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World of Warcraft Removing The Human Racial Passive in The War Within |

SystemSystem Member UncommonPosts: 12,599
edited April 2024 in News & Features Discussion

imageWorld of Warcraft Removing The Human Racial Passive in The War Within |

One of the most well-known racial passives in World of Warcraft will be removed from the MMO once The War Within goes live, which has a few players quite upset. 

Read the full story here


  • DajovaDajova Member UncommonPosts: 6
    it was a stupid passive to begin with. same with their old active racial.
  • court655court655 Member UncommonPosts: 6
    Now if they would remove WoW itself and create a WoW2.
  • AngrakhanAngrakhan Member EpicPosts: 1,978
    Yeah I dunno, it was never a deal maker or breaker for me. The issue with it is that once your rep is maxed for the factions you care about, the racial no longer does anything for you becoming useless. Other racial passives are effective for the entire xpac such as the Kul Tiran "Brush it off" or Orc "Hardiness". Hopefully they do something more along those lines such as maybe a "Master Merchant" passive which reduces your AH fees by 5% permanently.
  • CelciusCelcius Member RarePosts: 1,879

    court655 said:

    Now if they would remove WoW itself and create a WoW2.

    They are on like WoW 5 now.
  • hsb320hsb320 Member UncommonPosts: 41
    thats racist
  • jnugget173jnugget173 Member UncommonPosts: 24

    court655 said:

    Now if they would remove WoW itself and create a WoW2.

    they will not make wow2 with the amount of players they still have lol
  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,641
    Homogenizing of races and classes has been the direction shortly after WoW came out for the whole genre. No player must feel he has made a mistake, so attributes and traits/feats have become more standardized. It is a shame as part of the uniqueness of each avatar disappears, but this is making MMOs to suit everyone so any complexity must get shelved.
  • UnintendedUnintended Member UncommonPosts: 98
    I agree whocares about WoW anymore? It's old, make WoW 2 already..... Even better World of Starcraft. And put male and female in it and stop denying gender exists.
  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,128
    I agree whocares about WoW anymore? It's old, make WoW 2 already..... Even better World of Starcraft. And put male and female in it and stop denying gender exists.
    They won’t make a World of Warcraft 2.

    1, they’ve had years to do so, even spending 10 years working on another MMORPG before abandoning it.

    2, it would cannibalize the player base of World of Warcraft which is still successful and There would be no immediate evidence as to whether it would be as successful.

    3, if the they change up the gameplay to something different then they risk a flop. If they keep with the same gameplay then “why?” They already have a game that does it and is successful. All they would need to do is update the graphics which, it seems, they already do.

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  • AngrakhanAngrakhan Member EpicPosts: 1,978
    If Blizzard builds another MMO it will be something that doesn't compete directly with WoW. Case in point is Overwatch which was made from the leftover assets from the other MMO they were working on and shut down. Clearly they were building some MMOFPS. My guess as to why they changed directions was Destiny 2 which was under the Activision umbrella at the time and Activision didn't want to split that player base between two games. Now that Blizzard is under Microsoft and Bungie is under Sony maybe we'll see an Overwatch MMO come to light? Regardless you won't see a WoW 2. World of StarCraft maybe.
  • richrem1richrem1 Member UncommonPosts: 199
    I never liked the idea of races having a "special feature". It makes the game unfair and boring. Race should be cosmetic only, giving the world true diversity; and what people like for their avatar, instead of what is the meta build. This should also be true for content. Final Fantasy 11, and Phantasy Star Universe suffered from this.
  • SethNWSethNW Member UncommonPosts: 7
    The problem with this racial is that since reputation is account wide, it can be stacked on multiple characters, which would give player who uses this big advantage and since people do try to rush things in competitive play early on, I guess they didn't really want it to be too good for someone with bunch of human characters.

    I do hope they replace it with something interesting though. Since it wouldn't be fair to just remove it.
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