I don't know why you guys slammed them, or are insulting the game. LOTS of people really enjoy the game, the story content, and continue playing it. And if you think unionizing is a problem, why don't you try working in a professional career where you could be fired without cause at any point (and many of your peers ARE), because the company only made $10 million profit instead of $15 million.
Did you know that unions are THE REASON all our work benefits exist in the first place? Standard work weeks, paid holidays, overtime, BREAKS... all that stuff you take for granted is because unions paved the way. People in America (yes, I'm American) seem to think they'll all be rich "some day", so they trash the very working class they belong to.
ESO is a good game, and the staff deserve to be treated with respect for their hard work, just like EVERYONE ELSE.
You do realize that not all of those 461 folks are responsible for game direction/decisions. Some are just told to "make a hammer", so they made you a damn hammer.
Hey! We want to make same terrible content, not give a single shit about the game or our community and get paid for it. Answer? Union!
Brain-dead take. New user. Probably just a troll.
Or someone who played through the entire game only to finally notice the utter lack of passion. Creativity or effort. The game offers nothing outside of brain dead content designed for the lowest common denominator. Your weekly activities revolve around doing the same raids and dungeons you did seven years ago.
If you dont see this, your rose tinted goggles will come off soon enough
Hey! We want to make same terrible content, not give a single shit about the game or our community and get paid for it. Answer? Union!
Brain-dead take. New user. Probably just a troll.
Or someone who played through the entire game only to finally notice the utter lack of passion. Creativity or effort. The game offers nothing outside of brain dead content designed for the lowest common denominator. Your weekly activities revolve around doing the same raids and dungeons you did seven years ago.
If you dont see this, your rose tinted goggles will come off soon enough
Your "opinion" is duly noted. It's ignorant, rude, unintelligent, and groundless, but it's your opinion, so yeah.
If you rabid haters think you can do better, go for it.
Or someone who played through the entire game only to finally notice the utter lack of passion. Creativity or effort. The game offers nothing outside of brain dead content designed for the lowest common denominator. Your weekly activities revolve around doing the same raids and dungeons you did seven years ago.
If you dont see this, your rose tinted goggles will come off soon enough
I can’t speak to all the people who worked on the project but I met some of the developers and they seemed to have passion a plenty.
The developers don’t have carte blanche to do whatever they want, there are other considerations.
I have plenty of criticisms for the game but I do think they’ve done a decent job given what they were probably mandated to build.
Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb."
Did you know that unions are THE REASON all our work benefits exist in the first place? Standard work weeks, paid holidays, overtime, BREAKS... all that stuff you take for granted is because unions paved the way. People in America (yes, I'm American) seem to think they'll all be rich "some day", so they trash the very working class they belong to.
In terms of some legally mandated stuff such as overtime and breaks, yes, unions were a driving force. But in terms of overall level of compensation, that's driven by supply and demand. If unions are the only reason anyone ever gets a raise, then you have no explanation for why some people in non-union jobs are paid very well.
If your employer must compensate you more in one way, then you'll inevitably be compensated less in others as a consequence. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but you shouldn't pretend that paid holidays and overtime pay come for free. I'm not even arguing that unions are good or bad, but only that there are always trade-offs.
I'm not sure how wages are set in a modern day union, especially when one is voted in new.
Do they negotiate for specific pay rates per job class or skill, or is it more of a range to account for experience and seniority.
Just wondering if there are some super achievers perhaps making quite a bit more than their peers, is there a possibility they might have to take a pay cut to hit the negotiated scale?
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
I'm not sure how wages are set in a modern day union, especially when one is voted in new.
Do they negotiate for specific pay rates per job class or skill, or is it more of a range to account for experience and seniority.
Just wondering if there are some super achievers perhaps making quite a bit more than their peers, is there a possibility they might have to take a pay cut to hit the negotiated scale?
Unions have a lot of room and autonomy but all my experience with them has come to:
-Flat wage percentual increases no matter range.
-Pressure to not have 1-1 talks about wage between workers-company.
-Seniority wage raises.
-Layoffs protections. Ex: Paying certain X severance wage per year of work.
All of them created a ponzi scheme were long staying workers had huge wages and new workers had low stagnated wages. Old timers productivity plummeted (both due to age and protection from layoffs) and new workers get underpaid to give most of the production.
This creates a 2 tier worker base. "Early adopters" (people that entered with high wages and/or stayed in the company for a long time) vs. "late comers" (lower entrance wages cause company doesn't have room to reduce "early adopters").
This works for a decade and a half, tops two, before the company colapses.
-High "late comers" rotation. They can't improve outside from the stablished flat % wage increase that is an ever increasing gap (raising 5% a 100k vs. 50k increases gap) and get burnt out.
-Company can't get "talent", unions pressure hard to not break the wages seniority status quo.
-Can't react fast and efficiently to market moves resizing. Can't layoff much of the workers cause severance packages get huge after a decade or two for seniors so they layoff "late comers" that bring the productivity.
Companies get stuck in this vicious cycle until they implode.
Did you know that unions are THE REASON all our work benefits exist in the first place? Standard work weeks, paid holidays, overtime, BREAKS... all that stuff you take for granted is because unions paved the way. People in America (yes, I'm American) seem to think they'll all be rich "some day", so they trash the very working class they belong to.
ESO is a good game, and the staff deserve to be treated with respect for their hard work, just like EVERYONE ELSE.
Brain-dead take. New user. Probably just a troll.
If you dont see this, your rose tinted goggles will come off soon enough
Your "opinion" is duly noted. It's ignorant, rude, unintelligent, and groundless, but it's your opinion, so yeah.
If you rabid haters think you can do better, go for it.
The developers don’t have carte blanche to do whatever they want, there are other considerations.
I have plenty of criticisms for the game but I do think they’ve done a decent job given what they were probably mandated to build.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer: https://youtu.be/-nsXGddj_4w
Original Skyrim: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/109547
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. https://youtu.be/UIelCK-lldo
If your employer must compensate you more in one way, then you'll inevitably be compensated less in others as a consequence. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but you shouldn't pretend that paid holidays and overtime pay come for free. I'm not even arguing that unions are good or bad, but only that there are always trade-offs.
Do they negotiate for specific pay rates per job class or skill, or is it more of a range to account for experience and seniority.
Just wondering if there are some super achievers perhaps making quite a bit more than their peers, is there a possibility they might have to take a pay cut to hit the negotiated scale?
"True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde
"I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
Unions have a lot of room and autonomy but all my experience with them has come to:
-Flat wage percentual increases no matter range.
-Pressure to not have 1-1 talks about wage between workers-company.
-Seniority wage raises.
-Layoffs protections. Ex: Paying certain X severance wage per year of work.
All of them created a ponzi scheme were long staying workers had huge wages and new workers had low stagnated wages. Old timers productivity plummeted (both due to age and protection from layoffs) and new workers get underpaid to give most of the production.
This creates a 2 tier worker base. "Early adopters" (people that entered with high wages and/or stayed in the company for a long time) vs. "late comers" (lower entrance wages cause company doesn't have room to reduce "early adopters").
This works for a decade and a half, tops two, before the company colapses.
-High "late comers" rotation. They can't improve outside from the stablished flat % wage increase that is an ever increasing gap (raising 5% a 100k vs. 50k increases gap) and get burnt out.
-Company can't get "talent", unions pressure hard to not break the wages seniority status quo.
-Can't react fast and efficiently to market moves resizing. Can't layoff much of the workers cause severance packages get huge after a decade or two for seniors so they layoff "late comers" that bring the productivity.
Companies get stuck in this vicious cycle until they implode.