas would have less than a chance of a snowball in the deepest depths of hell. Thats all that matters.

    At least the rum won't be gone.

    We barely remember who or what came before this precious moment;
    We are choosing to be here right now -Tool, Parabola

  • JodandoJodando Member Posts: 280
    Wow... It is like eerily even. 

  • Emoian_07Emoian_07 Member Posts: 183
    Pirates kick ninja @$$

    A toast to the pirates.


  • mithrandir72mithrandir72 Member Posts: 1,286

    Originally posted by Emoian_07
    Pirates kick ninja @$$

    A toast to the pirates.



    /chugs rum

    Pirates>Ninjas. End of discussion.

    Now, for another mug of Rum.

    /sways and wobbles toward the general direction of the Rum Barrels

    We barely remember who or what came before this precious moment;
    We are choosing to be here right now -Tool, Parabola

  • Emoian_07Emoian_07 Member Posts: 183
    When he reaches the rum barrels he finds a dead ninja.

    That Emoian_07 killed.

    Because Pirates.....Pwnulate....Ninjass

  • mithrandir72mithrandir72 Member Posts: 1,286

    Originally posted by Emoian_07
    When he reaches the rum barrels he finds a dead ninja.

    That Emoian_07 killed.

    Because Pirates.....Pwnulate....Ninjass

    Pwnulate........ I need to add that word to my daily Vocabulary.

    As for the Ninja........ no big deal, like said, its just a ninja. Nothing special. Keep up the good work.

    We barely remember who or what came before this precious moment;
    We are choosing to be here right now -Tool, Parabola

  • Emoian_07Emoian_07 Member Posts: 183
    Aye Aye, Sir!

  • mithrandir72mithrandir72 Member Posts: 1,286

    Originally posted by Emoian_07
    Aye Aye, Sir!

    Sir................. I like the sound of that.

    We barely remember who or what came before this precious moment;
    We are choosing to be here right now -Tool, Parabola

  • Rikimaru_XRikimaru_X Member UncommonPosts: 11,718
    We can't let these pirates win!

    -In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-

  • InflictionInfliction Member Posts: 1,115
    You guys gotta be kidding me . Jackie Chan ALONE could take out an entire shipload of pirates (he does his own stunts!). Ninjas would kill all the pirates before they could say "Ninja, Ho!". Nuff said.


  • KuzzleKuzzle Member Posts: 1,058
       It would be a long battle, but the Pirates would win. Look, I know everyone thinks Ninjas are awesome, but the fact remains, they weren't trained for war. They weren't even trained for full-on battles. They were assassins. Sure, they were rough, undisciplined, and, well, rather savage, but they knew how to win battles. Ninjas win fights, Pirates win battles. It's true, a Ninja could kick a Pirate's ass, but battles aren't the same. Even if they couldn't out-fight the Ninjas, they would win because of the tech they used, at the very least. Even if the Ninjas could hold them off, they still wouldn't "win". They could not destroy the Pirate forces, because the Pirates had the best boats of their time. They added sails and cannons, and got rid of all unnecessary weight. They were a good deal faster than anything the Ninjas had at their disposal, and this would allow the Pirates to regroup. The battle would be fought on them Pirates' terms, and the Ninjas would be on the defensive, and, quite frankly, cannons hurt.
  • Rikimaru_XRikimaru_X Member UncommonPosts: 11,718
    Ninjas are CO-OPS of japan, the war would have been already delt with before it happend. Kinda like Ghost Recon: Advanced Wars.

    -In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-

  • KuzzleKuzzle Member Posts: 1,058

    Originally posted by Rikimaru_X
    Ninjas are CO-OPS of japan, the war would have been already delt with before it happend. Kinda like Ghost Recon: Advanced Wars.

       This has been said many times... Personally, I don't believe it. There has to be a reason for the war to start, and I'm guessing the pirates would start it with a sneak attack in an attempted raid. (Sure, it's not their specialty, but they've done it before.) To the best of my knowledge, Japan's ports weren't particularly well defended. I know Japan had some skirmishes with China, but I doubt their ships could take fully equipt Pirate ships. And besides, we're talking Pirates vs. Ninjas, not Pirates vs. Japan. Now, I don't think Japan would've known about the attack prior to it's culmination, because they likely wouldn't have reason to suspect it. Especially if the Pirates weren't based locally.
  • Rikimaru_XRikimaru_X Member UncommonPosts: 11,718

    A raid on Japan? Not only that would deal with ninjas, but that would deal with the people of Japan, samurais, Japanese government, Japanese naval. A pirate wouldn't be able to handel that. Even if they did escape, a ninja has ways to send a becon to their location.

    Pirates < Japan

    -In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-

  • KuzzleKuzzle Member Posts: 1,058

    Originally posted by Rikimaru_X

    A raid on Japan? Not only that would deal with ninjas, but that would deal with the people of Japan, samurais, Japanese government, Japanese naval. A pirate wouldn't be able to handel that. Even if they did escape, a ninja has ways to send a becon to their location.
    Pirates < Japan

       Yeah, well, I was just speculating on how the war would start. Besides, Ninjas are all secret. How would a war with them start? It's not like the Pirates could just, like, raid their HQ, ya know? I guess the Pirates could destroy the fleet of a wealthy landowner, who would then get the Ninjas to kill the Pirates in their sleep, but that wouldn't be a war, that'd be a massacre, and that's not what the topic was about.
  • InflictionInfliction Member Posts: 1,115

    For those who doubt the power of the ninja...

     Real Ultimate Power!


  • OakieProbieOakieProbie Member Posts: 11
    Pirates, they are true men.

    ... however, the noblest of callings is a Lumberjack, by Maddox's word!

  • SlickinfinitSlickinfinit Member UncommonPosts: 1,094
    Well if a pirate ship landed on a a Japanese island while a group of Ninja's were training and the 2 groups met on an open field and bolth seem each other and were able to get battle ready the Ninja's would own the pirates. Pirates have guns,cannons and crazy drunk soldiers but Ninja's have guille, superior fighting skills, ninja stars, weopons I havnt even seen lol and they improvise for any enemy they have faced . If the Ninja's fought by boarding the pirate ship then that would also be a massacre so all around looks like doom for the pirates.

    {(RIP)} SWG

  • ShuleiShulei Member Posts: 26
    Pirates wear more interesting clothes.

    They also have their own upcoming MMO (

    Granado Espada : L`Aigle

  • KuzzleKuzzle Member Posts: 1,058

       Yeah, Ninjas would own in a close quarters fight. It all depends on who's strengths the battlefield played to. I still say the Pirates could blow the hell out of the Ninjas, then go mop up the rest. If they met on land, the Ninjas would definately win, but if it was taken to the seas, the Pirates would destroy them. In any case, I believe it would be a closer battle than most seem to think.

       Besides, the original question asked "Who do you side with?" I'd side with the pirates. At the very least, I could escape on the ship. What can I say, I like boats. I could be the cook! Not that I have any culinary skills, persay, but, then again, I doubt anyone else on a Pirate ship has any either.

  • destroyerdibdestroyerdib Member Posts: 23
    ninjas have chakra and cna mke clones of them selves and make fireballs and lots of stuff pirates cant do so the ninjas would demolish the pirates no prob
  • wardog250wardog250 Member Posts: 249
    Situation would definetly dictate.  Pirates fought with muskeets, swords and axes in confined spaces aboard ships and on land in open fights.  Pirates used a code of honor, and would rather take prisoners than kill everyone.  Now ninjas on the other hand, they are trained assassines, brutal, violent, hated by society.  They were seen as demons.  They fought from the shadows making fast lethal blows leaving no one, not even babies left to live.

    They both have advantages, but like I said situation would dictate.  Had the pirates been on one of thier drunken benges at some tavern the ninjas would obviously dice them to bits no trouble.  A face to face battle would be totally different.  Pirates being dependant on the use of muskeets would probably take a large number out having reducing the amount of actual melee fighting.

    If you put 10 ninjas and 10 pirates in an arena stripped down to just swords and told them to go at it.  I'm pretty sure a ninja would jack up a pirate, being that they are smaller, faster and more agile.

    I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei

  • CowinspaceCowinspace Member Posts: 671

    Yarr! + Booty + Jolly Roger > black pyjamas


  • MuraisMurais Member UncommonPosts: 1,118
      Pirates were psychotic plunderers, pillagers, and criminals. They live in constant fear of one another, and have more dirty tricks than you can shake a stick at.

      Ninjas may be trained in the art of stealth, and killing, but I'm going to have to go with pirates. They're out of their minds, fight without honor, and most of all guns > swords.

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