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'We have to continue': Ubisoft Blockchain Head Doubles Down On Web3 Efforts |

SystemSystem Member UncommonPosts: 12,599
edited April 2024 in News & Features Discussion

image'We have to continue': Ubisoft Blockchain Head Doubles Down On Web3 Efforts |

In an interview, the head of blockchain at Ubisoft said the company will be digging into its effort to develop the Web3 game space.

Read the full story here


  • cheezyweaselcheezyweasel Member UncommonPosts: 19
    man whose job is predicated on technology insists said technology is the future
  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,252
    edited April 2024
    Clearly a "here, hold my beer moment."

    I read this as

    "After 5 years of experimentation Web3 has fallen flat on it face but we just know that somewhere there is a audience of suckers whose governments won't protect them from being fleeced."

    I expect this man / Ubisoft to be featured on this site below one day in the future.

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

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    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited April 2024
    The user and all related content has been deleted.

  • maskedweaselmaskedweasel Member LegendaryPosts: 12,198
    edited April 2024
    The number of projects Ubisoft has invested in is ... a lot. The premise I suspect is to play the long game, because it's highly unlikely that the tech itself will ever fully be outlawed, there's always going to be some kind of loophole, and the premise of it is already somewhat pervasive in other systems. 

    Take this into consideration, Ubisoft invested *in animoca brands, which is an extremely large publisher of blockchain games as a whole. We're talking rounds of published games and invested games of 20+ which includes games like Axie Infinity, The Sandbox, and a game that is covered here from time to time, Ember Sword. 

    How much if anything Ubisoft is seeing from those investments, it's hard to tell, I would assume not much considering the investment was about 65 million with a 2.2 billion valuation, but they've also invested straight into some additional games too. 

    So taking all of that into consideration, yeah they're not going to drop out, despite the lack of wide adoption. TBH they're probably still doing alright with the current state of web3, because most of the games still manage a core of gamers who are more investors than real gamers to begin with. The games aren't great either, but there are a few that might break through eventually. 

    You see way more blockchain games advertising their games rather than their token sales. The big issue here is that these games have to market to blockchain enthusiasts because that is where their money is. They can't compete directly against established games right now. 

    Maybe one day this will all flip and token sales and nfts are the afterthought they're supposed to be, but that won't get these games a return on their investments, so here we are. 

    *My numbers were off a little so I edited them with the figures I could confirm. 
    Post edited by maskedweasel on

  • ET3DET3D Member UncommonPosts: 330
    Since "Web3" is simply another way to milk players for money, and doesn't make games better in any way, I sincerely wish them to fail.
  • BrotherMaynardBrotherMaynard Member RarePosts: 647
    So what have we learned from Ubisoft over the 1st quarter of this year?

    • We need more AAAAAA games with 3/10 user rating.
    • Our games should cost 150 or more.
    • They should also be unfinished, buggy and with ugly looking characters that players will hate.
    • We should remove purchased games from players' libraries at the earliest opportunity.
    • If gamers protest, tell them to buy a new game from us.
    • We need more blockchain in our games. There's no microplunder like obscure blockchain microplunder!
    Pretty impressive start of the year by Ubisoft. Did I forget anything?

  • EldrachEldrach Member RarePosts: 469
    It’ll never succeed in the west. Especially after they shut down the crew servers. It simply doesn’t matter if you promise someone that they «own» a unique piece in a game if the game itself can be shut down at any time. At that point you’d own a piece of code with absolutely 0 point to it
  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,628
    edited April 2024
    Eldrach said:
    It’ll never succeed in the west. Especially after they shut down the crew servers. It simply doesn’t matter if you promise someone that they «own» a unique piece in a game if the game itself can be shut down at any time. At that point you’d own a piece of code with absolutely 0 point to it
    "It'll never succeed in the west" was what we and everyone else said about cash shops. And here we are. I hope you are right.
  • cheyanecheyane Member LegendaryPosts: 9,435
    Scot said:
    Eldrach said:
    It’ll never succeed in the west. Especially after they shut down the crew servers. It simply doesn’t matter if you promise someone that they «own» a unique piece in a game if the game itself can be shut down at any time. At that point you’d own a piece of code with absolutely 0 point to it
    "It'll never succeed in the west" was what we and everyone else said about cash shops. And here we are. I hope you are right.
    The problem always seems to be my supposition that others will have the same objections or aversions I have. Unfortunately that has been a clear misconception on my part and it haunts me as I watch what games are the most profitable and popular and rue my naivete. I guess my ideas are not as universal as I imagined, pains me to admit that.
    Garrus Signature
  • WargfootWargfoot Member EpicPosts: 1,607
  • RyukanRyukan Member UncommonPosts: 860
    "We have to work on this crap because we just don't have enough sense to come to our senses that it is crap."
  • AeanderAeander Member LegendaryPosts: 8,101
    man whose job is predicated on technology insists said technology is the future
    When said technology is so obviously dead, it really seems to me that the smart move would be to stay quiet and blend in.

    Because now Ubisoft is reminded that they have an NFT division for some reason.
  • NeoyoshiNeoyoshi Member EpicPosts: 1,531
    I just get the sense they don't really like admitting defeat.

    Fishing on Gilgamesh since 2013
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  • ShinyFlygonShinyFlygon Member RarePosts: 630
    I cannot wait for this toxic company to go under. I'm dying for a non-evil publisher to take the reins on the HOMM property.
  • TillerTiller Member LegendaryPosts: 11,517
    I cannot wait for this toxic company to go under. I'm dying for a non-evil publisher to take the reins on the HOMM property.

    I wish, yet not because I will lose some games I currently own (the rights to play). :D
    SWG Bloodfin vet
    Elder Jedi/Elder Bounty Hunter
  • WargfootWargfoot Member EpicPosts: 1,607
    Tiller said:
    I cannot wait for this toxic company to go under. I'm dying for a non-evil publisher to take the reins on the HOMM property.

    I wish, yet not because I will lose some games I currently own (the rights to play). :D
    We have to make sacrifices in order to kill the corporate buzz-word spewing zombies.
  • QuizzicalQuizzical Member LegendaryPosts: 25,562
    Block chain as a whole can die until its regulated and those that steal millions or even billions lose 100% of their gains and get 30 years in a none pay to stay white colored crime jail.

    Please for the love of god let this die magic crypto beans don't work anymore bros, stop and get some help.
    There's nothing inherently wrong with using blockchain.  Blockchain is a totally legitimate tool that has legitimate uses.  It's also massively overhyped and often used in wildly inappropriate ways, but that doesn't mean that it's illegitimate in itself.

    A game company announcing that it uses blockchain is kind of like announcing that they use the C++17 filesystem library.  There's nothing wrong with using that library, but such an announcement does create suspicions along the lines of, "Why are you telling me this?"  If using some particular tool is the main point of your game, then interesting gameplay is not the main point, and so it probably won't be part of your game at all.
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