there was war all over middle earth during the fellowships trek toward mordor, make the game where you can play both sides, they can leave the major battles we all know about alone or they can come up with a way to take part in them and you can play your individual outcome but cant change the outcome of the 2 major battles portrayed.
Middle Earth is a huge area to have agame in and the possibilities are endless,use DAoC for a template of PvP parts, keeping the 2 sides apart till they get specific areas
Being LotR you have to make it a actual RPG, it will attract people of all ages, the character development has to be the main thing behind your characters abilitys and power, not actual player skill as in who can manuver a mouse or game pad the best, in otherwords action combat will automatically leave out a large portion of a possible player base
Being new and fresh will set it apart, not much of a way to avoid steping on the toes of some games allready out...thats my opinion
I think they dont want conflict with lotro which is still hanging in there
I must admit when this game was announced I had concerns Lotro would continue, but when you think about it the idea Amazon's game will be a traditional MMORPG as fully envisioned as Lotro is very unlikely. We are going to get a "modern MMO" game from amazon and therefore a lesser one in that regard.
They could still do third age, just not in the most iconic time period and unfortunately for them the TV series has not made the second age iconic, so they don't have any easy choices here.
About creating a new IP world/lore nothing right? Let's keep hitting this deadhorse as if Rings Of Power didn't already end all good faith anyone had on Amazon being able to do anything above sh.t with this IP.
I think the start of the 4th age would work well for that - the setting and the people would all be highly familiar to fans of Lord of the Rings. A time of relative peace is at hand, but there are still going to be tons of enemies hanging about to overcome. Many of the cultures of Middle Earth have been on the decline for centuries, so this is a time for rebuilding.
Sounds like a good starting point for a sandbox. Combat players can go off a mop up remainders of Saurons' armies. Builders can rebuild civilisations. Crafters / Traders and build up economies, establish new trade routes. Explorers can go off into zones that might have been unavailable during the 3rd age, like re-opening Moria, getting into the northern mountains, exploring mirkwood now that Saurons influence is gone.
Currently Playing: WAR RoR - Spitt rr82 Black Orc | Scrotling rr6X Squig Herder | Scabrous rr6X Shaman
For some reason I thought they would have been a lot farther in development rather than not having a vision at all right now and still be in "early development" stage.
How about if they lets folks really fight on the side of Sauron? Heck, let them fight to be Sauron.
Would definitely catch my interest.
Funny.. before I read the comments that was the first thought I had. What if it was a Realm vs Realm game? Maybe add a bunch of Realms as individual factions. Mordor, Isengard, Gondor, Rohan, etc... Build it like DAoC with defined battle zones but maybe allow for some territory control that affects a whole region.
Could be pretty awesome.
So instead I suppose we will get something closer to a first person small group looter shooter "mmo".
Well, the original idea was that the IP has it that the "bad guys lose."
Which is true and while I don't think that should change, it does take away some incredible moments.
For example, In Lord of the Rings Online, the Helm's Deep fight is horried and dull. I always thought there would be a player vs player map. But then again, the good guys have to win.
I once thought that there could be a time limit where the "good guys" have to somehow win otherwise "on paper" they lose but Gandalf still shows up with reinforcements. But that's not really fun for those playing for the forces of evil.
I suppose there could still be a time limit but "outside of the story" the fight just becomes more of an event.
and maybe that is the problem with a well known IP: we know who wins before it even starts
For some reason I thought they would have been a lot farther in development rather than not having a vision at all right now and still be in "early development" stage.
Well, when I read "we still need to find the hook", I intrepreted it as "we've built a bunch of the game and the core systems, then we played it......and it wasn't fun. we're not sure why it's not fun, why it isn't 'hooking' us, so we need to step back and figure it out"
Pure speculation on my part of course, but that was my interpretation.
Currently Playing: WAR RoR - Spitt rr82 Black Orc | Scrotling rr6X Squig Herder | Scabrous rr6X Shaman
Didn't they say recently that this wasn't that far away also?
hmmmm I was only able to find a streamer commenting off an article where there was an interview with someone from Amazon and when asked about when it (and a Tomb Raider game (?) ) was coming out he gave an answer saying that they are trying to get a cadence with their games and he would hope soon but then explained how difficult it was yadda, yadda yadda.
The streamer then surmised that "Lord of the Rings" Amazon game could come soon. I think the person from Amazon was just giving a pat answer regarding all their games and their schedule and was definitely not saying that their Lord of the Rings game was coming soon.
At least reading the interview while the streamer was talking.
Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb."
I bet the 20yr old current LOTR MMO will still be better.
Amazon's game will have better graphics and that's about it. We do have to remember their game track record is hardly stellar, I would not be surprised if we see all the mistakes they made in NW repeated.
I bet the 20yr old current LOTR MMO will still be better.
Amazon's game will have better graphics and that's about it. We do have to remember their game track record is hardly stellar, I would not be surprised if we see all the mistakes they made in NW repeated.
It may not even be a true mmorpg the trend now is for lobbies to que 4-5 ppl for dungeons
Or a co-op and MMO game, whatever they are supposed to be!
Didn't they say recently that this wasn't that far away also?
hmmmm I was only able to find a streamer commenting off an article where there was an interview with someone from Amazon and when asked about when it (and a Tomb Raider game (?) ) was coming out he gave an answer saying that they are trying to get a cadence with their games and he would hope soon but then explained how difficult it was yadda, yadda yadda.
The streamer then surmised that "Lord of the Rings" Amazon game could come soon. I think the person from Amazon was just giving a pat answer regarding all their games and their schedule and was definitely not saying that their Lord of the Rings game was coming soon.
At least reading the interview while the streamer was talking.
In a interview with Variety this was said:
"What can you tell me about when we’ll hear more on the new “Tomb Raider” and “The Lord of the Rings” games, and when those titles will be released?
It’s not going to be tomorrow, but it’s not too far away. As I said, we’re getting into a much more regular cadence of shipping games. That’s all I’m allowed to tell you right now… It’s all about quality. You don’t want to just be rushed out. That’s doesn’t work. It has to be Triple-A quality, because the bar is so high."
Didn't they say recently that this wasn't that far away also?
hmmmm I was only able to find a streamer commenting off an article where there was an interview with someone from Amazon and when asked about when it (and a Tomb Raider game (?) ) was coming out he gave an answer saying that they are trying to get a cadence with their games and he would hope soon but then explained how difficult it was yadda, yadda yadda.
The streamer then surmised that "Lord of the Rings" Amazon game could come soon. I think the person from Amazon was just giving a pat answer regarding all their games and their schedule and was definitely not saying that their Lord of the Rings game was coming soon.
At least reading the interview while the streamer was talking.
In a interview with Variety this was said:
"What can you tell me about when we’ll hear more on the new “Tomb Raider” and “The Lord of the Rings” games, and when those titles will be released?
It’s not going to be tomorrow, but it’s not too far away. As I said, we’re getting into a much more regular cadence of shipping games. That’s all I’m allowed to tell you right now… It’s all about quality. You don’t want to just be rushed out. That’s doesn’t work. It has to be Triple-A quality, because the bar is so high."
Please just let this project die already..... how many years has it been that they've tried to make MiddleEarth Online?
Granted the name has changed and i would not be surprised if they just decided to abandon the original concept and stick purely to the 3rd age material.
Fishing on Gilgamesh since 2013 Fishing on Bronzebeard since 2005 Fishing in RL since 1992 Born with a fishing rod in my hand in 1979
Please just let this project die already..... how many years has it been that they've tried to make MiddleEarth Online?
Granted the name has changed and i would not be surprised if they just decided to abandon the original concept and stick purely to the 3rd age material.
They’re not making middle earth online. I just posted that as one way a lord of the rings game could go.
Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb."
Middle Earth is a huge area to have agame in and the possibilities are endless,use DAoC for a template of PvP parts, keeping the 2 sides apart till they get specific areas
Being LotR you have to make it a actual RPG, it will attract people of all ages, the character development has to be the main thing behind your characters abilitys and power, not actual player skill as in who can manuver a mouse or game pad the best, in otherwords action combat will automatically leave out a large portion of a possible player base
Being new and fresh will set it apart, not much of a way to avoid steping on the toes of some games allready out...thats my opinion
Godz of War I call Thee
They could still do third age, just not in the most iconic time period and unfortunately for them the TV series has not made the second age iconic, so they don't have any easy choices here.
I may have heard a rumor that they're going with an anime style.
I am the Cannon Fodder God
Ssshhhh, don't spoil if.... ok, give me a hint.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
"What can you tell me about when we’ll hear more on the new “Tomb Raider” and “The Lord of the Rings” games, and when those titles will be released?
It’s not going to be tomorrow, but it’s not too far away. As I said, we’re getting into a much more regular cadence of shipping games. That’s all I’m allowed to tell you right now… It’s all about quality. You don’t want to just be rushed out. That’s doesn’t work. It has to be Triple-A quality, because the bar is so high."
Here's the link:
I be eating colours when my days are grey
Clicking on my profiles just gonna give you music links galore so enjoy
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
Granted the name has changed and i would not be surprised if they just decided to abandon the original concept and stick purely to the 3rd age material.
Fishing on Gilgamesh since 2013
Fishing on Bronzebeard since 2005
Fishing in RL since 1992
Born with a fishing rod in my hand in 1979
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.