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Latest New World Community Q&A Covers Lessons Learned from Rise of the Angry Earth And Season 4 | MM

SystemSystem Member UncommonPosts: 12,599
edited November 2023 in News & Features Discussion

imageLatest New World Community Q&A Covers Lessons Learned from Rise of the Angry Earth And Season 4 |

The latest New World community Q&A is out, and the team covers lessons learned from Season 3 and Rise of the Angry Earth, endgame, gear, progression challenges, and more. There's also a behind the scenes look at Artifacts.

Read the full story here


  • MensurMensur Member EpicPosts: 1,531
    edited November 2023
    They could have had 10x the player base- but instead they released a product that was no way near the finish line- and now they are scrambling for 10-20k player base. its sad man.

    mmorpg junkie since 1999

  • Davidoff85Davidoff85 Member UncommonPosts: 37

    Mensur said:

    They could have had 10x the player base- but instead they released a product that was no way near the finish line- and now they are scrambling for 10-20k player base. its sad man.

    And even now, 2 years after the original launch they are still no way near the finish line!

    Imagine that even with a brand new expansion the only content you have to's the content that was there at launch!

    - 1 OPR MAP
    - Arena
    - Same dungeon's on rotation + 2 new dungeons...
    - WAR that only 3% of NW player base can actually do ( that part hurt a LOT)

    So the game is going no where....
    They are just unable to deliver new content to the player base

    Go out and grind mats & OPR.
    Rinse and repeat

    Oops, something went wrong!

  • LevrionLevrion Member UncommonPosts: 33
    Let this be a learning experience for them. Nobody who has a thought in their heads believes $30 for a patch is a good idea.
  • GermzypieGermzypie Member UncommonPosts: 184

    Mensur said:

    They could have had 10x the player base- but instead they released a product that was no way near the finish line- and now they are scrambling for 10-20k player base. its sad man.

    And even now, 2 years after the original launch they are still no way near the finish line!

    Imagine that even with a brand new expansion the only content you have to's the content that was there at launch!

    - 1 OPR MAP

    - Arena

    - Same dungeon's on rotation + 2 new dungeons...

    - WAR that only 3% of NW player base can actually do ( that part hurt a LOT)

    So the game is going no where....

    They are just unable to deliver new content to the player base

    Go out and grind mats & OPR.

    Rinse and repeat

    I am by no means a white knight for this game, however i feel the game we have now is the game we should have had at launch. The expansion though, was more of a dlc. The pvp is much more enjoyable with the races/territory open world every single night. So if you want to pvp, this is the thing to do if you cannot get into wars. A lot of fun usually, even for me and i am on the underpopulated faction. In fact, i get more entertainment in the races than i do in wars. Up to 3 races every night, each lasting 45 minutes.

    1 OPR map...yeah, not sure what they are doing here but at least the ques are cross server now.
    Expeditions are some of the best dungeon content i have experienced. Disclaimer, first mmo was daoc.
    WAR, yep....still top 1% club but this does not bother me like it does some folks now that territory pushing is revamped.
    Crafting has become easier, and so has getting geared.
    Grinding either love it or hate it....doesn't matter which game you are playing.

    Is it worth the $70....questionable. For me, having just leveled up a new character from scratch?.....yes, it was worth it. Although i did encounter some annoying bugs that stonewalled me and many others for a bit from finishing the MSQ. (these are now fixed)

  • vonryan123vonryan123 Member UncommonPosts: 516
    edited November 2023
    They still cant be asked to fix the issues most people have with the game. It's dead let it go....

  • GermzypieGermzypie Member UncommonPosts: 184
    They still cant be asked to fix the issues most people have with the game. It's dead let it go....

    Hmmm, i don't think i will.  After a year hiatus from the game, because i was fed up with it, i am actually enjoying it.  Is there a current game that you enjoy and if so, why?  Or do you just come here to crap on them?  lol
  • vonryan123vonryan123 Member UncommonPosts: 516
    Germzypie said:
    They still cant be asked to fix the issues most people have with the game. It's dead let it go....

    Hmmm, i don't think i will.  After a year hiatus from the game, because i was fed up with it, i am actually enjoying it.  Is there a current game that you enjoy and if so, why?  Or do you just come here to crap on them?  lol
    I play tons of games I enjoy. Not my fault ags sucks at making games. It's not even a just me thing look at the numbers. If you like it cool for you but, the vast majority of people that played it don't. They have yet to address even the simplest issues people have. They ignore everything and keep plugging on like they are doing a great job. They sold the game to have things it didn't then add them later as paid dlc. As if the bots, dupes and other exploits weren't bad enough. I feel sorry for people that keep giving companies like this more money it only encourages them.

    I would say enjoy it while it lasts but it won't so good luck.

  • GermzypieGermzypie Member UncommonPosts: 184

    Germzypie said:

    They still cant be asked to fix the issues most people have with the game. It's dead let it go....

    Hmmm, i don't think i will.  After a year hiatus from the game, because i was fed up with it, i am actually enjoying it.  Is there a current game that you enjoy and if so, why?  Or do you just come here to crap on them?  lol

    I play tons of games I enjoy. Not my fault ags sucks at making games. It's not even a just me thing look at the numbers. If you like it cool for you but, the vast majority of people that played it don't. They have yet to address even the simplest issues people have. They ignore everything and keep plugging on like they are doing a great job. They sold the game to have things it didn't then add them later as paid dlc. As if the bots, dupes and other exploits weren't bad enough. I feel sorry for people that keep giving companies like this more money it only encourages them.

    I would say enjoy it while it lasts but it won't so good luck.

    Been playing again for the past 3 months. Have yet to see a bot, dupe or exploit. Also, looking at your post history, i find it difficult to take anything you say with a grain of salt. You even mentioned you have been "mmoless" for years, yet trash just about every game you talk about with nothing good to say about anything. Does AGS have problems? You bet they do. But the game is heading in the right direction, can only hope it keeps getting better. The good thing is there is no monthly sub. I said i would never return to this game after the launch fiasco, but did when a friend told me i should give it another try. I question though, when was the last time you played? Or have you even bought this game? What "things" are you talking about that they said they had but didnt until the dlc? You are so vague in your criticism....
  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,252

    Mensur said:

    They could have had 10x the player base- but instead they released a product that was no way near the finish line- and now they are scrambling for 10-20k player base. its sad man.

    And even now, 2 years after the original launch they are still no way near the finish line!

    Imagine that even with a brand new expansion the only content you have to's the content that was there at launch!

    - 1 OPR MAP
    - Arena
    - Same dungeon's on rotation + 2 new dungeons...
    - WAR that only 3% of NW player base can actually do ( that part hurt a LOT)

    So the game is going no where....
    They are just unable to deliver new content to the player base

    Go out and grind mats & OPR.
    Rinse and repeat
    Appears they've shifted a bunch of their talent, err, resources into other titles leaving this to plug along much how Bethesda deals with FO76.

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

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