This game isn't even close to being a threat to Albion Online. It's highly superficial don't see anything unique that'd make it attractive against other games of the type.
I get Ember Sword and Ember's Adrift confused....cant these companies come up with better names?
A Steam search finds 18 games that contain the word "Ember", and that's not counting having it as part of a longer word such as "Embers". There are a lot of games out there, and that means that a lot of words get reused.
Hell I've seen much worse launched games.
A Steam search finds 18 games that contain the word "Ember", and that's not counting having it as part of a longer word such as "Embers". There are a lot of games out there, and that means that a lot of words get reused.
Leaving bugs aside, the game played like a horrible android to pc port.
But, as people said, its in alpha.
If they actually fix this, the game could become very interesting.