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Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
Brighter Shores is also a fun game and I look forward to more development on it.
SWG (pre-cu) - AoC (pre-f2p) - PotBS (pre-boarder) - DDO - LotRO (pre-f2p) - STO (pre-f2p) - GnH (beta tester) - SWTOR - Neverwinter
Fishing on Gilgamesh since 2013
Fishing on Bronzebeard since 2005
Fishing in RL since 1992
Born with a fishing rod in my hand in 1979
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
That game is never going to happen, once Amazon is finished sucking the marrow from it's corpse they'll pass the project off to the next sucker who THINKS they can make that game.
Fishing on Gilgamesh since 2013
Fishing on Bronzebeard since 2005
Fishing in RL since 1992
Born with a fishing rod in my hand in 1979
We don't know if its an MMO they have said we can CO-OP with friends but unless that is 100+ friends in the same world then its not an MMO it could be a max of 4/6 friends then its just an online CO-OP game like Destiny 2 or The division etc.
What were we talking about, again?