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What Kind of Character Creator Are You? | One Good Roll |

SystemSystem Member UncommonPosts: 12,599
edited August 2022 in News & Features Discussion

imageWhat Kind of Character Creator Are You? | One Good Roll |

Character creation in MMORPG's can be a big deal to some people. In this week's One Good Roll, we take a look at some character creation strategies. Which one are you?

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  • eoloeeoloe Member RarePosts: 864
    Sometimes I go by theme.

    Naraka is not an MMO (it is a BR) but has a really impressive character creator. Here I converted all the characters I own into their dark elves or orcs counterparts. If it is possible, I also select the clothing that is fitting this theme.

    The setting of Naraka does not really justify the presence of dark elves and orcs. It is more a D&D stuff. But this is a PvP game, and I wanted my characters to look scary and merciless.

    Sometimes I go by challenge.

    BDO does not have a good character creator, it has an amazing K-pop star creator instead. However, for my wizard, I was proud to be able to create some kind of old Gandalf but punkified/shamanized). The idea was to make a mix between Gandalf and Tim (holy grail movie).
  • QuizzicalQuizzical Member LegendaryPosts: 25,564
    I play a lot of alts.  And if I'm going to play a lot of different characters, then I want to play a lot of different characters.  Different races, different skin colors, different hairstyles, whatever.

    I also tend to play small characters.  I played a big, fat Atrox in Anarchy Online for a while, and then realized that having a big character block too much of the screen so that I can't see small mobs was a gameplay disadvantage.  Smaller characters reduce that problem, at least unless they get so small that I can't find my own character.  If there's a height or size scaling slider, then I tend to set that to the minimum possible value.
  • TheocritusTheocritus Member LegendaryPosts: 10,064
    If I spend 15 seconds in the charactor creator, it's 10 seconds too long.....Most of the time I use the random button and find one quickly......99.99999% of the time it doesnt even matter.
  • KatagiriKatagiri Member UncommonPosts: 89
    I like self-Image and thematic.
  • UwakionnaUwakionna Member RarePosts: 1,139
    I'm definitely driven by theme, both from visuals through to mechanical choices. That doesn't mean I don't pay attention to a game's meta and play with builds either though.
  • MissKuraiMissKurai Newbie CommonPosts: 2
    Self-image for sure, my husband doesnt understand how I get an uncanny lookalike in whatever game we play. Hairstyles may not be what mine are, but the face is always mine.
    I find it a fun challenge to recreate myself.
  • AndemnonAndemnon Member UncommonPosts: 179
    The more complex the character creation tool is, the better i like it, if the character creation tool is of the same level as that of WOW's then the game is less interesting to me.
  • user298user298 Member UncommonPosts: 152
    The primary reason I play MMOs in first place is "socialization with other people". Not the "using other players as disposable tools for grinding XP/loot in dungeon or open world because bad game design forces me into group projects" but the real socialization that naturally happens outside of boring repetitive grind. As such, the visual appearance of my character is important to me and I like seeing as many options as possible and do spend significant amount of time with character creation tool if it does actually offer many options.

    As for what I model my character after - definitely not after my real self. I don't like my appearance in real life, so similarly to many people who also dislike their appearance in real life I use character creation tools to make a "better version" of me in terms of visual appearance.
  • sunnyortegosunnyortego Member UncommonPosts: 34
    I guess derivative from that list. Love messing with chimeralands character creator. Last I shrunk the fishlady body to smallest, with biggest head and tail and ended up with a character that looked like gyrados from pokemon. Then there was the panda I transformed to look like one of those T-Rex costumes.
  • UngoodUngood Member LegendaryPosts: 7,535
    For me, I often play some kind of Holy Paladin type melee bruisers, as my first character.

    It just fits my playstyle and mentality when I approach a game.

    I will expand out after that, but often enough, I am going to play some kind of holy smite melee bruiser as my first character.

    Not sure where that puts me.... Thematic?
    Egotism is the anesthetic that dullens the pain of stupidity, this is why when I try to beat my head against the stupidity of other people, I only hurt myself.

  • KnightFalzKnightFalz Member EpicPosts: 4,654
    I build around effectiveness in games where I can.

    After that, if able to create a human male character I want to play I tend to base one such on my features if possible. If not, I apply the standards beyond that detailed next.

    Beyond that, I do whatever suits me at the time. I am generally prone to make male characters if the game allows them to be masculine in appearance. If not I will create female ones as they at least should appear feminine.
  • AngrakhanAngrakhan Member EpicPosts: 1,982
    I try to blend self image with thematic. I ask myself if I were a barbarian/knight/wizard/necromancer/etc in this universe, what would I look like? I go from there within the limitations of the character creator.
  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,261
    I start with the random character generator till I get one which is interesting.

    Then I adjust hair, eye colorings, facial hair if male, boob sliders on females, usually make them big and athletic regardless of sex and off I go.


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  • IselinIselin Member LegendaryPosts: 18,719
    Like you, my first I try to make it as much like me as I can. After that with my alts I'm all over the place with gender and looks as the mood strikes me or sometimes thematically... like a cheery looking necromancer would just be wrong :)
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  • redstone777redstone777 Newbie CommonPosts: 3
    Me as a person who has trash taste and takes an hour to edit my main has to be perfect in every way for RP purposes as for my alts since Im into shity nasty things i make them fat as possible bearded bald your tipical fat bastard
  • AeanderAeander Member LegendaryPosts: 8,109
    I have a core set of personal characters that I try to bring into all my RPGs as closely as possible.
  • MatimusmaximusMatimusmaximus Member UncommonPosts: 26
    I feel like your missing the For-shits-and-giggles archetype.
  • UngoodUngood Member LegendaryPosts: 7,535
    I feel like your missing the For-shits-and-giggles archetype.
    I believe that falls under the 'Self Expression" as for shits and giggles is a means to express yourself.
    Egotism is the anesthetic that dullens the pain of stupidity, this is why when I try to beat my head against the stupidity of other people, I only hurt myself.

  • DigDuggyDigDuggy Member RarePosts: 694
    I like being thin and short.  I don't know why, but I do.  I take a long time to get my look the way I like it ( assuming a good character creation system). I've even made my character, gotten into game and quickly deleted my character because I didn't get it right when I saw it against other players.

    I maintain my actual gender.  I don't like playing female characters.  Don't know why, just don't.  I do know that if I did, I would be short and thin and have huge knockers 
  • ashiru_1978ashiru_1978 Member RarePosts: 818
    It really depends on my mood and what the game is.

    If it's something like LOTRO or WoW, I will try to create a very ordinary looking character that fits into the world, like the random characters in animes with brown or black hair as opposed to the main characters with all kinds of hair colors.

    If it's an anime game, I would try to recreate my idea of my own anime character - a male young adult with dark skin, yellow/orange irises and dark green shaggy hair and a smug but honest smile.
  • ValdheimValdheim Member RarePosts: 731
    Always same gender as me, I somehow cannot play a female character.
    Always thematically fitting, Rogues smaller and nimble, warriors athletic etc
    Main mostly based on my image but without the beer belly but not always because sometimes when an MMO has interesting races like EQs Frogloks, Ratongas etc. this rule doesn't apply.

    While the character creation usually takes some time until I'm happy with the result it's actually the naming process that is the most time consuming factor. I remember that there were times were i sat there for hours trying to find a fitting name that was not already taken.
  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,653
    MissKurai said:
    Self-image for sure, my husband doesnt understand how I get an uncanny lookalike in whatever game we play. Hairstyles may not be what mine are, but the face is always mine.
    I find it a fun challenge to recreate myself.
    Me as a person who has trash taste and takes an hour to edit my main has to be perfect in every way for RP purposes as for my alts since Im into shity nasty things i make them fat as possible bearded bald your tipical fat bastard
    Welcome to the forums! :)
  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,653
    edited August 2022
    Well the character should fit the setting and by and large that's what character creators are designed to do. But if I had the option I would not create a skinny Dwarf or a tall Hobbit just because I could; thematic goes beyond the game you are in. If you could sum up a look in one word I would say mine are "heroic" more than anything else.
  • ET3DET3D Member UncommonPosts: 330
    edited August 2022
    The only character creator worth its salt for me was in City of Heroes, and that was mainly because it had a place to write the character bio. In most MMOs the characters are just generic, sure, they might have a specific look, but that doesn't matter that much.

    In Everquest 2 the vast majority of my characters were non-humanoid, as they just looked better.

    In most other games, well, the natural direction is to just take a female character, turn to boob slider to maximum and run with it. Right?
    Post edited by ET3D on
  • UngoodUngood Member LegendaryPosts: 7,535
    ET3D said:
    The only character creator worth its salt for me was in City of Heroes, and that was mainly because it had a place to write the character bio. In most MMOs the characters are just generic, sure, they might have a specific look, but that doesn't matter that much.

    In Everquest 2 the vast majority of my characters were non-humans, as they just looked better.

    In most other games, well, the natural direction is to just take a female character, turn to boob slider to maximum and run with it. Right?
    So... that would make you an "Attractive" builder.
    Egotism is the anesthetic that dullens the pain of stupidity, this is why when I try to beat my head against the stupidity of other people, I only hurt myself.

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