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Kakao Wants ArcheAge Community Feedback on 2022 Changes and Upcoming Improvements |

SystemSystem Member UncommonPosts: 12,599

imageKakao Wants ArcheAge Community Feedback on 2022 Changes and Upcoming Improvements |

After Kakao Games took over publishing rights, they've made a number of changes and improvements to ArcheAge. Now, they're offering a list of changes they've made and ones they're working on and seeking player feedback.

Read the full story here


  • hyllyhhyllyh Member UncommonPosts: 477
    esay job to do, the player base is nearly 84 players for unchained and 117 for archeage on steam ^^
  • Panther2103Panther2103 Member EpicPosts: 5,779

    hyllyh said:

    esay job to do, the player base is nearly 84 players for unchained and 117 for archeage on steam ^^

    A lot of people don't use the steam client, I don't. But I only really play unchained, Kakao kinda fixed a bit of it, but making it sub only (with no expansion purchases anymore) made the population significantly lower. But I did get almost to 50 in a single day so they boosted leveling rates to get people caught up.
  • Veexer_NuiVeexer_Nui Member UncommonPosts: 268
    This is a paid #ad

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    Archeage EU - Nui

  • ultimateduckultimateduck Member EpicPosts: 1,317
    I thought AA was an amazing game. So amazing that I was able to look bast the art style which I absolutely hate.

    Like so many games, it was ruined with a cash shop that let to greed and flat out P2W. It's unfortunate that every attempt to revitalize this game resulted in the same thing. If that cash shop is gone, I might consider playing it again... unfortunately the population seems to low to support a game like this.
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