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MMO Vet Greg Street's New Studio, Fantastic Pixel Castle, Is Building A Triple-A MMO With NetEase Ga

SystemSystem Member UncommonPosts: 12,599
edited November 2023 in News & Features Discussion

imageMMO Vet Greg Street's New Studio, Fantastic Pixel Castle, Is Building A Triple-A MMO With NetEase Games Global |

Greg Street's next adventure is finally more fully revealed. His new studio, Fantastic Pixel Castle, is a first-party independent studio part of NetEase Games, embracing a remote-first set up to build the next triple-A MMO.

Read the full story here


  • TruvidiennTruvidienn Member UncommonPosts: 347
    I'll more than likely be following this.
  • AngrakhanAngrakhan Member EpicPosts: 1,967
    I'm disappointed it's yet another fantasy game, but if it were my millions of dollars I was betting on the table I'd probably go the same route. As a player I'd prefer sci-fi or cyberpunk setting, but as a business owner I'd have to recognize that fantasy sells.

    Anyway I wish them the best of luck. It would be awesome to have a new western AAA IP MMO come out.
  • NeoyoshiNeoyoshi Member EpicPosts: 1,531
    edited November 2023
    Of course, yet another 'startup' game studio launching yet another so-called 'AAA-game' project with yet again... one of the big 3 of China.

    How desperate does one need to be to crawl into bed with the slime of Chinese game companies?

    Fishing on Gilgamesh since 2013
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    Born with a fishing rod in my hand in 1979
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  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,628
    Keep Calm And Carry On Posting.
  • TerazonTerazon Member RarePosts: 448
  • AbimorAbimor Member RarePosts: 924
    Starting today I'm not showing any interest in new mmos unless they state clearly their current plan for bilking their future marks I mean customers.
    in all seriousness China companies are bad bets for the sole reason they are beholden to their government.
    my biggest concern though is these eastern companies are cash shop machines and won't actually support a game other than to make fast cash and never stick with it.

    Eso is actually a great example they have one of the most intrusive cashshops in the western market. Really though if you pay the optional sub their is nothing you ever need to buy as far as gameplay goes off of it. was it pretty dam irritating when logging in that it would pop up yep but I never felt like anything for me anyways was required to buy to play the game I paid for.
  • DigDuggyDigDuggy Member RarePosts: 694
    All we know is it's Fantasy? Nothing to follow, see, look forward to. Put some meat on these bones so that we can at least get a look at what this lifeless thing might be.
  • WargfootWargfoot Member EpicPosts: 1,607
    I WanT TO THroW $$$ AT a KiCKsTARteR NOW Plz.

    lol...let me know when Lazy Peon has reviewed the release version.
    Until then, you don't exist in my world.
  • deniterdeniter Member RarePosts: 1,440
    Somehow I have a feeling I've played this game already. Mr. Street is the one who f***ed up WoW for good and I don't have any reason to believe this one would deviate much from his vision of what makes a good MMO.

    And this comes from a guy who definitely doesn't have a phone.
  • ShinyFlygonShinyFlygon Member RarePosts: 630
    There is approximately a 0% chance this game will actually bring anything new to the genre, and approximately a 100% chance it will be free-to-play garbage. Just one guy cashing in on his credentials to help a Chinese company create more shovelware. (Possibly mobile shovelware, at that.)
  • sabrefoxxsabrefoxx Member UncommonPosts: 252
    Oh joy another fantasy game. I wonder what will be different this time *crickets* nothing. Ashes of Creation is the only fantasy game trying to do something new. However because of the scope they'll likely never finish during my lifetime, much like Star Citizen.
  • DattelisDattelis Member EpicPosts: 1,684
    Ah yes, Netease, the same group that helped bring us such AAA hits like Diablo Immortal alongside Blizzard. Can't wait to play this guy's AAA mmo on my phone.
  • MensurMensur Member EpicPosts: 1,531
    Netease....ohh boy!

    mmorpg junkie since 1999

  • AbimorAbimor Member RarePosts: 924
    dam I just realized everyone of us on this website are a bunch of dam malcontents and it is awesome! 
    no all joking aside to the people who are saying the fantasy thing what are you looking for? I honestly would love a civil war era mmo but people would be scummy wit something to do wit slaves and ruin it. 
    or maybe a Napoleonic wars mmo that could be cool. 
  • Jelvis111Jelvis111 Newbie CommonPosts: 34
    Just say truthfully to your audience that 15 bucks a month doesn’t cover costs and make money. We need to charge 20-25 unless we get 10 million people playing which ain’t happening.

    I’d Honestly love to see a more steampunk style of dark fantasy. If you have to stick with just fantasy then Steampunk it up. Can still be tab target . I don’t mind it for MMORPG’s. I actually prefer it. Tera had the only none tab target combat that I liked. But it even soft locked.

    Other thing I want is to build my character. I liked when wow had stats you looked for but could play with. Like the healers. Druids needed spirit for better healing and it helped mana regeneration but there spells worked differently from priest and paladins and then gems and glyphs added further ways to build out your class. But I didn’t need 5 different builds for different dungeons and raids or mythic. The builds work6. Anything else is lazy design.

    Just my peeves.
  • NildenNilden Member EpicPosts: 3,916
    edited November 2023
    This is about as exciting as Disney announcing a new live action remake.
    Post edited by Nilden on

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  • LevrionLevrion Member UncommonPosts: 33
    It's the same crap every 5 years. And the same 5 developers who have ruined MMO's keep their jobs at other companies. This dude who was a glorified WOW forum moderator and now "developer" is about as knowledgeable in gaming and my big toe. Taking bets now: How long until this dude gets aggravated with his job, quits and moves onto another game company without showing you any progress he's done on any game, ever? Dude is a hack fraud.
  • BrainyBrainy Member EpicPosts: 2,286
    I would like to know who they want there core audience to be?  PVP or PVE.  If they build towards PVE then have PVP servers then I am cool and will follow this game.  If they try to force PVE'ers into a PVP world, then im out.
  • trugamertrugamer Member UncommonPosts: 11
    Love everything, hope it's good...lots of second rate MMOs out there!
  • UNH0LYEV1LUNH0LYEV1L Member UncommonPosts: 572
    Instantly turned off as soon as NetEase was mentioned. Like holy F...its the same thing over and over.
  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,252

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

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    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

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