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Best N64 games

OmegaLetOmegaLet Member Posts: 588

Remember 64? Who doesn't! One of the best systems IMO.

Anyways, I was wondering what are some of people's favorite games for the 64 system.

A few of mine have got to be
Perfect Dark
Wave Race
Mario 64

actually the list could go on for hours



  • WakizashiWakizashi Member Posts: 893
    There was only one game for the N64,  and Goldeneye, was its name.
  • OmegaLetOmegaLet Member Posts: 588

    Was goldeneye a game sent out at the release of the 64? I don't remember (I wasn't very old when it was released so don't really know all that stuff ha, Guessing I was around 8-12, don't remember when i had it)

    anyways goldeneye had to be the most fun on the 64. Perfect Dark was goldeneye with more gizmos and gadgets.


  • naldricnaldric Member UncommonPosts: 909
    Mario Kart and Fzero were cool (well they are good on any system lol)
  • MaeEyeMaeEye Member UncommonPosts: 1,108
    I absolutely LOVED my N64.  That was seriously the best system that I've probably ever had.  Every game that came out was a work of art.  And who can forget Zelda and Goldeneye?  Man...some fun times!


    Total time played: 9125 Days, 21 Hours, 29 Minutes, 27 Seconds
    Time played this level: 39 Days, 1 Hour, 24 Minutes, 5 Seconds

  • OmegaLetOmegaLet Member Posts: 588

    I also liked the wrestling games for N64. No other system seemed to be able to make a game that good, the controls were perfect. I don't remember the company that did them but they were so fun.


  • 8hammer88hammer8 Member Posts: 1,812
    Many Hours/Days of my life were taken up by Golden Eye / Perfect Dark (I personally think one of the most under-rated games of all time.....I mean the "Rail Gun" taking care of those pesky sneaks) / and MarioKart.  But Golden Eye man...US productivity must have dropped as a whole for a year after that came out.

    "It is easier to be cruel than wise. The road to wisdom is long and difficult... so most people just turn out to be assholes" Feng (Christopher Walken)

  • janjansonjanjanson Member Posts: 201

    Originally posted by OmegaLet

    Remember 64? Who doesn't! One of the best systems IMO.

    I preferred the SNES myself, it was just more I can't explain it, I much prefer Super Mario Karts on the SNES to the N64, again not sure why, but it is just more cheesy lighthearted fun, wierd, I think my expectations for the N64 were maybe built up a bit high by all the PR.

  • patheospatheos Member Posts: 1,148

    Im an SNES man myself also. But smash brothers on the 64 was probably my favorite.


  • XenduliXenduli Member Posts: 654

    oo oo don't forget Conkers Bad Fur Day ::::02::

    No annoying animated GIF here!

  • TamalanTamalan Member Posts: 1,117

    Godeneye all the way. In my opinion the best N64 games were made by Rare.

    An English games developer!
    heh... now unfortunatly owned by Microsoft :P

    Goldeneye was the stand out game for me, breathing new life into the FPS games market. Plus i'll admit to a personal reason for liking Goldeneye, a guy I knew from the local music scene ended up being part of the music team there. I always got an extra smile when i played the game, hearing Grants chunky/squealy guitar on the main theme.

    One of few and my very minor claims to fame by association :D


  • ZepeeZepee Member Posts: 947
    I must agree, the 64 is my favorite system... it was so much fun!

    As for the games I think Mario64, Goldeneye, Zelda: OoT and maybe Jet Force Gemini and Banjo Kazooie(great games... simply great) were my favorites.... Funy thing I only own half of them


    Played- Runescape, Conquer
    Tested- EQ, RYL, Freeworld

  • JackcoltJackcolt Member UncommonPosts: 2,170
    Perfect Dark
    F Zero
    Mario Kart 64
    Wave Race
    Smash Bros


  • JodandoJodando Member Posts: 280
    I'm surprised no one mentioned this yet...

    But Star Fox 64, guys! Goodness!

    "Who ARE you guys??"
    "We're STAR FOX!"
    "You'll never defeat Aaanndrroooosss!" *Explosion Explosion*

  • KnightmareKnightmare Member Posts: 69
    One of my favs for N64 was Banjo Kazooie.

  • patheospatheos Member Posts: 1,148

    Originally posted by Zepee
    I must agree, the 64 is my favorite system... it was so much fun!

    Jet Force Gemini and Banjo Kazooie

    Both are very good games, Jet force gemini was the better game i think, but the sound was much better in banjo kazooie.


  • KuzzleKuzzle Member Posts: 1,058

       Uh... I likes the SNES better as well. I didn't like the N64. It was like they didn't even try... Then again, I felt the same about the original Playstation. So many games on the PS1 gave me a headache with their horrible, grainy graphics... Probably the top reason I only ever got about a couple hours into FF7. I don't remember too much about N64 graphics, since I only had a couple games for mine.

       Ok, favorite game? Super Mario 64, hands down. Next in line would be Golden Eye, but I didn't actually have that one. I just played it at my uncle's house a lot when I was out there.

  • OmegaLetOmegaLet Member Posts: 588

    I was always jealous of the playstation owners at the time of 64 vs playstation because at the video game rental store there were endless amounts of PSX games when 64 had like 2 shelves full only. Yet now I have my GF's PSX at my house and haven't given it back but I was playing the other day and man those graphics are just horrid. Somewhat glad my parents bought me 64 back in the day! heh Yet all I need is a PC

    Anyways, Banjo games were cool, Conker ha someone mentioned that, I remember the M rating and i was all its a lil fox c'mon!!


  • destroyerdibdestroyerdib Member Posts: 23

    the best game for the n64

    zelda both of them

    banjo kazooie and tooie

    conkers bad fur day

    super smash bros


    and mario thers alot more but  i cant think of them right now

  • WolfjunkieWolfjunkie Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 985
    Must admit i liked SNES better too.
    BUt N64 defently had some very nice games. I've spent countless of hours on Goldeneye, 1080(That snowboard game), Mario 64(Damn, what an sweet game!), Harvest Moon, Starwars Rogue Squadron.. Umm, lots of games.

  • SlickinfinitSlickinfinit Member UncommonPosts: 1,094
    Perfect Dark was the main game for me and I think itsone of the hardest fps games to beat in single player mode even to this day! Challenge 30 was nearly impossible to beat and the levels on secret agent were very tough.

    {(RIP)} SWG

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