As someone who primarily plays solo, Delves are interesting to me depending on what the rewards are. Torghast could have been the way finally elevated the solo player to a first class citizen in the game but no, there were no gear rewards only soul ash. If you wanted to improve your character past max level you have to do party based content. I'm actually fine with that as I prefer group content but WoW requires huge blocks of contiguous time to complete any sort of productive end game content. A single heroic+ can take a couple of hours, and you have to get an invite since there's no DF for that. At that point I'm out because I simply don't have the time and no one wants to help out a casual even in their own guild.
I know the hard core players cheer at that because casuals are the anathema to their existence. However I will point out that the more people you drive out of your games the smaller the budget is for them. I don't see why giving decent rewards to solo players would be such a burden as it literally doesn't affect anyone else. I'm not expecting gear on par with the highest tier raid gear, but say stuff on par with the best heroic+ gear minus one tier. That way there's still incentive to do the hardest party content without leaving us so far behind there just no reason to bother playing.
Does Blizzard care? I doubt it. They've never done anything like it. THOU SHALT RAID has been the mantra since vanilla. I doubt it will change now, but I can hope at least until we get more details and find out it's just Torghast again.
From all these hints it seems to me that WoW is planning to introduce player-owned NPC teams within the next few years:
Warbands look like the foundation work to consolidate all the account-related stuff;
Delves will introduce flexible group sizes and test doing group content with NPC AI in a limited and controlled way;
All the talk about how they 'never knew that alts would be such a huge part of WoW and the game was not designed for such play' - which they are changing now;
Announcing three expansion at the same time.
So I would expect that the second expansion in this series will allow players to compose their own parties using their alts for at least some of the content (everything except raids and mythic+ perhaps).
Should help with long dungeon queues and race / class / role imbalance and give players a lot more to do in between raiding, i.e. leveling up and gearing alts. The third expansion will maybe upgrade warbands into war camps (as hinted in the reworked login screen), partially based on the garrisons, and with yet another rework of the professions, this time coupled with an overhaul of the resources system.
At least that's what my crystal ball has shown me based on the few scraps of info we were given this weekend...
I haven't been excited about an expansion since Legion announced Artificat Weapons and Class Hall campaigns.
Delves gives me a progression track that is challenging and offers Heroic raid gear by the end. I don't have the schedule or the time to dedicate to static raid groups and I hate M+, so this gives me a reason to play the game again.
Heroic talents are interesting. SoD for Classic realms are appealing as well. A reason to finally play WoW again.
We were each given £1500 and told to fly to Irvine, which is in America. Once there, we were told to meet up at something called a Blizzard Con for a series of challenges
I know the hard core players cheer at that because casuals are the anathema to their existence. However I will point out that the more people you drive out of your games the smaller the budget is for them. I don't see why giving decent rewards to solo players would be such a burden as it literally doesn't affect anyone else. I'm not expecting gear on par with the highest tier raid gear, but say stuff on par with the best heroic+ gear minus one tier. That way there's still incentive to do the hardest party content without leaving us so far behind there just no reason to bother playing.
Does Blizzard care? I doubt it. They've never done anything like it. THOU SHALT RAID has been the mantra since vanilla. I doubt it will change now, but I can hope at least until we get more details and find out it's just Torghast again.
- Warbands look like the foundation work to consolidate all the account-related stuff;
- Delves will introduce flexible group sizes and test doing group content with NPC AI in a limited and controlled way;
- All the talk about how they 'never knew that alts would be such a huge part of WoW and the game was not designed for such play' - which they are changing now;
- Announcing three expansion at the same time.
So I would expect that the second expansion in this series will allow players to compose their own parties using their alts for at least some of the content (everything except raids and mythic+ perhaps).Should help with long dungeon queues and race / class / role imbalance and give players a lot more to do in between raiding, i.e. leveling up and gearing alts. The third expansion will maybe upgrade warbands into war camps (as hinted in the reworked login screen), partially based on the garrisons, and with yet another rework of the professions, this time coupled with an overhaul of the resources system.
At least that's what my crystal ball has shown me based on the few scraps of info we were given this weekend...
Delves gives me a progression track that is challenging and offers Heroic raid gear by the end. I don't have the schedule or the time to dedicate to static raid groups and I hate M+, so this gives me a reason to play the game again.
Heroic talents are interesting. SoD for Classic realms are appealing as well. A reason to finally play WoW again.
WoW still has scenarios, they never went away. Blizzard really only uses them for story quests now but they're still there.