In its usual context, the "social contract" is a rhetorical device, not a literal thing that people actually sign. This sounds more like something that is more commonly called a "code of conduct".
Been playing retail wow for years. Besides the odd mental breakdown in trade chat. Most of the toxic behavior stem from PUGs and group finder. Why because it is cross server. You end up with peeps you will never meet again. So your personal reputation does not matter one bit.
Would rather to be honest that the groups stayed on the same server. Yes you get longer waiting times. But if you behave like a jerk people will remember you.
I am a scizo misanthrope. So one day I may go BANZAI on your post. Have not yet though. Maybe there is hope? Nah there is really none for me or the human race.
I like that some games are taking the lead on being more harsh on toxic communication in any form. These days I have 0 tolerance for any unprovoked toxicity. I think shadow banning chat messages and pings would be fairly effective against it.
Been playing retail wow for years. Besides the odd mental breakdown in trade chat. Most of the toxic behavior stem from PUGs and group finder. Why because it is cross server. You end up with peeps you will never meet again. So your personal reputation does not matter one bit.
Would rather to be honest that the groups stayed on the same server. Yes you get longer waiting times. But if you behave like a jerk people will remember you.
I would rather be able to play the game than ostracizing people that hurt my feelings.
I had a bad group in Mythic+ a couple days ago and it was the first time I've had something like that happen in years.
I left the group, put them on Ignore and life moved on.
Been playing retail wow for years. Besides the odd mental breakdown in trade chat. Most of the toxic behavior stem from PUGs and group finder. Why because it is cross server. You end up with peeps you will never meet again. So your personal reputation does not matter one bit.
Would rather to be honest that the groups stayed on the same server. Yes you get longer waiting times. But if you behave like a jerk people will remember you.
I would rather be able to play the game than ostracizing people that hurt my feelings.
I had a bad group in Mythic+ a couple days ago and it was the first time I've had something like that happen in years.
I left the group, put them on Ignore and life moved on.
Well I disagree . But that is life.
I am a scizo misanthrope. So one day I may go BANZAI on your post. Have not yet though. Maybe there is hope? Nah there is really none for me or the human race.
Overdue but it won't have any teeth...or should I say I don't think it will have teeth. I'll change my mind when I read about a 18 year old account being deleted because the holder was a long time jerk.
I have seen folks get perma banned in FFXIV, FFXI, Guild Wars 2 and even ESO...but never once in WoW, and I have been around since early beta.
Probably because WoW perma bans people for botting or cheating. You know, the things that really matter.
Someone saying your DPS is too low does not deserve a ban.
This isn't why the community sucks now. Most people played and formed the best memories in an era where people were the biggest jerks.
People are jerks everywhere and all the time.
If you can organically funnel people into groups of likeminded people, you never have to talk to the people you don't want to be around. I always thought it was dumb that some guilds wanted you to fill out applications to join a video game team. Now joining a guild feels more like agreeing to a TOS in an iphone app and that makes me wish for applications.
TL;DR Doesn't matter if people are forced at gunpoint to be nice when nobody really communicates anyhow.
Been playing retail wow for years. Besides the odd mental breakdown in trade chat. Most of the toxic behavior stem from PUGs and group finder. Why because it is cross server. You end up with peeps you will never meet again. So your personal reputation does not matter one bit.
Would rather to be honest that the groups stayed on the same server. Yes you get longer waiting times. But if you behave like a jerk people will remember you.
I would rather be able to play the game than ostracizing people that hurt my feelings.
I had a bad group in Mythic+ a couple days ago and it was the first time I've had something like that happen in years.
I left the group, put them on Ignore and life moved on.
Well I disagree . But that is life.
Why though? Putting someone on ignore effectively deletes them from existence from your perspective. What possibly more could you hope for than that? Only people I've ever encountered in a game who actively report are social media attention seekers and petty people who have no power in their outside life. Why victimize yourself when a simple "get fucked dickhead /ignore" is so effective in resolving the situation.
Been playing retail wow for years. Besides the odd mental breakdown in trade chat. Most of the toxic behavior stem from PUGs and group finder. Why because it is cross server. You end up with peeps you will never meet again. So your personal reputation does not matter one bit.
Would rather to be honest that the groups stayed on the same server. Yes you get longer waiting times. But if you behave like a jerk people will remember you.
I would rather be able to play the game than ostracizing people that hurt my feelings.
I had a bad group in Mythic+ a couple days ago and it was the first time I've had something like that happen in years.
I left the group, put them on Ignore and life moved on.
Well I disagree . But that is life.
Why though? Putting someone on ignore effectively deletes them from existence from your perspective. What possibly more could you hope for than that? Only people I've ever encountered in a game who actively report are social media attention seekers and petty people who have no power in their outside life. Why victimize yourself when a simple "get fucked dickhead /ignore" is so effective in resolving the situation.
His point is that cross-server queues, due to their nature of matching disparate players that likely won't ever see one another again, breeds a higher percentage of dickheads due to how disposable it makes fellow group-mates.
Saying "yea, but you can ignore them" is avoiding the problem, not addressing it.
The Stranger: It's what people know about themselves inside that makes 'em afraid.
Been playing retail wow for years. Besides the odd mental breakdown in trade chat. Most of the toxic behavior stem from PUGs and group finder. Why because it is cross server. You end up with peeps you will never meet again. So your personal reputation does not matter one bit.
Would rather to be honest that the groups stayed on the same server. Yes you get longer waiting times. But if you behave like a jerk people will remember you.
Have not yet though. Maybe there is hope?
Nah there is really none for me or the human race.
Have not yet though. Maybe there is hope?
Nah there is really none for me or the human race.
Probably because WoW perma bans people for botting or cheating. You know, the things that really matter.
Someone saying your DPS is too low does not deserve a ban.
People are jerks everywhere and all the time.
If you can organically funnel people into groups of likeminded people, you never have to talk to the people you don't want to be around. I always thought it was dumb that some guilds wanted you to fill out applications to join a video game team. Now joining a guild feels more like agreeing to a TOS in an iphone app and that makes me wish for applications.
TL;DR Doesn't matter if people are forced at gunpoint to be nice when nobody really communicates anyhow.
Why though? Putting someone on ignore effectively deletes them from existence from your perspective. What possibly more could you hope for than that? Only people I've ever encountered in a game who actively report are social media attention seekers and petty people who have no power in their outside life. Why victimize yourself when a simple "get fucked dickhead /ignore" is so effective in resolving the situation.
Saying "yea, but you can ignore them" is avoiding the problem, not addressing it.