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Krafton Announces Investments and Intent to Leverage MMO Experience to Create NFTs Under Bluehole St

SystemSystem Member UncommonPosts: 12,599
edited February 2022 in News & Features Discussion

imageKrafton Announces Investments and Intent to Leverage MMO Experience to Create NFTs Under Bluehole Studio |

Krafton has announced investments in an effort to create NFTs using the company's experience in the MMORPG space.

Read the full story here


  • k61977k61977 Member EpicPosts: 1,528
    Please let NFT's die a slow painful death. Nothing good for the average gamer with them. Only would be good for the companies pockets and people that farm games for a living.
  • DEXA88DEXA88 Member UncommonPosts: 175
    And let the NFT investors get broke !
  • maskedweaselmaskedweasel Member LegendaryPosts: 12,198
    Interesting. Wonder what will come of it.

  • ChildoftheShadowsChildoftheShadows Member EpicPosts: 2,193
    NFT's will be good for multiplayer gaming when a developer utilizes them in a away not designed to suck money from players.
  • DarkpigeonDarkpigeon Member UncommonPosts: 55
    Get in the bin with it.
  • cheyanecheyane Member LegendaryPosts: 9,435
    You know I think the good thing about this blockchain technology is that they can trace transactions like how the Justice Department got the Bitcoin from the 2016 hack. Big positive in my book. The fact that it is unique and it is indelible means they can trace every transaction and catch everyone. 
    Garrus Signature
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