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The Day Before Developer Fntastic Zombies Their Company with New Kickstarter and Plea to Players | M

SystemSystem Member UncommonPosts: 12,599
edited September 2024 in News & Features Discussion

imageThe Day Before Developer Fntastic Zombies Their Company with New Kickstarter and Plea to Players |

The Day Before developer Fntastic has returned, and they've got a new Kickstarter to sell you.

Read the full story here



  • NeoyoshiNeoyoshi Member EpicPosts: 1,540
    edited September 2024
    Not this again......

    Please do not give these clowns anymore of a platform that they already have.

    Fishing on Gilgamesh since 2013
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  • AngrakhanAngrakhan Member EpicPosts: 1,978
    These guy can go Fn themselves.
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    I be eating colours when my days are grey

    Clicking on my profiles just gonna give you music links galore so enjoy

  • LeiHngWeiLeiHngWei Member UncommonPosts: 71
    Somehow, Fntastic returned.
  • gamers4charitygamers4charity Member UncommonPosts: 5
    anyone who funds this is self admitting they are one of the dumbest pieces of crap on the face of the planet
    Kyleranharken33HengistShinyFlygonMorfo2dragonlee66foppoteeTruvidiennSarlaValdheimand 1 other.
  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,641
    "We made mistakes, and we've worked hard to learn from them."

    Unfortunately that is a quote from the studio not the gamers.
    cheyaneharken33kitaradShinyFlygondragonlee66SplattrfoppoteeTruvidiennKyleranValdheimand 1 other.
  • harken33harken33 Member RarePosts: 323
    Some people have no sense of shame. 

    At this point anyone dumb enough to be funding these guys deserve what they get.

    Image of - Extended warranty How can I lose - Perfect

  • WBadgerWBadger Member RarePosts: 381
    "We refunded our players because we value our community's trust."

    except steam was the ones who opened up the mass refunds while fntastic was insisting that it was media bloggers and youtube channels who were spreading misinformation's fault.
  • KeladorKelador Member UncommonPosts: 138
    Please do not give these scam artists more money they did pocket funding from grants and investors outside of the gamers they refunded this is just a way to do that again.
  • GermzypieGermzypie Member UncommonPosts: 184
    Yes! Take my money! .... not
  • slowz2secretslowz2secret Member RarePosts: 459
    and guess what, there will be people that trust them x.x
  • DattelisDattelis Member EpicPosts: 1,686
    edited September 2024
  • ShinyFlygonShinyFlygon Member RarePosts: 635
    If there were a market for brazen hubris and shamelessness, I'd be happy to invest. These guys seem to be pretty good at manufacturing those.
  • Morfo2Morfo2 Member UncommonPosts: 136
    Report the hell out of those scammers in Kickstarters so the platform can remove them permanently.
  • DhampirDhampir Member UncommonPosts: 191
    “Nothing is trivial.”
    ― James O'Barr, The Crow

    “Sarah: "Buildings burn, people die, but real love is forever...”
    ― James O'Barr, The Crow

  • RemyVorenderRemyVorender Member RarePosts: 4,010
    If we all ignore them they will go away.

    Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!

  • HengistHengist Member RarePosts: 1,317
    Had to figure they would be back. You don't go as far as they did without being tremendously bold, and incredibly stupid.

    I knew they were dumb, but the fact they went to Kickstarter, and are once again asking players for money, that takes it to a single digit IQ kind of stupid. These guys make Forrest Gump look like Einstein.

    Really figured they would go somewhere direct for investment, where they could try to hide or minimize their disaster, and actually try to pitch it as a marketing win, and get investor money. I'd have thought that would have been far smarter, than approach the very people you burned.

    Another reminder, that some folks are far stupider than you give them credit for being.
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    I be eating colours when my days are grey

    Clicking on my profiles just gonna give you music links galore so enjoy

  • VrikaVrika Member LegendaryPosts: 8,023
    edited September 2024

    You copied Kicktraq's referral link to the article. That was probably not intended?
  • StevenWeberStevenWeber Administrator, MMORPG.COM Staff UncommonPosts: 121
    Vrika said:

    You copied Kicktraq's referral link to the article. That was probably not intended?
    Greetings Eagly Eyed MMORPGer,

    That indeed was not intended. I've fixed that-- Thank you for the catch! 

    Happy Posting!
  • SarlaSarla Member RarePosts: 422
    WTF did you see the game they are trying to push now? Its not even close to what they tried to push last time, its like some 6 year old kids game.
  • Slapshot1188Slapshot1188 Member LegendaryPosts: 17,781
    This is literally a link to their "concept art" for one of the locations in their game. 

    It looks like something I doodled in a notebook during class in 4th grade.

    And they raised over $2k and counting...

    Our society is braindead.


    All time classic  MY NEW FAVORITE POST!  (Keep laying those bricks)

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  • QuizzicalQuizzical Member LegendaryPosts: 25,563
    This is literally a link to their "concept art" for one of the locations in their game. 

    It looks like something I doodled in a notebook during class in 4th grade.

    And they raised over $2k and counting...

    Our society is braindead.
    How much of what they raised is from real players, and how much is just them seeding their own kickstarter to make it look popular?  Scammers sometimes do the latter.
  • ShinyFlygonShinyFlygon Member RarePosts: 635
    Quizzical said:
    This is literally a link to their "concept art" for one of the locations in their game. 

    It looks like something I doodled in a notebook during class in 4th grade.

    And they raised over $2k and counting...

    Our society is braindead.
    How much of what they raised is from real players, and how much is just them seeding their own kickstarter to make it look popular?  Scammers sometimes do the latter.

    And it's not like they are going to reach their goal, so they haven't really raised anything.
  • Elidien_gaElidien_ga Member RarePosts: 469
    Sorry, no second chances when you delay your game many times, each time lying to the playerbase and fans. We all saw it coming so they are either living in a constant state of denial or complete scammers. Either way, nobody should ever give this people money ever again.
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