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I'm not sure how many players that visit here also own and play a console. I have an Xbox 360 and love it, and find the time to play games on it, despite my addiction to PC mmorpgs.
So I have been looking into Sony's PS3 more lately and I still can't find a whole lot to convince me that I made a mistake by not waiting for it. In all likelyhood, I'll buy it anyway. There have been games that have come for the PS2 that I always wanted to play but I never got that system because I owned an Xbox.
So anyway, about the PS3. I don't think that they are at the same point in their Online part of the system as Microsoft is. The Xbox 360 shipped with a great Live architechure, and there are nice updates coming soon to improve it even more . . .
Now for the kicker . . . I've read (from nowwhere official or particularly important) that the PS3's online service is being designed by Sony Online Entertainment.
If this turns out to be true, according to what many people here think about SOE, a PS3 may be a little easier to get your hands on come November. Of course, I am still getting one, and I might even consider playing Star Wars Galaxies on it.
From the looks of it, there is nothing that the Xbox 360 can do that the PS3 will not be able to do as well or do better at. Time will tell. My bet is placed on the PS3 in this fight even though the Xbox 360 has clearly already won round one as the PS3 is still waiting on its upcoming November launch.
Oh BTW, here is the PS3's online info that you were asking about Tymora... click HERE
- Zaxx
Thanks for the link, Zaxx. It good to see that the PS3 online service will basically be free. I don't mind paying the subscription to Xbox Live, but with the PS3 offering what appears to be about the same online features for free, it gives them an advantage in that respect.
Of course mmorpgs that come out for the PS3 will likely have a subscription fee to play, but we're all used to that here. I am anxious to see what the first round of mmorpgs will be for the Xbox 360 and PS3.
One thing I really hope for, is integration of the mmorpgs into a common game where any player can be in the same gameworld regardless of what system they are using (like FFXI - PS2, Xbox 360, and PC gamers can all play in the same gameworld online).
I heard that at E3, Mythic showed a demo of an Orc in their upcoming mmorpg, Warhammer Online (WAR), on an Xbox 360. So far the mmorpg is not expected to be developed for consoles, but Mythic mentioned the possibility. However, they stated that console players may feel a little intimidated by the complexity of a mmorpg, and so Mythic would likely simplify the mmorpg on the console. This would make the PC version and the console version incompatible, which would be a mistake in my opinion.
Aside from that, I would not want a watered down version of the same mmorpg, that would be like playing World of Warcraft instead of Dark Age of Camelot or Everquest.
"There's no star system Slave I can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the Galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now."
Boba Fett
"There's no star system Slave I can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the Galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now."
Boba Fett
"There's no star system Slave I can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the Galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now."
Boba Fett
How am I certain thats its garbage? All the information is on the internet, look it up. Two different versions of it, the $500 (overpriced) one has a few missing features such as DVI and some other misc things, and a 20 gig which speaks for itself. The $600 one (overpriced) has a 60gig HD and has the features the $500 (overpriced) one dosent. All that isnt why its garbage though.
I claim its garbage because of the way its been handled, its been pushed back and back again to further copy things from both Microsoft and Nintendo, and done it halfassed. Was a complete failure at E3, had very few games there, 99% of them were just prerendered CGI video and couldnt be played. Meanwhile Microsoft and espically Nintendo had games up the ass, and were actually playable. Sony comes to E3 with nothing but some hardware and some movies, what determination. More like cock-ass attitude and lack of care for the lower-middle class gamers.
"There's no star system Slave I can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the Galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now."
Boba Fett
You guys have to know that you can't necessarly compare a console that is out to a console that isn't. Remember, SONY already pulled a fast one on us by having 2 core designs at 2 different prices and if you don't own an 360, do you have a position to talk?
I love my 360 and I plan on getting a PS3 and Wii (when SB: Brawl comes out). See, specs don't mean much, it's what game will use the system specs to it's potential or should I say, don't hate the console, hate the game.
Hold your responses for when it comes out. I already seen this happen before the Xbox came out and it became even more sucessful than people though. Sad that many Americans wern't at least proud at the first American made console.
I gotta say, the line-up of PS3 games is pretty sweet.
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
50 bucks says this guy owns a PS3 within 6 months after it's released, lolz. Probably sooner. He's probably just trash-talking it so that he has a better chance of snagging one himself when they are released this fall! Ha!

Seriously, how can you say that the PlayStation 3 is "garbage" when:
a) You have never played it yet
b) You don't even know what all games will be released it's first few months, nor have you played them on the upcoming PS3.
c) I'm willing to bet that if you had one now.. umm you wouldn't be sacking it up and throwing in your nearest dumpster.
You seem to be basing it all on it's price which you refer to as "overpriced" multiple times in this thread. You trash it's smaller package with the 20 GB hard drive stating it is so small, when a 20 GB hard drive is what the Xbox 360 has in it's up-sized package and can't possibly compete with the PS3's 60 GB hard drive. Sony's best is BIGGER then the Xbox 360's best offering. THREE TIMES BIGGER to be exact. So for someone who seems to be all over the Xbox 360, if you are gonna trash the 20 and 60 GB hard drives of the PS3, you should take a look at your beloved consoles equipment before you go bashing elsewhere.
You fail to realize the cost Sony has in each machine, and that they are taking a HUGE loss on each system that they sell. Can you say the same for the Xbox 360? NO. Because even at $400, Microsoft is making profit on each unit. Sony is taking a HUGE loss on each unit it sells at $600. That alone should tell you which is the bigger bang for your buck. Sure, if Sony's Blu-ray fails to pick up its popularity that Sony is hoping for, then that will certainly even out the odds. But how can you complain when your console will include a Blu-Ray player that costs over $1,000 alone? You'll only be spending $600 tops on the thing, and you get the blu-ray technology, and all the other high packed power that the PS3 is promising under it's hood.
For all you know.. two years from now.. 90% of all console games that come out will be made for exclusively for the PS3. It's doubtful that Sony will get that huge of a margin over its competition, but it could happen. You don't know, and neither do I. But for you to already be exclaiming that the PS3 is garbage is utterly ridiculous.
My bet is that you purchased an Xbox 360 and are now scared to death that you might have bought the inferior system and know that you probably should have waited. So you think that bashing the upcoming PS3 will somehow make you feel better about your Xbox 360 purchase and your lack of patience to actually wait and see which system will take the crown.
The PS3 is not garbage and won't be garbage man. Look at the PS1 and PS2. Neither were even close to "garbage" and it's highly doubtful that the PS3 will take that crown either. I think that the only "garbage" here is your constant bashing of a system that you know absolutely nothing about yet. If you go by history of Sony and it's game consoles, then you would know better then the "garbage" you are spewing out about Sony's game machines.
That's my two cents. (And my two cents has a higher value then your umm "garbage"
) Hehe.
- Zaxx
I m gonna buy a Wii.
I had enough of all the same games, they release games after games on the consoles, and they all feel the same after a while, we changed the graphics from the ps2/xbox and now you got a new game ps3/xbox360, it's all the same with better looks... Well it's ok at first, but then when they release game and game of the same, you start to get bored.... The Wii will be a nice change, like the DS is much more fun than the PSP even if the hardware of the PSP is way better, the DS games are way funnier
50 bucks says this guy owns a PS3 within 6 months after it's released, lolz. Probably sooner. He's probably just trash-talking it so that he has a better chance of snagging one himself when they are released this fall! Ha!

That's my two cents. (And my two cents has a higher value then your umm "garbage"
) Hehe.
- Zaxx
Wrong, lolz. I dont buy Sony products douche bag, Nintendo fanboi. Im trash-talking it because its Sony dosent give a damn about the low-middle class gamers! Ha!
Your two cents dosent have a higher value then my umm "garbage", for the sole reason that I dont give a damn. I dont have a 360 either, I have a Gamecube and a DS, and this pc. I havnt played my Gamecube in ages due to lack of games worth buying.
Next time you post and want to sound like a need to get the smart part right. As for right now you are just an ass. You are right I dont know how exactly the PS3 will do, but unlike you I kept up with everything at E3 and everything about all 3 systems, and im not the only person saying the PS3 will bomb, just go check out any gamesite that isnt Sony owned. Ill speculate all I want here because this is a public forum, but from now on dont open your mouth (type) like you know who I am and know what consoles I own and will go buy.
"There's no star system Slave I can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the Galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now."
Boba Fett
!! !! !!
Sarcasm, right?
This siggy is CGI that my cousin made in 4 hours.
Originally posted by GamerGTX
. but still i like the games the ps2 and ps3 will have and have. i knew it wouldn't be cheap but 600 for the total packet is way to high if ya ask me. so this is gonna enforce me to buy an 360, dunno what i can expect from it but i will see.
Sony has disappointed me with the high price etcetra:(, i was planning to buy an ps3 but its now why to expensive for an 14 year old kid
same here im 14 but i guest im lucky that my family have a bit of money
desktop because im seing that im paying 
im thinking of getting a alienware
thousands on new consoles and i dont need 2 i can get the same games
for my computer and some MMORPGs !! !!