Not playing one now. MMORPGs just don’t seem to be evolving. Swung by here after a years absence to see if there is anything new to try. Doesn’t appear so.
Oh they are evolving alright. Straight into the abyss where each MMO is worse than the last.
laserit said: Welcome to Vancouver Canada except that we've been inundated with natural disasters this year
We could always use a clear head
Slow down there, laserit, this isn't a freakin' recruitment site for Canada.
Don't worry, we don't want crazies like you up here
Edit: I would buy you a beer, any day of the week my friend
I might be willing to relocate, if you've managed to do anything about that Winter problem. Cold is a no-go for me.
Stick to the west coast and the coldest it gets is around 44 all the way up through Alaska. It just can get pretty wet sometimes. We can usually count the snow fall days on a single hand, sometimes no hand at all.
We had a joke that in Vancouver, you don't tan, you rust
On average, Washington DC gets 2 more inches of snow per year than Vancouver: 19.5 vs. our 17.5
That’s usually comes in 1 or 2 snowfalls and it’s usually gone within a few days.
laserit said: Welcome to Vancouver Canada except that we've been inundated with natural disasters this year
We could always use a clear head
Slow down there, laserit, this isn't a freakin' recruitment site for Canada.
Don't worry, we don't want crazies like you up here
Edit: I would buy you a beer, any day of the week my friend
I might be willing to relocate, if you've managed to do anything about that Winter problem. Cold is a no-go for me.
Stick to the west coast and the coldest it gets is around 44 all the way up through Alaska. It just can get pretty wet sometimes. We can usually count the snow fall days on a single hand, sometimes no hand at all.
We had a joke that in Vancouver, you don't tan, you rust
On average, Washington DC gets 2 more inches of snow per year than Vancouver: 19.5 vs. our 17.5
That’s usually comes in 1 or 2 snowfalls and it’s usually gone within a few days.
Kid here get out in the snow fast.
The amount of snowfall matters only for a short while. Afterwards if you live in south it melts in a couple of days. If you live north it'll melt in April.
laserit said: Welcome to Vancouver Canada except that we've been inundated with natural disasters this year
We could always use a clear head
Slow down there, laserit, this isn't a freakin' recruitment site for Canada.
Don't worry, we don't want crazies like you up here
Edit: I would buy you a beer, any day of the week my friend
I might be willing to relocate, if you've managed to do anything about that Winter problem. Cold is a no-go for me.
Stick to the west coast and the coldest it gets is around 44 all the way up through Alaska. It just can get pretty wet sometimes. We can usually count the snow fall days on a single hand, sometimes no hand at all.
We had a joke that in Vancouver, you don't tan, you rust
On average, Washington DC gets 2 more inches of snow per year than Vancouver: 19.5 vs. our 17.5
That’s usually comes in 1 or 2 snowfalls and it’s usually gone within a few days.
Kid here get out in the snow fast.
The amount of snowfall matters only for a short while. Afterwards if you live in south it melts in a couple of days. If you live north it'll melt in April.
If your a kid here and your lucky, the snow won’t turn to rain.
Not playing one now. MMORPGs just don’t seem to be evolving. Swung by here after a years absence to see if there is anything new to try. Doesn’t appear so.
I think there is something of a move to mesh survival game mechanics with more traditional mmo gameplay to try and make virtual worlds feel more alive and player driven.
On the mmo-side of the spectrum you can see this in New World which has some light survival game elements, and conversely something like Myth of Empires is a survival game that seems to have mmo-type mechanics. I haven't played MoE yet, but it looks interesting.
Not playing one now. MMORPGs just don’t seem to be evolving. Swung by here after a years absence to see if there is anything new to try. Doesn’t appear so.
Oh they are evolving alright. Straight into the abyss where each MMO is worse than the last.
It is as if you're entirely ignorant of the huge advances made in monetization. We also have several other innovations in monetization currently in development.
Here we've made all these advances and NOTHING makes you happy. Now pay $1500 for a hunter 'toon and go kill wolves, dammit.
Pretty funny, but its actually sad that its so true.
Seems they have spent all their time trying to figure out every single way to Nickle and dime their existing customers, rather then make amazing games that expand the customer base and build loyalty and trust from their customers.
This virus is something that will not end its mutagenic it will keep mutating until it either kills everyone or we end up taking 20 vaccines a year, if something the planet cooked up was going to kill us it would be this virus right here
Though I am hoping for zombies over a flu killing us but rip we can't have what we all want now can we
ps:walking dead zombies I don't want something that can run and never get tired I prefer the illusion of we have a chance
the planet doesn't cook anything up. People do. Were already in the zombie apocolypse. We play the part of the mindless zombies. Others arrogantly fancy themselves as the humans vs the mindless horde, but the truth is they are even dumber than we are. lol. good times on gangster world.
This virus is something that will not end its mutagenic it will keep mutating until it either kills everyone or we end up taking 20 vaccines a year, if something the planet cooked up was going to kill us it would be this virus right here
Given enough mutations, the virus is likely to evolve until it's no more harmful than flu.
Viruses don't benefit from their host dying, they benefit from their host propagating the virus to other hosts. That's why the evolutionary race is normally won by a disease that allows the host keep doing stuff and spreading the virus.
"We found a new variant of COVID. We're not sure if this one will matter at all. Everyone panic!"
The Guardian is a respected broadsheet but the days are gone when that meant anything, the bywords of broadsheet and broadcasting where once reason and balance. Now their bywords are drama and fear, they have adopted the very position of the tabloids and social media whom they still point the finger at for bad news.
This may be very serious, studies are just starting, but the journalists already apparently know.
It's psychological and manipulative. It might even be well intentioned but do you want to be led around by a leash by the powerful? They focus on fear and big headlines because it gets our attention. It's sad this is what media has largely become.
Recommended reading: Ten Arguments For Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now
"We found a new variant of COVID. We're not sure if this one will matter at all. Everyone panic!"
The Guardian is a respected broadsheet but the days are gone when that meant anything, the bywords of broadsheet and broadcasting where once reason and balance. Now their bywords are drama and fear, they have adopted the very position of the tabloids and social media whom they still point the finger at for bad news.
This may be very serious, studies are just starting, but the journalists already apparently know.
It's psychological and manipulative. It might even be well intentioned but do you want to be led around by a leash by the powerful? They focus on fear and big headlines because it gets our attention. It's sad this is what media has largely become.
Recommended reading: Ten Arguments For Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now
Printing fear and sensationalism isn't new, it's been around at least for 100 years. It was called "yellow journalism" back then. Lurid headlines, bold type, unsourced assertions, all were common. So nothing has changed, really. People had to discern the truth back then too, amid a wash of misinformation and emotional journalism.
Newspapers, and now websites, are in the business of making money. If they run a mild headline about something, and then compare the response if they ran it as a bold hyped-up headline, they see the monetary difference. So boldness, fear, sensationalism sells. It always has.
Fortunately, I don't have to delete any social media accounts, since I don't have any. It was obvious from the beginning that Facebeook, etc, exists to sell your private information, and that they use psychology to capture your interest.
If it crumbles to dust.... I don't think anyone will be playing anything if it's "dust".
Some people believe that after civilization crumbles to dust, they’ll still be able to play video games. Nobody told them they are going to have to go out and try to find something to eat.
My plan is to load Civilization onto my solar-powered laptop and re-create all this.
So your internet and Steam connection will still be working....Interesting, didn't know Steam works out of a hardened bunker. And employees will leave their families everyday to keep the servers working, even without paychecks.
My plan is to load Civilization onto my solar-powered laptop and re-create all this.
So your internet and Steam connection will still be working....Interesting, didn't know Steam works out of a hardened bunker. And employees will leave their families everyday to keep the servers working, even without paychecks.
Those brave little steam men
Constantine, The Console Poster
"One of the most difficult tasks men can perform, however much others may despise it, is the invention of good games and it cannot be done by men out of touch with their instinctive selves." - Carl Jung
Oh they are evolving alright. Straight into the abyss where each MMO is worse than the last.
Kid here get out in the snow fast.
"Be water my friend" - Bruce Lee
"Be water my friend" - Bruce Lee
You know it would be ironic to be still doing multiplayer online somehow while the radioactive hoards roam whats left of our cities above us.
On the mmo-side of the spectrum you can see this in New World which has some light survival game elements, and conversely something like Myth of Empires is a survival game that seems to have mmo-type mechanics. I haven't played MoE yet, but it looks interesting.
Beyond the shadows there's always light
Beyond the shadows there's always light
Seems they have spent all their time trying to figure out every single way to Nickle and dime their existing customers, rather then make amazing games that expand the customer base and build loyalty and trust from their customers.
Viruses don't benefit from their host dying, they benefit from their host propagating the virus to other hosts. That's why the evolutionary race is normally won by a disease that allows the host keep doing stuff and spreading the virus.
do you feel like your being stampeded?
Sometimes if there is no discussion, you don’t get to vote.
"Be water my friend" - Bruce Lee
2025: 48 years on the Net.
"Be water my friend" - Bruce Lee
2025: 48 years on the Net.