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You know that you've seen too much porn when..



  • ghost047ghost047 Member UncommonPosts: 597
    ..... The company doesn't make enough new stuff for you to watch.

    But too stay in the main topic of this site we should start one about, You know that you've been playing to much MMORPG.

    Get a life you freaking no, you don't understand, I'm a Gamer, I have many lives!!

  • GameloadingGameloading Member UncommonPosts: 14,182

    Originally posted by Vergeltung

    Originally posted by //\//\oo

    a waiter asks you if you'd like some cream pie and you humbly refuse because of your sexual orientation.
    your concept of BBC has nothing to do with British broadcasting!
    same-race couples seem strange.
    you first realize that snow balls can be made from snow.
    you're shocked to see that you're not the only one in the gym-shower short of a 9.  
    you mistake women with anything smaller than a DD-cup for men.
    you instinctively clench your butt cheeks when you hear the word "rim".
    you think that cleaning up is unsanitary.

    This is just my attempt to take these forums to the gutter.

    please dont let me into your sick thoughts again......

    and these forums have been more or less clean recently please dont screw that up.....

    i hate porn, porn jokes, and anything to do with porn. even hate it......

    now this is what happens when you REALLY watch too much porn..
  • mithrandir72mithrandir72 Member Posts: 1,286

    Originally posted by DaEm0n

    Originally posted by Kuzzle
       Wow... First off, I'm surprized by what Verg said... Secondly, HolyCircle... run. Don't ask questions, just run...
    I agree.

    I second it, because it seems to be the popular theory.

    Run kid, Run.

    We barely remember who or what came before this precious moment;
    We are choosing to be here right now -Tool, Parabola

  • HolyCircleHolyCircle Member Posts: 73
    I'm not going anywhere! I do feel a carebear vide on these forums though! :)

  • UiruruUiruru Member Posts: 984
    Seriously, I remember it used to not be that carebeary, but I suppose it has changed.

    98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 98% who has, copy & paste this in your signature.

    A: 73% S: 66% K: 33% E: 26%

  • KuzzleKuzzle Member Posts: 1,058

    Originally posted by HolyCircle
    I'm not going anywhere! I do feel a carebear vide on these forums though! :)

       Ok, what are you and U talking about?... I was just, you know, joking because Verg always has violence in his posts... You know that, right?
  • ViolentYViolentY Member Posts: 1,458

    Originally posted by Vergeltung

    please dont let me into your sick thoughts again......
    and these forums have been more or less clean recently please dont screw that up.....
    i hate porn, porn jokes, and anything to do with porn.

    You hate naked women? You hate sex?

    "Io rido, e rider mio non passa dentro;
    Io ardo, e l'arsion mia non par di fore."


  • destroyerdibdestroyerdib Member Posts: 23
    yea i read all these posts and i really have nothing to say but im nowhere near being against porn i just get confused easily
  • NeptusNeptus Member UncommonPosts: 988

    That's the only reason the Intraweb is so popular...
    Free Porn & Free Downloads.

    But I've always wondered....., the people who actually paid with their creditcard online for porn, is it any better? lol
    Just puzzles me at the moment..., you would think it's better.....
    I've never seen the porn industry try to rip people off when they want their porn now.

    Neptus - FFXI - Pandemonium
    Neptus - WoW - Detheroc

  • ConverseSCConverseSC Member Posts: 572
    How in the hell do I get banned when these posts can stay?

    The world hates me, that's how.

  • ladyloreladylore Member Posts: 126
    A few more that I didn't see listed.

    ...When you recognize the voices of the actressess/actors without seeing their faces
    ...When 3 on 1 doesn't shock you anymore
    ...When you have to remind yourself that not all girlfriends are girlfriends
    ...When you can identify a star by one specific body part
    ...When "mmm, yeah!" are considered dirty words in your house

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