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  • cormachcormach Member UncommonPosts: 106
    I've had a couple lifetime accounts since 2007. Never had any problems logging in to them, even if a take a break from it for a while.

    You still get the 500 points a month. It's never ended and there's been no word of it ending.
  • cormachcormach Member UncommonPosts: 106
    Hacked? Maybe. There's no way to know. Do you have the right username/password combination? Have you checked your junk folder for the password reset email? Did you submit a ticket for help?
  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,103
    Standing Stone Games doesn't exist. Just tried calling them and the number doesn't work. The office is no longer in Boston and there's nothing as a player can do to bring these people to justice.

    Sad day.

    I called the number and it's busy. Having said that, weren't they purchased? I bet that has something to do with it. They might have a new main office.
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  • FrodoFraginsFrodoFragins Member EpicPosts: 6,068
    edited June 2022
    BBB holds no actual power so I wouldn't expect anything there.  I don't know if you could bring it to small claims court but be prepared to have receipts and such.

    As far as I can tell they will not do anything to help you get your account back as 2FA was never a priority for them and they can't be bothered.

    Sometimes SSG peeps followup with people on the forums.
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