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Behaviour Interactive Cancels Dead By Daylight Spinoff Project T and Shuts Down Midwinter Entertainm

SystemSystem Member UncommonPosts: 12,599
edited September 2024 in News & Features Discussion

imageBehaviour Interactive Cancels Dead By Daylight Spinoff Project T and Shuts Down Midwinter Entertainment |

Dead By Daylight spinoff Project T has been canceled and the dev studio behind it, Midwinter Entertainment, shut down by Behaviour Interactive. Reports of layoffs and the studio shutdown began trickling out before Behaviour confirmed the situation.

Read the full story here


  • TruvidiennTruvidienn Member UncommonPosts: 348
    Damn.. Because I was hoping to try this one out lol.
  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,631
    edited September 2024
    "Others seemed r react to the official explanation."

    Should be: Others seemed 'to' react to the official explanation.

    Or perhaps better phrased as: Others reacted to the official explanation.

    I also noticed a double space in the final paragraph. Sorry but it has been a total grammar Nazi of a morning. :)
  • ZenJellyZenJelly Member RarePosts: 442
    Good. It wasn't fun.
  • AngrakhanAngrakhan Member EpicPosts: 1,973
    Shouldn't they have waited to close the studio? It's not even Fall yet.
  • mitech616mitech616 Member UncommonPosts: 150
    We only want projects that will get the most amount of money, the fastest we possibly can. So, screw all the staff and fans. We'll just stick to our regular micro-transaction plan in DbD.
  • AntariousAntarious Member UncommonPosts: 2,848
    Translation seems a bit iffy because that can be added in (microtransactions).
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