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Once Human Unveils Major Updates: Lunar Oracle, Visional Wheel, and More Heading Into 2025 | MMORPG.

SystemSystem Member UncommonPosts: 12,599
edited December 2024 in News & Features Discussion

imageOnce Human Unveils Major Updates: Lunar Oracle, Visional Wheel, and More Heading Into 2025 |

Starry Studio has shared several extensive updates detailing exciting new features and challenges coming to Once Human

Read the full story here


  • AngrakhanAngrakhan Member EpicPosts: 1,982
    I'm thinking about checking this game out. Anyone play it and have opinions? Any good? I love looter shooters, I'm just worried about the FTP part. Usually that means the exact opposite of free
  • RemyVorenderRemyVorender Member RarePosts: 4,010
    I found it really fun. Put a couple hundred hours into it, but got sucked back into New World recently so I've taken a break. I do intend to come back and play after it's had more time to develop more content, but if you haven't played yet and you like crafting/building/survival games with PvE dungeons and decent combat, you'll get a plenty of fun out of it.

    Don't let the first hour or 2 get you down. The intro story is super weird, but it gets better once you get into the game itself.

    It's free, but it's model isn't all up in your face and, at least when I played, forking over money is truly optional. I did end up giving the devs some money because I enjoyed the game enough to support them...just avoid the loot crates they are borderline criminal lol

    Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!

  • AngrakhanAngrakhan Member EpicPosts: 1,982
    Yeah cosmetics really don't do it for me. I'm a form over function guy. I did read some reviews on steam talking about the slippery slope of whaling cosmetics, so I'll avoid that. I don't mind giving the developers some money but not am I willing to just be a financial doormat.  I'll probably check it out. I enjoy all the gameplay elements you list.
  • laxielaxie Member RarePosts: 1,123
    edited December 2024
    I really enjoyed it. Agree with Remy that it got a lot better after the first 1-2 hours. The overall story didn't resonate with the much. But the core gameplay loop of freely exploring the points of interest was amazing. You find a city, and then search it for 2-4 large reward crates and kill monsters in the meantime. The FPS part is great - very little bullet sponging outside of the biggest bosses (you can 1-shot kill many things with a headshot if you play a sniper rifle).

    The microtransactions can get very expensive, and it does push the new skins when you log in etc. But all of it is completely optional and it doesn't really affect the gameplay - if you're running around exploring there isn't anything to push mtx on you.

    If you do try it out, I highly recommend the "Manibus" scenario, not the Winter one. Manibus is what the game released with, which has a gradual progression through different zones on a map. You explore the cities, get better and better resources, and then fight the big bosses at the end. They added a new winter game mode recently which has temperature management (kind of interesting), but imo the zone is a complete mess - you have all tiers of resources all over and don't get the nice sense of exploration and progression you get from Manibus. I think it's aimed at people who played through the Manibus and want something a bit different.
  • GreatswordGreatsword Member RarePosts: 438

    Angrakhan said:

    I'm thinking about checking this game out. Anyone play it and have opinions? Any good? I love looter shooters, I'm just worried about the FTP part. Usually that means the exact opposite of free

    Is it a proper looter shooter now? I only tried it during beta where it was a survival game with a heavy focus on base building that "promised" to reset all progress every few weeks, so I noped out.
  • hovsep159hovsep159 Member UncommonPosts: 90
    edited December 2024

    Angrakhan said:

    Yeah cosmetics really don't do it for me. I'm a form over function guy. I did read some reviews on steam talking about the slippery slope of whaling cosmetics, so I'll avoid that. I don't mind giving the developers some money but not am I willing to just be a financial doormat.  I'll probably check it out. I enjoy all the gameplay elements you list.

    don't bother, the game wipes your progress constantly to incentivize spending.
    the whole gameplay plays like a more jank version of PUBG.
    the voice acting and dialogue is also just plain bad with a very sub par story trying to be mysterious but simply just end up being a bootleg version of the secret world.
    the voice acting is also inconsistant where some quests have voice acting and some don't and most of the quest just involve boring fetch quests.
    every wipe they say you get to be in a new zone but all it is is just a recolored version and copy pasted from the map you were before as a excuse to do everything again.
    the bosses are also a complete joke and basicly stat checks so you can grind them for weeks just to do the next boss which is the same thing.

    and for last, pvp just end up being who end up spending the most money for the best gear blueprints, goodluck killing a player who spend money.
    also you get to keep your blueprints when the wipe happens so goodluck being a new player, you will always be constantly annihalited by someone who spend money or just played more than you.
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