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Wow, This game is simply amazing.
Viewing the trailer, which greatly influenced me to sign up for beta testing right away, shows that this game will be very promising and worth playing once its released.
Although it does share a resemblance to Hero Online and Fung Wan Online, though this game has what those lack. Hopefully this game is released soon without a push back date, I will be waiting for this MMO to be released and played for hours.
Also a question if this MMO, will be F2P or P2P in the future.
Quotations Those Who make peaceful resolutions impossible, make violent resolutions inevitable. John F. Kennedy
Life... is the shit that happens while you wait for moments that never come - Lester Freeman
Lie to no one. If there 's somebody close to you, you'll ruin it with a lie. If they're a stranger, who the fuck are they you gotta lie to them? - Willy Nelson
Stop those japannese games.
The graphics is awfully bad 2.
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
WoW, im realy surprised by this game... its looks totally AWSOME, im playing a lot chinese/japanese rpg mmo's last month's and i was searching for this. The movies look great and i signed the beta test... hope it will come out soon.
and to the guy that said it sucks, look at the official site, and not the bad pixelated pictures that aren't the real screenies... look at the screens section
in vietnam they might do like this
u got to buy a card to play
where ever that card have 3 hour or 1 moth [
or it might free
i think they do the card thing for about 1 year then it freeeeeeeeeee
About the official site ,the manager not have the idea for payment now ,u can see the interview in MMORPG at this link :
you release 9 Dragons, how will you do it? What is your business model?
Subscriptions, retail box copies, online downloads, micropayments or
something else entirely?
have not announced the business model at this time. We plan to be very
innovative on that front. Our goal is to offer the best player
experience so our first focus is on the game and its service.
Imo this game looks great, can't really see how ppl can think the graphics is awful, but that's just me.
Anyways I've signed up for beta aswell and hoping to get some testing done