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There's Never Been A Better Time To Get Into EVE Online |

SystemSystem Member UncommonPosts: 12,599
edited November 2024 in News & Features Discussion

imageThere's Never Been A Better Time To Get Into EVE Online |

Ryan just recently started his EVE Online adventure, and even after just a few weeks, he's starting to see why it's an MMO that has stood the test of time. With today's Revenant launch, Ryan wagers there's never been a better time to start your adventure as a capsuleer.

Read the full story here


  • ZenJellyZenJelly Member RarePosts: 447
    I played for two days, that's all it took for the pretty shine of the absolute spreadsheet simulator to wear off. Because that's what that game 100% is. Once I found myself at the end of the second day watching Netflix while my ship mined, I uninstalled. Everyone who has ever asked me about this game I've told to go elsewhere and that won't ever stop
  • XophXoph Member UncommonPosts: 184
    edited November 2024

    ZenJelly said:

    I played for two days, that's all it took for the pretty shine of the absolute spreadsheet simulator to wear off. Because that's what that game 100% is. Once I found myself at the end of the second day watching Netflix while my ship mined, I uninstalled. Everyone who has ever asked me about this game I've told to go elsewhere and that won't ever stop

    Well, good thing sitting in Hi-sec by yourself mining ore while watching Netflix isn't the only thing to do in EvE. ?

    There's lots of things to do in EvE. More than any other game out there. It's the only real sandbox still available. And playing alone in hi sec mining ore is probably the most boring activity you could possibly pick and judge the game off. The game is very much like real life in alot of aspects - it is what you make of it.
  • RobokappRobokapp Member UncommonPosts: 166
    ZenJelly said:
    Once I found myself at the end of the second day watching Netflix while my ship mined, I uninstalled. 
    i loved mining in EVE so much. so relaxing. lasers go bzzzzzzzzzz.
  • ValdheimValdheim Member RarePosts: 731
    Quite tempted to revisit but the main problem nowadays is precious time and EvE imo is the most time consuming game ever made. Still, the urge to return is quite strong.
  • goemoegoemoe Member UncommonPosts: 293
    The author lost me after "I have been playing for two weeks". Ryan, you are not the least experienced enough to give such a statement(headline). Play it for years and try again to offer advice about a game you have not even a glimpse about. Most people are enthusiasts about a game they are still playing after two weeks. Especially if the games are as old and rich (with scams and wonders) as this one.

    Two weeks :D Can you even fly a cruiser yet?
  • vonryan123vonryan123 Member UncommonPosts: 516
    I miss a version of eve that no longer exists. I would rather play eve echoes than eve online. I biomassed everything and walked away. Pearl abyss has ruined eve online.

  • waveslayerwaveslayer Member UncommonPosts: 622
    I tried Eve, I would love to find a sci fi MMo I can enjoy, but I was flying toward a planet a couple hours in, dont remember what I was doing, but definatly didnt know what I was doing, but the phone rang and I went to find it and answer it and while I was saying hello I turned around and watched as my ship flew thru the planet and out the other side, game lost my interest immediatly after that, never tried it again

    Godz of War I call Thee

  • xdave78xdave78 Member UncommonPosts: 123
    edited November 2024

    There's lots of things to do in EvE. More than any other game out there.

    Maybe...after some irl weeks/month/ years of learning some skills. But as @ZenJelly said: no game for players who expect to play as "active" space ship pilot or even sth like a space sim.
  • hupahupa Member UncommonPosts: 182
    I installed and was going to try it for a week again (free 7 day omega for returning pilots). Then I checked the store; You can buy all the skill points you want? That changed my mind fast. 
    When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself

    - Earl Nightingale
  • ValdheimValdheim Member RarePosts: 731
    goemoe said:
    The author lost me after "I have been playing for two weeks". Ryan, you are not the least experienced enough to give such a statement(headline). Play it for years and try again to offer advice about a game you have not even a glimpse about. Most people are enthusiasts about a game they are still playing after two weeks. Especially if the games are as old and rich (with scams and wonders) as this one.

    Two weeks :D Can you even fly a cruiser yet?
    Call me crazy but I couldn't think of anyone better giving a recommendation for new players to try a game than well a 'new player'. Your points are valid but in this case the author doesn't need to be active for years to describe how it's a good time to try it now as a new player as he is also a new player which validates his point even more.

    Though I must admit that none of the stuff he mentioned explains why especially now is the best time to do so. It sounds more like 'It finally clicked for me, therefore now is the best time to give it a try for anyone else!'
  • hovsep159hovsep159 Member UncommonPosts: 90
    i watching youtube more than playing the game, so i uninstalled.
  • AngrakhanAngrakhan Member EpicPosts: 1,982
    I played eve many years ago. It taught me that if you give humans power and anonymity they almost universally turn into the biggest fucking assholes imaginable. I don't see why I need to involve myself in that experiment again.
  • ErillionErillion Member EpicPosts: 10,329
    Angrakhan said:
    I played eve many years ago. It taught me that if you give humans power and anonymity they almost universally turn into the biggest fucking assholes imaginable. I don't see why I need to involve myself in that experiment again.

    I see you met the Goons ;-)  aka "Little Bees" 

    Have fun
  • vonryan123vonryan123 Member UncommonPosts: 516
    Erillion said:
    Angrakhan said:
    I played eve many years ago. It taught me that if you give humans power and anonymity they almost universally turn into the biggest fucking assholes imaginable. I don't see why I need to involve myself in that experiment again.

    I see you met the Goons ;-)  aka "Little Bees" 

    Have fun
    Goons isn't even anyone to be worried about and haven't been for years.

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,261
    Panfam still around these days?

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

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    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

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