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So many MMOs on the market are games from yesteryear, with Legacy MMOs still chugging along decades after their launch. Emilien looks at how these MMOs manage their aging and stay relevant over time.
Competitive Online Role Playing Game
"Ultimately, we wouldn't stick with these if they didn't give us something we could find anywhere else, right?"
Exactly so, but I think we could have a whole article on another element of why legacy MMOs have survived, is there anything about their gameplay which is better? I think there is and the best kind of MMO would be a hybrid one, that takes from legacy and modern MMOs to forge the best gameplay.
It could certainly be interesting indeed. It all depends on what you mean by gameplay exactly? Most of the time it's shortened to 'combat gameplay', but here it could just as easily mean 'gameplay loop'.
“the best kind of MMO would be a hybrid one": Well, I'd say that's what Ashes of Creation is trying to achieve. The project aims to offer a 'classic' gameplay loop ( long leveling, L2-style open world PvP system...) in a modern setup (thanks in particular to UE5). As far as combat gameplay is concerned, I think that something like ArcheAge (which Ashes of Creation is quite close to in this respect, in my opinion) and Guild Wars 2 would make the best compromise for the MMO community. Many players are intrigued by action gameplay (like New World or BDO), but in my opinion a huge proportion of players are also still very attached to tab-target. In fact, a 'hybrid' compromise such as these gameplays offer could surely reach the maximum number of people
When it comes to action combat there are two factors. Is it being done well, switching from tab target to action when the action combat is ropey is a poor choice. Secondly can action combat in a MMO ever equal that the likes of co-op and solo games, I think not and that is what it will be compared to, it will always seem second rate. That's why I have no issues with tab target in a new MMO though it is hardly a "must have" for me.
I agree with your take on the likes of AoC, but there are so few new MMOs like which have launched to really see how well a hybrid MMO could do.
"can action combat in a MMO ever equal that the likes of co-op and solo games" that's my big argument in favor of hybrid gameplay too. However, 2025 should bring us Chrono Odyssey and 2026 Archeage Chronicles, which highlight their action gameplay as a prime argument! I'm really curious to see the first actual gameplays with HUD.
I think modern MMOs need to look at the likes of large open worlds, raid and PvP end games, the importance of guilds, harder but not punishing levelling, social events and player sellers to bring back some of the old magic into the modern era. But there are many things that need to be left to history, there was a recent article on here about corpse runs, that is a good example of what we don't need.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
Why do you think that is?
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
At one time you could buy a game that was complete (but still receiving improvements), I don't know if I've seen that for quite some time.
That is different than a crowd funded game that never gets completed before being abandoned and dropped into maintenance mode.
Games last for the simple reason that newer games do not offer the same or superior option or mechanics. Which current game offers the variety of classes Dark Age of Camelot does or for that matter which game offers that danger FFXI or Everquest does. People play the game because they are invested and cannot find better mechanics , class choices, variety in gameplay or challenges. Nowadays a lot of games are more action orientated which further separates the older games and the present ones.
That's interesting. I would absolutely play DAoC if there was a population. I think if one server is thriving, it's because of that.
I'd like an update that allows me to use my num pad for movement and hotkeys as I am a lefty. Currently, I can not due to the game not recognizing a [num locked] num pad.
I think movement speed is ok, especially considering run speed is a skill that some classes rely on to a certain degree.
GW 2 has many fine features, but "Guild Wars" 2, it is not(outside of names). Not only is the story and overall lore paper thin(unless you get FOMO'd out of your mind to get something better), but what people loved about Guild Wars 1(full customization) is also gone. One BIG difference(instances + outposts) is also gone.
Again, GW2 is a great game, but I think it's just milking the GW brand. Should be named something else.
Money is part of the explanation but I'm not sure how much to be honest. The most popular of these private servers offer something different: a mix of classes, modified progression, different rules - I'd even go so far as to say that SoD is inspired by what's done over there.
If you want to talk about staying power look no further than this game. Grouping is so much fun and goes on all the time. Humungous amount of content and excellent writing. What game currently released a newer one can boast that?