This game consumes enormous
amount of time, you can't just play it to relax

remember this

need to become a part of EVE and EVE will become a part your live

very significant part. Think more than twice, before starting, this is not a normal MMO, this is a life-like game. Some might say "you can influence the universe of EVE", but wouldn't you prefer to influence your life? this world? if not,'s up to you.
There are two types of people in this world - people that suck... and me.
U didn't get me
this is one of those misleading threads... titled.. DON'T START THIS GAME:
(cause it is so great)
I guess I must have misinterpreted... thought you were saying it was bad cause it envelopes you in to it...
There are two types of people in this world - people that suck... and me.
This game has ruined my life!
Ever since Sony Online Entertainment and Lucas Arts ruined a great game and made Star Wars Galaxies: New Game Enhancements I've been looking for a good game. That's how I came across EVE.
Seven months later and I just can't quit! Now every game I touch appears dull and lacks depth in comparison to EVE's dynamic economy and galactic power struggle.
CCP is the devil! They apparently sold their souls to create this game. It makes no other sense how a game like EVE could have been created!!
To make matters worse, it's 3 frigg'n years old and looks just as good if not better then every other MMO that's been released in the last 6-12 months! How are they doing this!?!? I cry foul!! They are teh Devil!!
I want my life back...after I get done outfitting my new Amarr Coercer class Destroyer!
Black magic, they ritualy sacrifice NGE fanbois and trade their damned souls to the forces of darkness in exchange for computer game code!
It is the only logical conclusion.
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience"
CS Lewis
I am quite convinced that far more positive forces were at work in the creation of this game. Like God.
"Just because there are other colours to use in chat does not mean you have to use them..." - Please follow
Agricola passes a bottle of Valium to binjuice.
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience"
CS Lewis
Well I wouldn't need your valium *looks at his families medical cupboard* I got enough here ^_^
But no, I was stuck in the middle of a 'Levayan Satanist' against a "Every Sunday" Christian friendship (me being athiest and all) So religion, specially christian related... I get touchy fast. (Sorry for the life story >.<)
"Just because there are other colours to use in chat does not mean you have to use them..." - Please follow
I don't want to point this out but please leave religous items out of game development... (as Christianity does not dominate the world, and hasn't for 70+ years) I'm comming from neutral ground here, just saying.. Keep it away from the overly opposing. Ruins fun topics. (even though this is based off 'satan' and how CCP sacraficed their souls to him, bringing in an argument like this just dead ends the topic...)(+ Satan is a joke nowadays)
Lighten up.
There are two types of people in this world - people that suck... and me.
yeah and if you like hunting inatimate objects for the fun of watching them blowing up do my fav pass time
wen normal mining getts too boring go out and mine sum macros.
trust me they dont fight bak and you can nick thier stuff and kill thier haulers really easy even in empire.
so for all noobs (im not telling you how) but find out how to kill macro miners with out getting owned by concord and go and find yourself sum macros kill them a few times and you are good its fun to watch them blow up and they just by more ships. also after killing thier hauler destroy thier can after dropping your own and let them mine for you :P
so far i spent 2 hours doing it and made the corp record of 34 mil per hour. they are sooo stupid.
and yes eve was forged in the pits of hell. CCP: the devils middle name
but if they have eve in hell sign me up now.... well again.
hell: eternal eve and heating i like that idea
Live, Breath, Cause. HaVoK
You're 100% wrong sorry. This game is all about casual play. If you got over involved in it and it sucked you in that was your choice.
Make a difference!
Actually no. If you play EVE casually all you are going to end up doing is secure space mining, mission grinding, and logging in to change your skills. To get into the serious corps that offer some real action you need to guarantee time and effort towards the game that is abit more then casual friendly.
I just went through this and this is the exact reason why I am cancelling my subs for the second time around. Playing EVE casually means paying to be able to log in and set skills to train every so often. If you want to enjoy the sandbox gameplay aspect you need to get into 0.0 space which requires abit more commitment.
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
Actually no. If you play EVE casually all you are going to end up doing is secure space mining, mission grinding, and logging in to change your skills. To get into the serious corps that offer some real action you need to guarantee time and effort towards the game that is abit more then casual friendly.
I just went through this and this is the exact reason why I am cancelling my subs for the second time around. Playing EVE casually means paying to be able to log in and set skills to train every so often. If you want to enjoy the sandbox gameplay aspect you need to get into 0.0 space which requires abit more commitment.
That's why I love low-sec, you can still do much of the things you would out in 0.0 but have pvp right at your fingertips.
Actually no. If you play EVE casually all you are going to end up doing is secure space mining, mission grinding, and logging in to change your skills. To get into the serious corps that offer some real action you need to guarantee time and effort towards the game that is abit more then casual friendly.
I just went through this and this is the exact reason why I am cancelling my subs for the second time around. Playing EVE casually means paying to be able to log in and set skills to train every so often. If you want to enjoy the sandbox gameplay aspect you need to get into 0.0 space which requires abit more commitment.
Not true.
I am a director of a 0.0 living corp and I play, on average, about 2 hours a day. Some days I am more inspired and I play 4 hours, and sometimes it is around that on weekends as well, but on average it's between 8pm and 10pm or 11pm. I don't live in high-sec, I do get involved in PvP, corporate diplomacy and politics, and I also help to run a corp of around 80 players. When I need to make ISK I can go hunt NPCs in the system next door that have 1m bounties on them for a couple of days, for 2-3 hours at a time, and replenish the wallet rather fast.
So, no. It's very, very possible to play EVE at a very high level in 0.0 on a rather casual basis.
Since when is 2 to 4 hours a day casual? Casual is like a few times a week. Sorry I don't see how you proved me wrong with your statement, you are putting a sizeable time investment into the game and far from casual play.
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
Actually no. If you play EVE casually all you are going to end up doing is secure space mining, mission grinding, and logging in to change your skills. To get into the serious corps that offer some real action you need to guarantee time and effort towards the game that is abit more then casual friendly.
I just went through this and this is the exact reason why I am cancelling my subs for the second time around. Playing EVE casually means paying to be able to log in and set skills to train every so often. If you want to enjoy the sandbox gameplay aspect you need to get into 0.0 space which requires abit more commitment.
Well, sorry you feel that way. I'm a casual player. Last night I had time to do quite a few things, but my main purpose was setting a cat and mouse trap for some people we don't like. They never went for it, so tonight I'll spend several hours doing it again. It sounds boring [to some], but... as they say in the Army... "Hurry up and wait!" If you don't like mission grinding... don't do it... but, then again... I'm sure you've heard that before.
There are two types of people in this world - people that suck... and me.
Since when is 2 to 4 hours a day casual? Casual is like a few times a week. Sorry I don't see how you proved me wrong with your statement, you are putting a sizeable time investment into the game and far from casual play.
Your defenition of casual, mate. Sounds like you shouldn't be playing MMOs at all. You should switch to FPSs. I say this because ALL MMOs require time. Eve is simply one of the best games for us casual gamers. If you can't find yourself improving in Eve... then you're playing the wrong genre or you need to losen up your schedule. I won't make you do either (duh!), but I think that's the soundest advice I can give you.
There are two types of people in this world - people that suck... and me.