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The Lord of the Rings Online: Before the Shadow Mini Expansion Announced to Add Early Game Content |

SystemSystem Member UncommonPosts: 12,599
edited August 2022 in News & Features Discussion

imageThe Lord of the Rings Online: Before the Shadow Mini Expansion Announced to Add Early Game Content |

A mini expansion for The Lord of the Rings Online, Before the Shadow has been officially unveiled. The new content will focus on levels 1-32 but also feature a new instance, Skirmish, and more for all.

Read the full story here


  • ashiru_1978ashiru_1978 Member RarePosts: 818
    As LOTRO is currently my main MMO, I was curious if it's going to be an expansion that increases the level cap from 140 to 150, but it turns out it's an alternative starting experience from 1 to 32. In a way it doesn't concern me at this point as I'm still on my first playthrough and my character is still level 106.

    Although I don't really understand if it's being aimed at existing players looking for a fresh start or new players, because new players won't be looking to be buying the first 30 levels.
  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,619
    edited August 2022
    As LOTRO is currently my main MMO, I was curious if it's going to be an expansion that increases the level cap from 140 to 150, but it turns out it's an alternative starting experience from 1 to 32. In a way it doesn't concern me at this point as I'm still on my first playthrough and my character is still level 106.

    Although I don't really understand if it's being aimed at existing players looking for a fresh start or new players, because new players won't be looking to be buying the first 30 levels.
    I think it is for alts, I am sure that Lotro is not going to move to an 'alts needed for progression' gameplay like we see in abusive cash shop games like LA. So its down to your choice, if I was an alter I would buy it but then I had no more than 3 toons in Lotro. Alters may love it though.
  • MarknMarkn Member UncommonPosts: 308
    It's actually aimed at new players. They expect more interest in the game once the Amazon TV Show starts up.
  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,619
    Markn said:
    It's actually aimed at new players. They expect more interest in the game once the Amazon TV Show starts up.
    They will no doubt get it as well, if you only decide to play a MMO because of a TV series you are likely to be a newbie so I guess this is more hand held?
  • The_KorriganThe_Korrigan Member RarePosts: 3,460
    Looks like they want people to make rerolls...
    If it wasn't for the bad combat and the really aging graphics, I'd almost be tempted.
    Respect, walk, what did you say?
    Respect, walk
    Are you talkin' to me? Are you talkin' to me?
    - PANTERA at HELLFEST 2023
    Yes, they are back !

  • BeyornBeyorn Member UncommonPosts: 372
    If the show tanks I hope it doesn't hurt LoTRO.
  • breygonbreygon Member UncommonPosts: 13
    The one thing that has been left out is how much is this mini-expansion going to cost?
  • cormachcormach Member UncommonPosts: 106
    While I'm glad to see the game keep expanding, I wish they would spend a little more time and money to improve server performance. The lag can sometimes be frustrating.
  • skeaserskeaser Member RarePosts: 4,227
    edited August 2022
    cormach said:
    While I'm glad to see the game keep expanding, I wish they would spend a little more time and money to improve server performance. The lag can sometimes be frustrating.

    During the last Q&A they stated they're working on it and that 64-bit servers are almost ready for deployment. They also made it sound like a stat squish will probably happen as the numbers have just gotten way too big which causes extra load.
    Sig so that badges don't eat my posts.

  • GatsuZerkGatsuZerk Member UncommonPosts: 137

    Scot said:

    As LOTRO is currently my main MMO, I was curious if it's going to be an expansion that increases the level cap from 140 to 150, but it turns out it's an alternative starting experience from 1 to 32. In a way it doesn't concern me at this point as I'm still on my first playthrough and my character is still level 106.

    Although I don't really understand if it's being aimed at existing players looking for a fresh start or new players, because new players won't be looking to be buying the first 30 levels.

    I think it is for alts, I am sure that Lotro is not going to move to an 'alts needed for progression' gameplay like we see in abusive cash shop games like LA. So its down to your choice, if I was an alter I would buy it but then I had no more than 3 toons in Lotro. Alters may love it though.

    Funny you say this because they just introduced brand new traceries that are only available from the reward track. So people are using multiple accounts to gear up 1 character with these new traceries.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,043
    edited August 2022
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
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