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Best Old School MMORPGs You Can Still Play In 2022 |

SystemSystem Member UncommonPosts: 12,599
edited January 2022 in News & Features Discussion

imageBest Old School MMORPGs You Can Still Play In 2022 |

The MMORPG genre has a long history in the games industry, even though many nowadays are only interested in the shiniest and newest titles on the market. From the MUDs in pre-3D MMOs to the browser-based games that helped define the genre, many MMORPGs made their claim in the early days. However, not everyone is still around to check out - at least officially. Here, however, is a list of some of the best old school MMORPGs you can still play in 2022.

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  • toljartoljar Member UncommonPosts: 240
    Asheron's Call has the GDLE emulator, I would suggest people who want to play that to give it a go. They have 2 main servers 1 is a UCM allowed server nad the other is no-UCM:

    Gaming community: IRONFIST
    New World: Lilith - US East
    WoW Guild: IRONFIST <Burning Legion> Alliance(We transferred to Illidan)
    WoW Guild: IRONFIST <Illidan> Horde
    SWOTR: IRONFIST <Satele Shan> Empire/Republic

  • Wizzurah84Wizzurah84 Member UncommonPosts: 49
    I am really sad I cant see Aika, RF Online, Kingdom Heroes, Troy, Raiderz, Archlord 2 and much more closed :(
  • jnugget173jnugget173 Member UncommonPosts: 24
    lol article says you dont have to spend money on lineage 2 its literally pay to win and playing it without money is completely pointless
  • LackingMMOLackingMMO Member RarePosts: 664
    Forgot EQ2! But man, eq1 was the main thing back in the day. Even reading an article that mentions it makes me want to log back in. So far behind in both 1 and 2 I'd be lost.
  • AndraxxAndraxx Member UncommonPosts: 256
    You left out Ryzom.
    Mendel[Deleted User]Scorchienlahnmir
  • ScorchienScorchien Member LegendaryPosts: 8,914
    Still playing UO for 25 years now , still alotta fun :)
    Tokken[Deleted User]strawhat0981CelciusNildenAlleineDragonfyre
  • AsheramAsheram Member EpicPosts: 5,078
    Anarchy Online
    Age of Conan
    The Secret World
    Fallen Earth
  • MendelMendel Member LegendaryPosts: 5,609
    Basically, every major MMORPG that has ever launched is still running.  Except poor Asheron's Call and City of Heroes.  That's not even counting the various emulators.

    My choice is still EQ1.  I can log in, play for 30 minutes (to burn a lesson), and make some progress.  I'm woefully behind everyone, there's never anyone at the same level as me.  All the action is at the upper end.

    So, I'll log in and solo what I can, and enjoy it as F2P.  If I ever get serious about it again, I'll restart my Daybreak subscription.  That way I can dust off some of my older characters (crippled by Rk2 spells and Prestige items).

    And I'll still be hopelessly behind.

    Logic, my dear, merely enables one to be wrong with great authority.

  • ScorchienScorchien Member LegendaryPosts: 8,914
    toljar said:
    Asheron's Call has the GDLE emulator, I would suggest people who want to play that to give it a go. They have 2 main servers 1 is a UCM allowed server nad the other is no-UCM:

    how much of the game is working , How is the pop?
  • MonsutaManMonsutaMan Member UncommonPosts: 49
    Final Fantasy XI's combat system is as deep as the Ocean.
    That gem needs a reboot or XI-2 DLC.
    Til this day, I am experimenting with builds to create a new playstyle.
  • toljartoljar Member UncommonPosts: 240
    edited January 2022

    Scorchien said:

    toljar said:

    Asheron's Call has the GDLE emulator, I would suggest people who want to play that to give it a go. They have 2 main servers 1 is a UCM allowed server nad the other is no-UCM:

    how much of the game is working , How is the pop?

    They are at end of game right now I believe (MEaning the final patch were the game was when AC was shut down) and pops are solid 200+ on at time, I think prime time is 600
    Post edited by toljar on
    [Deleted User]ValdheimScorchienMyrdynn

    Gaming community: IRONFIST
    New World: Lilith - US East
    WoW Guild: IRONFIST <Burning Legion> Alliance(We transferred to Illidan)
    WoW Guild: IRONFIST <Illidan> Horde
    SWOTR: IRONFIST <Satele Shan> Empire/Republic

  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,628
    edited January 2022
    The MMO reroll series on this site gives you a handle on what some of these games are like today, I think the most important thing we need more details on is what the financial model is now like. Not just is it F2P or whatever but how P2P the cash shop is, how much new content does not need payment and so on.
  • LithuanianLithuanian Member UncommonPosts: 562
    Thou hadst forgotten Istaria, notice I must...
    Scorchien[Deleted User]MyrdynnAsheramPoliticaldad
  • ScorchienScorchien Member LegendaryPosts: 8,914
    toljar said:

    Scorchien said:

    toljar said:

    Asheron's Call has the GDLE emulator, I would suggest people who want to play that to give it a go. They have 2 main servers 1 is a UCM allowed server nad the other is no-UCM:

    how much of the game is working , How is the pop?

    They are at end of game right now I believe (MEaning the final patch were the game was when AC was shut down) and pops are solid 200+ on at time, I think prime time is 600
    I'm downloading tonite , really miss AC  and it's a better MMORPG than most of the pretty shit that gets regurgitated at us these days.   Looking at you NW..
  • toljartoljar Member UncommonPosts: 240
    edited January 2022
    @Scorchien Reefcull had a solid pop but also bot. However some of the nicest people running things all the time.

    Harvestbud is a bit slower because no UCM but still a great group of people who have "earned" what they have.

    Gaming community: IRONFIST
    New World: Lilith - US East
    WoW Guild: IRONFIST <Burning Legion> Alliance(We transferred to Illidan)
    WoW Guild: IRONFIST <Illidan> Horde
    SWOTR: IRONFIST <Satele Shan> Empire/Republic

  • The_KorriganThe_Korrigan Member RarePosts: 3,460
    - UO (official or emulated, there are some pretty awesome player run shards)
    - AC1 (emulated)
    - AO
    - WoW: Classic

    EQ and DAoC aren't bad, but back then I greatly preferred UO and AC1 to EQ and AO to DAoC for the PvP (Notum Wars).

    You also have the SWG emulator for the nostalgia...
    Respect, walk, what did you say?
    Respect, walk
    Are you talkin' to me? Are you talkin' to me?
    - PANTERA at HELLFEST 2023
    Yes, they are back !

  • DilligDillig Member UncommonPosts: 123

    Forgot EQ2! But man, eq1 was the main thing back in the day. Even reading an article that mentions it makes me want to log back in. So far behind in both 1 and 2 I'd be lost.

    If you really want to play EQ1 just catch the next progression server release. I played a few years ago and the only difference from back in the day is you level faster than the original. The server was full of players. All them trains come crashing the entrance in all your favorite zones.
  • DeimosiDeimosi Member UncommonPosts: 12
    Oh Shadowbane, how I miss those days.
  • KarmaparanoidKarmaparanoid Member UncommonPosts: 12
    The Realm Online is still going.
  • reanorreanor Member UncommonPosts: 441
    oh, my youth days...
  • GrymmoireGrymmoire Member UncommonPosts: 192
    edited January 2022
    From the Wayback machine: Legends of Kesmai.

    More recent, (but still oldies) Vanguard and Warhammer Online. RIP all!

  • PoliticaldadPoliticaldad Member UncommonPosts: 136

    Thou hadst forgotten Istaria, notice I must...

    I still miss what it could have been but wasn't..... looked forward to being a Dragon killing players and having a hoard ... :)
  • schroedingercatschroedingercat Member UncommonPosts: 3
    edited January 2022
    You forgot Anarchy Online, which is still a pretty cool game, even if the graphics are eyebleedingly bad. For unofficial games (player run simulations), I would like to nominate City of Heroes - Homecoming. Players managed to get the game going after NCSoft sunsetted it years ago. They have new content and bug fixes monthly. The player base is going strong, too!

    Vanguard is also being run as a simulator, but due to the nature of the horrendous coding in that game (as any live player knows), it is slow going. Still, well worth a check for nostalgia purposes!
  • TaishiFoxTaishiFox Member RarePosts: 999
    edited January 2022
    ... lul wot? @ Second Life mention.


  • JakobmillerJakobmiller Member RarePosts: 694
    Tibia definitely belongs to the list. Still running with two major patches each year and a healthy player base.
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