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If the rumors are true that DBG is making an Everquest 3......

TheocritusTheocritus Member LegendaryPosts: 10,035
What would you like to see/not see that was in Everquest?
What would you like to see/not see that was in Everquest 2?
What would you like to see that wasnt in either game?


  • TerazonTerazon Member RarePosts: 429
    I wonder if there really is value in making an EQ3 
    Not sure they would be able to do justice to either EQ1 or EQ2. Both were wildly different games to each other and a third would be what?
    I cash shop game?
    A quest based game?
    A grind game?
    Open virtual world game?

    Just not seeing a reason to make one. 

    Seems MMORPGs are hard enough to come by so why ruin the name of one of the OG franchises like that. 
  • TheocritusTheocritus Member LegendaryPosts: 10,035
    That's why I was curious too what will they do? Those 2 games are like night and day really. I'm not sure they have actually made a MMO from the ground up...I think all of the ones they have they bought when they purchased SOE.
  • NanfoodleNanfoodle Member LegendaryPosts: 10,944
    This has been floating around the internet for years because of a post Daybreak made about a new project and they did say an Everquest IP. Been years and no word. EQ was my first love. I would at least give it a go even if it was bad. I am already hopping there is a Bard lol. I died inside when EQ-Next was fully cancelled. I was a tester for that game. Two MMOs that would have me drop every game I am playing now is a new EQ game or if someone makes a "Wheel of Time" MMO. My wife would most likely divorce me lol
  • TheocritusTheocritus Member LegendaryPosts: 10,035
    edited November 2024
    THere was a video on Youtube where one of the employees said that it is in the works at one of their fan conventions....Most likely just kicking ideas around at this point.
  • BabuinixBabuinix Member EpicPosts: 4,485
    Wasn't like a Everquest Next early access thing going for a while? Remember testing something years ago
  • TheocritusTheocritus Member LegendaryPosts: 10,035
    What I like about the first 2 games:

    The world was fun to explore, danger around every corner
    Dying meant something and you played more carefully
    THe classes were enjoyable, almost every single class was unique with its skills
    and had something to offer in any group
    Named hunts were fun except for Epic quests, that wasnt fun waiting hours and sometimes days
    Group was required in its calssic days

    Initially was a hardcore game, then WoW released a couple months later and they totally redid it to make it like WoW. I was not a fan of them doing that
    The crafting system is superior to EQ1 hands down
    I liked the collections they had (shinies!)
    Group was required early but after WoW patch it was solo with a mercenary

    What both games lacked:
    Graphic quality (EQ2 was fancier but it was a bit blurry at times and you needed a supercomputer to run it)
    Combat-EQ1 some battles took a long time, like more than a minute and sometimes many minutes
    EQ2 battles i watched high level players one shot raid bosses...It could get ridiculous
    EQ3 combat needs to be somewhere between the two

    THings I dont want to see:
    EQ2 had way too many skills/ would have hotbars for days cluttering up the UI
    EQ1 only allowed 8 spell gems at first, then later you could add a few with AAs
    This is another area where they have to figure out what they want to do
    Easy leveling-When I first started Everquest it was about the journey. Later on it was end game and uber loot. I'd like to see EQ3 go back to EQs roots and slow down the levels and Im not sure what they should do with AAs, I really didnt like them much in either game.

  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,496
    I would be quite happy with a MMORPG, as long as it is not a MMO-lite.
  • cameltosiscameltosis Member LegendaryPosts: 3,854
    I never played either EQ so I have no attachment to, or any real knowledge of, the franchise.

    What i would say is that I highly doubt that Daybreak Games has the capacity to make an MMORPG, so i expect the rumours are false.
    Currently Playing: WAR RoR - Spitt rr80 Black Orc | Scrotling rr6X Squig Herder | Scabrous rr5X Shaman

  • TheocritusTheocritus Member LegendaryPosts: 10,035
    I never played either EQ so I have no attachment to, or any real knowledge of, the franchise.

    What i would say is that I highly doubt that Daybreak Games has the capacity to make an MMORPG, so i expect the rumours are false.

    The intentions may be good, its the execution I would be concerned about.
  • TheocritusTheocritus Member LegendaryPosts: 10,035
    Babuinix said:
    Wasn't like a Everquest Next early access thing going for a while? Remember testing something years ago

    I think what they did was had a game called Everquest Landmark, where players would build things that they might use later in EQ3, but EQ3 was scrapped a couple years after Landmark came out iirc.
  • AmarantharAmaranthar Member EpicPosts: 5,852
    What does Dark Boggy Girls have to do with EQ? 

    Once upon a time....

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