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Anyone Tried Project Zomboid?

WargfootWargfoot Member EpicPosts: 1,624
I've seen a few youtube videos reviewing the game and it looks really interesting.


  • gameplayingmonkeygameplayingmonkey Member UncommonPosts: 72
    Steam says I've put 20 hours into it, could likely put a LOT more. It's pretty deep and challenging - a point my usual gaming group was counterproductive towards as their preference is more interested in goofing off. Typical play sessions would center around spending the time to find a good place to start a base but would deteriorate after that as people separated to seek out different things and die or troll eachother.

    Of course play experiences vary, I could see it being VERY enamoring if you/your group was more 'hardcore' and interested in the serious survival elements. Always mean to come back to it and try it more seriously solo or on a public server but have been busy with other games.
  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,655
    Steam says I've put 20 hours into it, could likely put a LOT more. It's pretty deep and challenging - a point my usual gaming group was counterproductive towards as their preference is more interested in goofing off. Typical play sessions would center around spending the time to find a good place to start a base but would deteriorate after that as people separated to seek out different things and die or troll eachother.

    Of course play experiences vary, I could see it being VERY enamoring if you/your group was more 'hardcore' and interested in the serious survival elements. Always mean to come back to it and try it more seriously solo or on a public server but have been busy with other games.
    Are you saying Steam can get it wrong...Noes! :)
  • WargfootWargfoot Member EpicPosts: 1,624
    It looks like a game where knowledge of the game world is more important than anything else.  Amazing that they can put together a compelling game with next to no story and basically the same monster throughout.

    It bolsters my assessment that there is nothing like realism and options to really make a game compelling.
  • gameplayingmonkeygameplayingmonkey Member UncommonPosts: 72
    Scot said:
    Are you saying Steam can get it wrong...Noes! :)

    Off topic, but I think I have had certain instances where steam's gameplay time tracker thingy has been incorrect particularly with it counting a games launcher but not the game application itself.

    Regardless, felt the need to mention my playtime as contextually I've probably put very very little time into a game like Project Zomboid in comparison to how much it's potentially playable.
  • WargfootWargfoot Member EpicPosts: 1,624
    I must be reading the steam charts wrong: So this game has 2x the current players as New World?
  • gameplayingmonkeygameplayingmonkey Member UncommonPosts: 72
    Wargfoot said:
    I must be reading the steam charts wrong: So this game has 2x the current players as New World?

    Not surprised. Despite being an 'Early Access' title the game is very solid, hits a good niche and is also pretty cheap.
  • Cactus_LFRezCactus_LFRez Member UncommonPosts: 206
    It is a really fun game, and very meme-able

    It is the kind of game that works well with random challenges and limitations and general goofing.
  • WargfootWargfoot Member EpicPosts: 1,624
    Okay, downloaded this thing.

    I've played for maybe 45 minutes and I've died 4 times.  There seems to be quite a bit to learn and about the moment I think things are looking good I get mobbed and there isn't much after that but darkness.

    My dumbest escape was being approached by zombies, running into a house, and then just out the back door, which sounds ridiculous and feels more clever than it really is, maybe because everything seems so desperate.  I don't care to take on a mob with a frying pan.

    My dumbest death was entering a house that was obviously full of phat loot only to trigger the alarm upon entry.  That brought every shambling corpse from miles around and there was no place to run.

    The level of realism is incredible.
  • AdamantineAdamantine Member RarePosts: 5,094
    Watched YouTube videos of it, too.

    If you are into this kind of thing you might like it.

    Its not realistic though. Zombies arent realistic. Weapons wearing out this fast isnt realistic. Viewing distances are not realistic. Etc.

  • WargfootWargfoot Member EpicPosts: 1,624
    Watched YouTube videos of it, too.

    If you are into this kind of thing you might like it.

    Its not realistic though. Zombies arent realistic. Weapons wearing out this fast isnt realistic. Viewing distances are not realistic. Etc.

    Usually, in video games, by realistic we mean "conforms to some sense of plausibility".

    So a zombie shambling towards you, and defending yourself with a frying pan, may have some elements of the fantastic in it but it is plausible within that universe.

    Compare with some video games where a 100 ton dragon stomps on a mage and that fails to interrupt the mage's spellcasting.... or female warriors running around in bikini plate armor.
  • AdamantineAdamantine Member RarePosts: 5,094
    Again, its a really good game.

    Very challenging, too.

    You will probably die a lot.

    There IS a way to get self sufficient and survive longterm. But you need a bit of luck to make it that far.

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,261
    It's on sale for $13.99, might as well pick it up just because.

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  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,655
    lalita518 said:
    I've seen quite a bit of streamers play the game these days, and the challenges within the game stay the same no matter what you've accomplished in-game. Its sense of realism is really well-made.
    This ones a bot, reported.
  • lindorm901lindorm901 Newbie CommonPosts: 9
    Watched YouTube videos of it, too.

    If you are into this kind of thing you might like it.

    Its not realistic though. Zombies arent realistic. Weapons wearing out this fast isnt realistic. Viewing distances are not realistic. Etc.

    What game is it similar to, so that I can know if I should play it or not?
  • WargfootWargfoot Member EpicPosts: 1,624
    Kyleran said:
    It's on sale for $13.99, might as well pick it up just because.
    ...because, it has zombies.

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