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The Lord Of The Rings: Return To Moria Review |

SystemSystem Member UncommonPosts: 12,599
edited November 2023 in News & Features Discussion

imageThe Lord Of The Rings: Return To Moria Review |

In the shadowy depths of Middle-earth, the Dwarves have begun to delve, maybe too greedily, again. They've returned to Moria, and Emily has you covered. How does the survival game hold up? Here is our review.

Read the full story here


  • ShinyFlygonShinyFlygon Member RarePosts: 630
    My friends and I will be all about this if it ever comes to Steam. We are all PC gamers and most of us do not do Epic.
  • AbimorAbimor Member RarePosts: 924
    man thats too bad this game had me really interested. It just sounds to clunky and the limits on your freedom sound kinda lame.
  • NasaNasa Member UncommonPosts: 749

    My friends and I will be all about this if it ever comes to Steam. We are all PC gamers and most of us do not do Epic.

    The game was made with Epic's Unreal Engine
  • TerazonTerazon Member RarePosts: 448
    I was hoping it would have been decent fun =/
  • AbimorAbimor Member RarePosts: 924
    Nasa said:

    My friends and I will be all about this if it ever comes to Steam. We are all PC gamers and most of us do not do Epic.

    The game was made with Epic's Unreal Engine
    I honestly dont know the answer to this question. If you use their engine you have to put it on the epic store?
  • olepiolepi Member EpicPosts: 3,116
    I usually think of a 6.0 rating as a "don't bother".

    2025: 48 years on the Net.

  • zyxxeryzyxxery Member UncommonPosts: 25
    Honestly, I was truly looking forward to this game. I was hoping for a dwarven LOTR inspired survival. What we got was a mix between a survival and an RPG, a game that tries to do both at the same time, so sadly doesn't go deep enough in both aspects to do it well.

    Progress is slow and also quite repetitive, but I found myself enjoying the references to the books, which were on par with the lore and spot on. However, the in-game map is absolutely terrible, and you can spend a long time looking for that shrine which you found yesterday and you can now access.,..

    For me, I palyed it and finished it solo without a great deal of difficulty. I found myself never making a truly permanent base, as each new zone I'd need to make a new outpost so that when I eventually died I didn't have to travel for ages.

    Thankfully, there are some fast travel mechanics which save a ton of time. As you progress through the zones, you'll begin to realise that it's all too similar. It gets quite repetiive by the end, but in all honesty while I wouldn't call it a great game, I did enjoy it.

    The sounds, atmosphere are great. graphics are pretty nice too and dwarven structures look spot on. However, the procedural generation mentioned as selling point isn't quite as procedural as you may think, but procedural enough to annoy you when you realise where you need to get to is hiding at the end of a corridor in a little crack!

    When you hit near end-game, there are a few scarce resources that will leave you frustratingly farming for them, or more accurately finding the locations in which you can get them to craft the equipment you need (no spoilers).

    That leaves me a bit worried about multiplayer! If I had problems equipping myself, I'm not sure if that would just be compounded had I played with a friend or two!

    All in all, my take on it is - come for the dwarfs, don't take it too seriously, and don't expect an AAA game. Drink some beer, hit some rocks and just enjoy it as a little trip into Moria

    6/10 would agree.
  • CalavryCalavry Member UncommonPosts: 139
    I have been playing this solo for 44 hours so far and really enjoying it. The atmosphere in Moria is fabulous. The mechanics remind me very much of Valhiem.

    You do have stats btw they are just not directly manipulable. Gear and buffs change your stats instead. You can see what your current stats are via tab on the pc and a clickable icon appears down the bottom left of the screen which show you the current numbers.

    Buffs maybe don't last long enough is my only complaint.
  • FloydninjaFloydninja Newbie CommonPosts: 1
    I'm not going to argue that this game is better played in a group...I mean, every game that has co-op is better played in co-op.... that's kind of an obvious statement. But I believe the spawn rates mentioned above are grossly exaggerated. I've been playing 20 plus hours and have yet to see more than two 3-packs of wolves spawn back to back before a lengthy break. If you like Lord of the rings, especially the books, then you'll love this game. Don't pass it up. And to the commentor saying you "don't do epic"....ummm, why!!?? Who gives a s#$t what pc platform you buy it on?
  • hupahupa Member UncommonPosts: 181
    This game was a major disappointment. We duo'ed it for a night and that was enough for us. I agree with Emily's review almost 100%.
    When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself

    - Earl Nightingale
  • ShinyFlygonShinyFlygon Member RarePosts: 630
     And to the commentor saying you "don't do epic"....ummm, why!!?? Who gives a s#$t what pc platform you buy it on?
    There are some extensive conversations about this on Reddit. Feel free to Google "why do people hate the epic store" if you want to know more. There is no need to rehash that entire debate here.

  • GorweGorwe Member Posts: 1,639
    edited November 2023
    Imagine if LoTR actually had something like Vermintide. I feel the IP is being wasted right now. RoP, Gollum, this ... it's just meh.
  • gameplayingmonkeygameplayingmonkey Member UncommonPosts: 72
    I find it a bit suspicious that a year previous to any 'Return to Moria' announcement a different survival-craft dwarf rpg about reclaiming ancestral mountain homes called 'Return to Nangrim' appeared with a playable demo.

    My conspiratorial statement aside, its pretty clear by review scores that 'Return to Moria' is mediocre at best, its a shame that if/when 'Return to Nangrim' comes out its potential success is likely to be hampered not only by the general confusion around both games having very similar names and premise, but also that the first to release has a massive IP attachment and ended up being bad.
  • LevrionLevrion Member UncommonPosts: 33
    This game was the drizzling shits. And whoever made it needs to be kicked in the head.
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