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Path of Exile 2 Reveals Supporter Packs for Early Access Keys, Starting at $30 |

SystemSystem Member UncommonPosts: 12,599
edited November 2024 in News & Features Discussion

imagePath of Exile 2 Reveals Supporter Packs for Early Access Keys, Starting at $30 |

Path of Exile 2 is headed towards Early Access, and Grinding Gear Games is getting us all ready with the release of the supporter packs that grant access and some extra goodies.

Read the full story here


  • AngrakhanAngrakhan Member EpicPosts: 1,982
    Honestly while I'm very excited for PoE2, I'm not that interested in early access. Sounds like paying to beta test a small subset of the full game. It's not a bad idea for GGG. I mean I'm sure the feedback will be invaluable, but I'd rather just wait for the full release after all the bugs and major balance issues have gotten sorted out.

    I'm having flashbacks of D4 early access where the necromancer was just absolute god mode OP. Then the full game launched and people figured out pretty quickly that they had nerfed the necro into oblivion. I'd rather not get all emotionally invested into a class during EA like that only to have the rug pulled out from under me at launch.

    You guys have fun and post lots of screenshots!
  • hupahupa Member UncommonPosts: 182
    You get the same amount of points to spend in the store, so I don't think it's a bad deal if you want to join the early access.
    When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself

    - Earl Nightingale
  • husscoolhusscool Member UncommonPosts: 85
    I'd pay 60
  • JackalofdeathJackalofdeath Newbie CommonPosts: 11
    30 dollars for early access for a f2p game, nah bro.
  • BabuinixBabuinix Member EpicPosts: 4,502
    Looking good
  • KnightFalzKnightFalz Member EpicPosts: 4,654
    30 dollars for early access for a f2p game, nah bro.

    You get cash shop currency to use in their shop as part of that which will likely be as useful as in PoE to offset default limitations on inventory.
  • AngrakhanAngrakhan Member EpicPosts: 1,982
    Yeah honestly calling PoE FTP is a bit of a bait and switch. Yes, technically by the strictest of definitions it's FTP. However, you will not make it very far in the game before you have to buy at a minimum a currency tab and a crafting mat tab. This is because if you don't both of those items will fill up your inventory very quickly to the point it becomes a real nuisance. It's the whole reason they have 50 different currencies and 250 different kinds of crafting materials. It's to not-so-gently encourage you to head to the cash shop and buy inventory tabs.

    It's my other major pet peeve of the game that isn't going to change. However they could just charge a $39.99 box price, simplify all that mess and just use gold like every single other ARPG out there on the market, and make everyone's life easier, but no they insist on this FTP crap. Sigh.
  • Asm0deusAsm0deus Member EpicPosts: 4,645
    A neat thing about POE2 is that any tabs etc you bought in POE1 will carry over to POE2, same for cosmetics it appears!

    Brenics ~ Just to point out I do believe Chris Roberts is going down as the man who cheated backers and took down crowdfunding for gaming.

  • AngrakhanAngrakhan Member EpicPosts: 1,982

    Asm0deus said:

    A neat thing about POE2 is that any tabs etc you bought in POE1 will carry over to POE2, same for cosmetics it appears!

    If that's true then that's really awesome because I had already bought a bunch of tabs in PoE. For me PoE2 might actually be FTP.
  • emperorhades1emperorhades1 Member RarePosts: 422

    Angrakhan said:

    Honestly while I'm very excited for PoE2, I'm not that interested in early access. Sounds like paying to beta test a small subset of the full game. It's not a bad idea for GGG. I mean I'm sure the feedback will be invaluable, but I'd rather just wait for the full release after all the bugs and major balance issues have gotten sorted out.

    I'm having flashbacks of D4 early access where the necromancer was just absolute god mode OP. Then the full game launched and people figured out pretty quickly that they had nerfed the necro into oblivion. I'd rather not get all emotionally invested into a class during EA like that only to have the rug pulled out from under me at launch.

    You guys have fun and post lots of screenshots!

    If you plan on playing, 300 points is 30$. The access is basically free.
  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,138
    Angrakhan said:
    Yeah honestly calling PoE FTP is a bit of a bait and switch. Yes, technically by the strictest of definitions it's FTP. However, you will not make it very far in the game before you have to buy at a minimum a currency tab and a crafting mat tab. This is because if you don't both of those items will fill up your inventory very quickly to the point it becomes a real nuisance. It's the whole reason they have 50 different currencies and 250 different kinds of crafting materials. It's to not-so-gently encourage you to head to the cash shop and buy inventory tabs.

    It's my other major pet peeve of the game that isn't going to change. However they could just charge a $39.99 box price, simplify all that mess and just use gold like every single other ARPG out there on the market, and make everyone's life easier, but no they insist on this FTP crap. Sigh.
    This is no different than other free to play MMORPG’s. This is nothing new.

    Heck, it’s the lord of the rings system and that was years ago. 

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    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • AngrakhanAngrakhan Member EpicPosts: 1,982
    Just because other MMOs do it doesn't mean it's not irritating. My beef with LOTRO is they make the game intentionally grindey to sell you those accelerator packs. Just have a fuckin box price on the game and streamline all this grindey shit. If you need a zero barrier to entry it's called a demo. They've been doing that since the shareware version of Doom. 
  • KnightFalzKnightFalz Member EpicPosts: 4,654
    Angrakhan said:
    Just because other MMOs do it doesn't mean it's not irritating. My beef with LOTRO is they make the game intentionally grindey to sell you those accelerator packs. Just have a fuckin box price on the game and streamline all this grindey shit. If you need a zero barrier to entry it's called a demo. They've been doing that since the shareware version of Doom. 

    It is done in other games, but I think the way PoE does is better than is often the case. Though the default inventory is inconvenient you can at least play the full game for a long as you want at no cost to determine if you want to invest in it. Should you choose to feel the game worth supporting the cost of that inventory may well not exceed the purchase price of a b2p ARPG.
  • ValdheimValdheim Member RarePosts: 731
    My hype for this is unreal! This and Monster Hunter: Wilds are all I need for 2025.
    I mean have you seen that Warrior gameplay? It's absolutely AMAZING! <3<br />
    Easiest 28€ I've spent in a while, might even go for a bigger pack
  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,261
    Angrakhan said:
    Just because other MMOs do it doesn't mean it's not irritating. My beef with LOTRO is they make the game intentionally grindey to sell you those accelerator packs. Just have a fuckin box price on the game and streamline all this grindey shit. If you need a zero barrier to entry it's called a demo. They've been doing that since the shareware version of Doom. 

    It is done in other games, but I think the way PoE does is better than is often the case. Though the default inventory is inconvenient you can at least play the full game for a long as you want at no cost to determine if you want to invest in it. Should you choose to feel the game worth supporting the cost of that inventory may well not exceed the purchase price of a b2p ARPG.
    I quickly spent about $100 on extra inventory tabs plus an outfit in my first 90 days in POE, truly showcased how F2P can be much more expensive than monthly or B2P.

    After spending yet another $50 or $60 on more outfits I could see where this would continue had I not quit after about month 6.


    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

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  • ValdemarJValdemarJ Member RarePosts: 1,490
    The "supporter packs" start at $30 but ramp up to several hundred dollars quickly. Reviews for games like this that sell advantage items in their cash shop should get two reviews scores. One for people who spend nothing for the "scrub" experience and one for those that buy these bundles for $300 - $500 for the full experience.

    People bitch about game companies charging $120 for a single player title, but don't connect that games like this create an economic environment that promotes such pricing. The fact that games like this gets a pass on such gross monetization because they let poors play for free is laughable.
    Bring back the Naked Chicken Chalupa!
  • Elidien_gaElidien_ga Member RarePosts: 472
    Kyleran said:
    Angrakhan said:
    Just because other MMOs do it doesn't mean it's not irritating. My beef with LOTRO is they make the game intentionally grindey to sell you those accelerator packs. Just have a fuckin box price on the game and streamline all this grindey shit. If you need a zero barrier to entry it's called a demo. They've been doing that since the shareware version of Doom. 

    It is done in other games, but I think the way PoE does is better than is often the case. Though the default inventory is inconvenient you can at least play the full game for a long as you want at no cost to determine if you want to invest in it. Should you choose to feel the game worth supporting the cost of that inventory may well not exceed the purchase price of a b2p ARPG.
    I quickly spent about $100 on extra inventory tabs plus an outfit in my first 90 days in POE, truly showcased how F2P can be much more expensive than monthly or B2P.

    After spending yet another $50 or $60 on more outfits I could see where this would continue had I not quit after about month 6.

    People will spend lots more for "pay to convenience" than they will a monthly sub and not realize it. I know FO76 and ESO get a lot of crap for their sub models but at least the monthly sub gives me what I like.
  • Asm0deusAsm0deus Member EpicPosts: 4,645
    edited November 2024
    People will spend lots more for "pay to convenience" than they will a monthly sub and not realize it. I know FO76 and ESO get a lot of crap for their sub models but at least the monthly sub gives me what I like.
    I think that with f2p its more people can control how much and when they choose to pay rather than feeling "obligated" simply to keep access to the game.

    It allows people to I dunno play months and months and not pay a penny but then splurge if they feel like it one time or every so often when they want to.

    POE f2p is pretty damn good tbh and frankly I think it beat a sub especially since subs that don't have cash shops are mostly a thing of the past anyways.

    I dont think its a question of if they are spending more than they thought and more of a question that they can spend WHEN they want IF they so choose to.
    Post edited by Asm0deus on

    Brenics ~ Just to point out I do believe Chris Roberts is going down as the man who cheated backers and took down crowdfunding for gaming.

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