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Do MMORPG Launch Queues Bother You? |

SystemSystem Member UncommonPosts: 12,599
edited December 2021 in News & Features Discussion

imageDo MMORPG Launch Queues Bother You? |

Launch queues. These constant wait times that plague MMO launches are a hassle for some, a rite of passage for others. But how do you truly feel about launch queues?

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  • Jaguaratron1Jaguaratron1 Member UncommonPosts: 299
    If its free to play, fair enough, if I paid for it I should be able to play
  • theGnadetheGnade Member UncommonPosts: 147
    I rather sit in queues than get stupid layering/sharding.
  • StoneRosesStoneRoses Member RarePosts: 1,824
    What bothers me are those emotional invested on being bothered over a video game.
    Now that every game has to be online many of us are punished with the remarks of others.
    There is a first for every experience and there is a norm or standard.

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    It's a lot like waiting in line to get into a:
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    MMORPGs aren't easy, You're just too PRO!
  • ScotScot Member LegendaryPosts: 24,637
    Queues happen, for launch and new dlc they happen a lot more. It really depends how long you are waiting a few minutes is nothing, but in this age of instant gratification that is too long.
  • DarkpigeonDarkpigeon Member UncommonPosts: 55
    edited December 2021
    Queues are annoying, nobody likes to queue, but honestly the FFXiV team deserve a bit of slack, they've shown time and again they listen and always try their hardest to rectify an issue when they are able. Some times as it is pointed out it isn't so easy. But they have earned a fair amount of leeway.

    Other companies don't have their track record, nor as shiny a reputation and should be regarded accordingly and their specific situations taken in to account. I'm all for giving developers/companies some slack but it has to be earned.
  • ACommonMuggerACommonMugger Member RarePosts: 564
    The amount of hatred on the FF14 subreddit right now because of the queues is actually disgusting. None of the previous expansions have been this bad in terms of straight up anger, and it always goes to, in my mind, the players that came from WoW. They came over and, in the past 3 months alone, have started to drag the FF14 community downward.

    This queue acts as a decent shitty community filter. There's tons of people claiming that they refunded the expansion, and cancelled their subscription and all I can say is.. fantastic!

    Screw the people who do nothing but complain, loudly. All it does is stress the already incredibly dedicated devs and upset the community even more, even though we all know this is temporary.

    Darkpigeon[Deleted User]
  • UngoodUngood Member LegendaryPosts: 7,535
    edited December 2021
    If the game is F2P, alright, this happens, I mean, legit, they had no idea how many people would jump in and play, so it's easy to understand that their servers could have gotten quickly overloaded, and que times can happen, if more people opted to jump on the game then they expected.

    However, for B2P/Sub games, there is zero excuse for any kind of Que, they had a direct idea of how many people were going to be hitting their game due to sales numbers, they should have planned accordingly to accommodate them.

    If that means they needed to beef everything up for a limited time to make sure they could handle it, than that is what they should do.

    Even less an excuse for a game that has been around a while and is putting out a paid expansion.

    Again, however, if it was a free update, or expansion, I can respect that perhaps they simply got overwhelmed as they, again, really don't have much of a way to gauge how many players would return for it.

    In fact I can even imagine that some games that went F2P, and put out a paid expansion, could get a bit overrun by returning F2P players, that didn't buy the expansion, but opted to try the game again, because it was in the news.

    But I would think those players would not be trying to swarm the game on day 1 live of the expansion, and I would come back a wee bit earlier, to see if they wanted to buy up the expansion, if their fire for the game was rekindled. But expecting gamers to be rational and logical, is not a safe bet.. so there is that too.

    Egotism is the anesthetic that dullens the pain of stupidity, this is why when I try to beat my head against the stupidity of other people, I only hurt myself.

  • Slapshot1188Slapshot1188 Member LegendaryPosts: 17,781
    Do you build a church for Easter or for the other 364 days of the year?

    Some games and technologies allow for some flexibility but so far there is no great solution.  Build too small and you have queues.  Build too big and you end up with empty servers.  

    What I think would be interesting is if they limited play time for the first few days.    Maybe it's still first come first served, but you only get an hour of playtime a day.   If it's a sub based game then just don't start the sub counter for the first week or so or if the game comes with a few 30 day sub then make the first one 40 days or something along those lines to make up for the limited play time.

    Another idea:

    Why make server signups some secret?  Make the server list public before launch.   Let players make their characters and select their servers the week before launch.  SHOW the number of characters currently listed for the servers.  Give people the information to make informed choices instead of scouring Reddit for unofficial lists and polls.


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  • DragnelusDragnelus Member EpicPosts: 3,503
    edited December 2021
    The amount of hatred on the FF14 subreddit right now because of the queues is actually disgusting. None of the previous expansions have been this bad in terms of straight up anger, and it always goes to, in my mind, the players that came from WoW. They came over and, in the past 3 months alone, have started to drag the FF14 community downward.

    This queue acts as a decent shitty community filter. There's tons of people claiming that they refunded the expansion, and cancelled their subscription and all I can say is.. fantastic!

    Screw the people who do nothing but complain, loudly. All it does is stress the already incredibly dedicated devs and upset the community even more, even though we all know this is temporary.

    Previous expansions didn't let you disconnect when in que, imagine being n100 after a 1 hour que and you get a disconnect and it puts you back to n8000 and that happens the whole evening. 

    For me it is whatever, not tonight maybe I'm gonna try it 2morrow. But I can understand for others it hit different. 

  • XanzoXanzo Member UncommonPosts: 137
    edited December 2021

    Another idea:

    Why make server signups some secret?  Make the server list public before launch.   Let players make their characters and select their servers the week before launch.  SHOW the number of characters currently listed for the servers.  Give people the information to make informed choices instead of scouring Reddit for unofficial lists and polls.



    Anticipating the amount of traffic you're going to have on launch day or patch day or dlc day will never be perfect, but there could be other methods to get better data.

    To answer the original question: Yes, queues bother me, I want to play the game.
  • achrius777achrius777 Member UncommonPosts: 22

    Dragnelus said:

    The amount of hatred on the FF14 subreddit right now because of the queues is actually disgusting. None of the previous expansions have been this bad in terms of straight up anger, and it always goes to, in my mind, the players that came from WoW. They came over and, in the past 3 months alone, have started to drag the FF14 community downward.

    This queue acts as a decent shitty community filter. There's tons of people claiming that they refunded the expansion, and cancelled their subscription and all I can say is.. fantastic!

    Screw the people who do nothing but complain, loudly. All it does is stress the already incredibly dedicated devs and upset the community even more, even though we all know this is temporary.

    Previous expansions didn't let you disconnect when in que, imagine being n100 after a 1 hour que and you get a disconnect and it puts you back to n8000 and that happens the whole evening. 

    For me it is whatever, not tonight maybe I'm gonna try it 2morrow. But I can understand for others it hit different. 

    See thats what been nice right now, if you 2002 error d/c from ffxiv you save your spot in queue for something like 5-10min, giving you time to boot back up and get back in queue. some players just see the queue and leave for an hour to do something else never bothering to check so they think they get kicked to the back every time.

    But yeah the hate is unwarranted right now, launches always have queue times, and SE said over and over again that this would happen, even went so far as to say they tried to pay double for new servers, but currently there is a worldwide shortage on servers so they couldnt get any. But we will always have entitled children who complain.
    KyleranDarkpigeonACommonMugger[Deleted User]
  • QuizzicalQuizzical Member LegendaryPosts: 25,563
    I can't remember the last time I had to sit and wait in a queue, other than as a broken default state when the server was down entirely.  Maybe it was in Vanilla WoW or something--and I don't mean the recent "Classic".  Why do people even play games that are likely to have login queues?
  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,256
    edited December 2021
    The number of players willing to bend over and "take it" is..well, a bit sad really.

    Demand better for your money, or keep taking it in the a....

    Here's an idea I've actually supported, selling queue priority for extra cost, heck they do it all the time at amusement parks, airlines and passenger ship boardings, even at the local movie theater.

    Let's the have nots wait their turn.


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  • IselinIselin Member LegendaryPosts: 18,719
    edited December 2021
    Quizzical said:
    I can't remember the last time I had to sit and wait in a queue, other than as a broken default state when the server was down entirely.  Maybe it was in Vanilla WoW or something--and I don't mean the recent "Classic".  Why do people even play games that are likely to have login queues?
    Because there's a special buzz to being there on day one or week one and playing with others who are doing the same content at the same time you are.

    New content releases are really the only times in MMOs you get to experience that. The rest of the time the population is mostly busy doing their own thing with their chosen few friends or guild mates.

    If that doesn't appeal to you, well, wait it out. Some of us do enjoy that though, queues and all.
    "Social media gives legions of idiots the right to speak when they once only spoke at a bar after a glass of wine, without harming the community ... but now they have the same right to speak as a Nobel Prize winner. It's the invasion of the idiots”

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    “Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?” 

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,128
    Doesn't bother me. Not an issue.
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    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • LinifLinif Member UncommonPosts: 340
    Getting into a long queue doesn't overly bother me. What bothers me, in the case of FF14's latest launch, is sitting in a queue for 3 hours then getting DC'd and ending up at the back of the queue once again. That is utterly infuriating.

    I understand there are complications with massive amounts of connections being made. I work in a similar industry so I have first hand knowledge. Even so, it really bugs me when the time used so far was for naught and must be used similarly again.
  • hayes303hayes303 Member UncommonPosts: 435

    Linif said:

    Getting into a long queue doesn't overly bother me. What bothers me, in the case of FF14's latest launch, is sitting in a queue for 3 hours then getting DC'd and ending up at the back of the queue once again. That is utterly infuriating.

    I understand there are complications with massive amounts of connections being made. I work in a similar industry so I have first hand knowledge. Even so, it really bugs me when the time used so far was for naught and must be used similarly again.

    I think it depends on the company. IN the instance of FF XIV, they have had such massive growth over the last 6 months that I think the ques are fine (the disconnecting 1/2way through the que after waiting for 3 hrs is not fine). AGS and the train wreck that was New World's launch was crap, as poor design choices and a willful ignorance of how many people bought the damn game were at fault there.

    I do believe that it has become a bad habit within the industry to "guesstimate" population 2 months in and not at launch to save money. Like shitty, bug-ridden launches, its become something you just seem to have to tolerate if you want to play games as studios don't seem interested in changing it.
  • TruvidiennTruvidienn Member UncommonPosts: 348
    I'm 50/50 here. Yeah it sucks having to wait considering if you just get home and wanna jump in and play but on the other hand it shows the game is healthy.
  • kitaradkitarad Member LegendaryPosts: 8,190
    To avoid the aggravation I don't play on launch day. However I think even when they know how many units have been sold people tend to go to popular servers and those will become full fast. There are other servers that are not so full but people will not make characters there they want what they want.

    In this respect the developer cannot reasonably provide room for everyone that wants to play on the popular servers. They discourage people by placing a queue but that in turn makes the players upset.

  • UngoodUngood Member LegendaryPosts: 7,535
    edited December 2021
    Do you build a church for Easter or for the other 364 days of the year?

    As someone that works in Commercial Construction, I can say with around a 95% certainty that Churches are Built for the Major Holidays and Events, (IE: Easter, Christmas, Weddings, Funerals, etc) to be able to handle the load for those times, and then hover at a lot lighter load all other times.

    Much like how most commercial establishments, like a Restaurant for example, is made for the Weekend Rush, not for the Tuesday late night crowd.
    Egotism is the anesthetic that dullens the pain of stupidity, this is why when I try to beat my head against the stupidity of other people, I only hurt myself.

  • TillerTiller Member LegendaryPosts: 11,521
    edited December 2021
    Launch queues not always, I can wait through it. Not being able to play at all for days due to not being able to connect to data center at all, or getting booted out of queue after 45min of wating, that pisses me off. I do however with with today's tech feel there shouldn't be queues for games all. I mean hell even Disneyland solved that problem ages ago with the fast pass for some of their rides.
    SWG Bloodfin vet
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  • NeoyoshiNeoyoshi Member EpicPosts: 1,540
    edited December 2021
    Well this story lacks context that's for sure.

    I know people only see the word: "queue" and it's a fairly simplistic conversation from then on out, but that ends up omitting the more important and often boring information.

    Case-in-point; it's not every FFXIV server that is having queue issues and lobby timeouts; some select servers are completely normal; it's mainly the high population servers that have reached their maximum player capacities that are being affected.

    New World's issues were a whole other beast.

    New Worlds problems begin and end with primarily how Amazon created their game, the super low server capacities, lots of inexperience in the genre they were trying to tangle with; over-blown hype; and i would suspect just pure incompetency in areas that really required quick-thinking and a business framework that didn't resemble the whole spreadsheet and quota philosophies' that are felt by the very people that work for Amazon in those god-awful hellpits they call "fulfillment centers"

    I can easily defend FFXIV's issues with confidence, because we've been through them before with the game, and we've always come out the other side perfectly fine with little to no battle scares, just memories of the issues that eventually turn into fun memes we laugh about years later; like Raubahn Savage/extreme.

    image image

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  • QuizzicalQuizzical Member LegendaryPosts: 25,563
    Ungood said:
    Do you build a church for Easter or for the other 364 days of the year?

    As someone that works in Commercial Construction, I can say with around a 95% certainty that Churches are Built for the Major Holidays and Events, (IE: Easter, Christmas, Weddings, Funerals, etc) to be able to handle the load for those times, and then hover at a lot lighter load all other times.

    Much like how most commercial establishments, like a Restaurant for example, is made for the Weekend Rush, not for the Tuesday late night crowd.
    Churches generally build or buy a new building when their old one isn't large enough because the church has been growing.  In such circumstances, they anticipate continued future growth, and so they build for a significantly larger congregation than they have at the time.

    Easter or other special events have little or nothing to do with it.  Because church buildings lay effectively vacant most of the week, churches can readily scale up capacity for short-term events by going to multiple Sunday morning services.  It's when they're forced to run more services than they want to every single week that they start thinking about getting a larger building.

    Conversely, a lot of churches have a building that is nowhere near full because their congregation has shrunk quite a bit from what it used to be.  If their building is paid for, they're probably not going to move to a smaller building just because they can't fill their current one anymore until the situation gets pretty extreme.
  • ZephyrjinxZephyrjinx Member UncommonPosts: 32
    Queue no problem, getting dropped from a Queue at 150ish only to be back at 3500....that sucks.


  • RaxeonRaxeon Member UncommonPosts: 2,288

    Ungood said:

    If the game is F2P, alright, this happens, I mean, legit, they had no idea how many people would jump in and play, so it's easy to understand that their servers could have gotten quickly overloaded, and que times can happen, if more people opted to jump on the game then they expected.

    However, for B2P/Sub games, there is zero excuse for any kind of Que, they had a direct idea of how many people were going to be hitting their game due to sales numbers, they should have planned accordingly to accommodate them.

    If that means they needed to beef everything up for a limited time to make sure they could handle it, than that is what they should do.

    Even less an excuse for a game that has been around a while and is putting out a paid expansion.

    Again, however, if it was a free update, or expansion, I can respect that perhaps they simply got overwhelmed as they, again, really don't have much of a way to gauge how many players would return for it.

    In fact I can even imagine that some games that went F2P, and put out a paid expansion, could get a bit overrun by returning F2P players, that didn't buy the expansion, but opted to try the game again, because it was in the news.

    But I would think those players would not be trying to swarm the game on day 1 live of the expansion, and I would come back a wee bit earlier, to see if they wanted to buy up the expansion, if their fire for the game was rekindled. But expecting gamers to be rational and logical, is not a safe bet.. so there is that too.

    they cant get ahold of server parts or even servers they even offered to pay more money then been trying for the last few months
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