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MMO ReRoll - Secret World Legends |

SystemSystem Member UncommonPosts: 12,599
edited November 2021 in News & Features Discussion

imageMMO ReRoll - Secret World Legends |

Mitch played The Secret World when it first launched, though wasn't all that taken with the MMO. However, he's jumping back in to give it another shot with Secret World Legends in this latest MMO ReRoll.

Read the full story here


  • DattelisDattelis Member EpicPosts: 1,684
    edited November 2021
    To me, this game still feels like a miss opportunity. Legends does allow you to experience the story imo, but it also kind of lacks the personality of the original game, if that makes sense. Hopefully they'll work on a better or different remake of this one because the story telling is really good and the idea of the combat had a lot of potential. Or at least consider renting out the IP to another studio that can do it.
  • XXCrissXXXXCrissXX Member UncommonPosts: 3
    edited November 2021
    My issue with SWL is with the limited character creation and the way they look during the cut scenes. They look good during game play, which helps. Still, they should have taken more time at making the characters look a lot better. Seems like an after thought, or that they did not really want to spend any time on it. Players want their character to look good, not a crappy after thought. After getting past the character creation, I did enjoy play SWL. :)
  • RandomCasualtyRandomCasualty Member UncommonPosts: 331
    Tried to go back to it but constantly crashed. Every other game was/is fine. Just couldnt be bothered to figure it out
  • LamiaCritterLamiaCritter Member UncommonPosts: 94
    I hate Legends simply due to what they did to the skill system.
    An entire skill wheel to play with and they fucked it up, destroyed such creativity and turned it into pre-set bullshit.
  • BootezBootez Member UncommonPosts: 72
    This game is the biggest scam. I still can't believe they just "remade" the thing by copy-pasting the code base, slapping on a few newish mediocre systems, and moving forward with rebranding. But this is typical of Funcom. What a shit company that deserves absolutely zero support from the gaming community at this point. They've botched every single thing they've done. I'm still mad about their support for Anarchy Online.
  • TheocritusTheocritus Member LegendaryPosts: 10,059
    There was so much hype about when The Secret World first came out...I was really disappointed...I thought it was complete crap.
  • SpiiderSpiider Member RarePosts: 1,135
    The game with best quests in the industry. And lore is top 5 of all times.
    I loved playing it (both original and Legends).

    No fate but what we make, so make me a ham sandwich please.

  • KnightFalzKnightFalz Member EpicPosts: 4,644
    Dattelis said:
    To me, this game still feels like a miss opportunity. Legends does allow you to experience the story imo, but it also kind of lacks the personality of the original game, if that makes sense. Hopefully they'll work on a better or different remake of this one because the story telling is really good and the idea of the combat had a lot of potential. Or at least consider renting out the IP to another studio that can do it.

    A remake of a remake? I rather doubt it as their initial work on Africa was pretty pallid compared to that previous, and hadn't been continued at least since I last played. I doubt they have the resources to redo the game again so soon and see no reason why they would share a fairly decent and unique IP.
  • JeroKaneJeroKane Member EpicPosts: 7,103

    Spiider said:

    The game with best quests in the industry. And lore is top 5 of all times.

    I loved playing it (both original and Legends).

    Thats how good the Lovecraft universe is really. Its really unique and allows for fantastic story telling.

    This is one of the strongest points in this game for sure. The missions are top notch!

    The game unfortunately was unfortunately really hard to go get into, as you could really create bad crappy builds at that time and then you would literally hit a hard difficulty wall early on that made many quit.

    I had the same trouble, until it finally clicked with a workable build and managed to get through the second zone. After that, it was smooth sailing and the whole experience was awesome with so many good story telling missions all over.

    Then, sadly they released Tokyo and it was a mess, due to inconsistent difficulty they never managed to fix.

    With the Legends relaunch they removed a lot from the game, including the troubled Tokyo expansion for rework, but never put it back into the game.
    So right now Secret World Legends is just incomplete and on maintenance mode. It hasn't got a patch or update for over 2 years now.

    There is also just not much of a population left, so you will struggle doing any difficult or group content in this game.
    It's a shame really, but right now its just Abandonware that is just being kept online by Funcom.
  • SpiiderSpiider Member RarePosts: 1,135
    All true. Its abandonware allright.

    I would love to see a TV show based on the lore though. It would be awesome.

    No fate but what we make, so make me a ham sandwich please.

  • sakersaker Member RarePosts: 1,458
    I just could not get into this game at-all. Luved the background, the world, so much potential!, but the execution just stank imho. The whole majic guns thing I can't get behind, it's just too stoopid, sorry. The combat I just couldn't get into at-all, an "action" combat game where teh "action" is boring and lame... and then there was the endless re-doing of the same areas, dear-god(s), so boring! Even Jeffrey Combs wonderful dialog in the magic school can't save this game.
  • PoorOld_GamerGentPoorOld_GamerGent Member UncommonPosts: 25
    edited November 2021
    I'm just checking back for your ReRolls, but I admit I almost turned around when saw the title... as a fan of late TSW (RIP), I naturally loathe Legends from the guts.
    (actually one of the reasons I don't delete the old account is those really good entries in the TSW section over the years)

    It's good I haven't, since it was nice to see how you (maybe inadvertently) rated the whole Legends relaunch at its face value.

    The things you loved during this ReRoll, are TSW.
    The story, the setting - TSW.
    The awesome voice cast (not just Combs as Montag, Wahlgren as KG, but Tim Russ, Peter Stormare, Bertie Carvel, Tara Strong, etc.) - TSW
    from the pic description "It ain't pretty" - :) sadly that's TSW too, with Legends you've in fact played a near 10 years old game... 
    The mission structure - TSW.
    The flexibility in character building - TSW.
      Sidenote here, if you think Legends gives you options, you should've seen TSW's Wheel... Compared to that, the simplified ability lines of Legends are just a mere afterthought.

    On the flipside, Legends.
    The boring combat, yep, that was the main feature of Legends. Also, as you said:
    "The weird thing, though, is the lame combat doesn’t bother me. Not to beat a dead horse here, but the main story’s plot is what carries SWL."
    Exactly this.
    And this was told to Funcom thousands of times, yet they still did this whole Legends crap, just to please the people (not even players!) of "TSW would be so good, but the coombat..." 
    Well, they got what they wanted, a boring, semi-action lame combat.

    The solo nature, yep, that's Legends and the mentioned "shared world ARPG" instead of MMORPG. TSW was a true MMORPG, with plenty of players around, open world bosses and events, etc.
    (just check the TSW section of this very forum of those years after TSW's launch, when was still a great place to be around, might I add, with Bill and Suzie and Shannon... all of them left many years ago)

    The over-simplified gearing, yep, that's also Legends.
    And there was a mistake here, in "does grinding resources make the process more complex or more tedious?", since that should've been aimed at Legends.
    Understandable, you haven't got far enough. Greens and blues are indeed showing only the oversimplification. Just reach orange/red, and you'll see the true nature of the beast...
    (which of course was told to Funcom plenty of times at the beta of Legends, but that grind -and the cash shop tied to it- was the exact intention of them)

    So, while simple or thought-provoking is a personal preference, some players prefer the former, most TSW players preferred the latter, the comparison of this change is not simplicity vs. complex and grindy.
    Legends watered down the entire game, and added a huge grind to it in return...
    It's dumbed down and grindy, vs. complex.

    Anyhow, Funcom lost all the respect it once had, yet I'm still saying what I added under the previous ReRoll, you should give AoC a try.
    Sure, it's also Funcom, but they've abandoned it many years now - which is a good thing, at least they couldn't it up like they did with TSW.
  • SplattrSplattr Member RarePosts: 584

    I'm just checking back for your ReRolls, but I admit I almost turned around when saw the title... as a fan of late TSW (RIP), I naturally loathe Legends from the guts.
    (actually one of the reasons I don't delete the old account is those really good entries in the TSW section over the years)

    It's good I haven't, since it was nice to see how you (maybe inadvertently) rated the whole Legends relaunch at its face value.

    Anyhow, Funcom lost all the respect it once had, yet I'm still saying what I added under the previous ReRoll, you should give AoC a try.
    Sure, it's also Funcom, but they've abandoned it many years now - which is a good thing, at least they couldn't it up like they did with TSW.

    Thanks for checking in on the Reroll, I'm glad you like them. And although I cut most of your post out, thank you for an in-depth analysis of how you see SWL. I really only scratch the surface of any of the games and it's great when other people take the time to continue the conversation.

    As for Age of Conan, I'm sure I will get to it at one point. I played it at launch and then again at some other point, so it would be interesting to see if anything has changed since then.
  • JeroKaneJeroKane Member EpicPosts: 7,103
    edited November 2021


    That is the most infuriating thing with Secret World Legends. They cut out so much, but then never fixed it nor brought it back. They just outright abandoned it. It was just a Cash Grab, nothing more.

    I seriously wonder why they even let it up and running at this point? The last patch was over 2 years ago and the population is pretty much very close to zero now.
  • sumdumguy1sumdumguy1 Member RarePosts: 1,373
    I enjoy both games. I missed the original due to the complexity of it and I realized why the redid it. Unfortunately now, many gamers want an easier experience. They tried to do this but lost some of the charm of the original. Still this is a game I do come back to and play every year or two for a few months.
  • PurplePepePurplePepe Member UncommonPosts: 122
    I played both iterations and loved the atmosphere. The game surrounding it just wasn't there. The puzzles weren't my jam and the combat wasn't up to snuff.

    I hope the IP can find a future somehow. I think it would be better as an RPG.
  • PoorOld_GamerGentPoorOld_GamerGent Member UncommonPosts: 25
    Splattr said:
    Thanks for checking in on the Reroll, I'm glad you like them.

    As for Age of Conan, I'm sure I will get to it at one point. I played it at launch and then again at some other point, so it would be interesting to see if anything has changed since then.
    Yep, I really like the concept and a fan of it ever since the CO ReRoll :)
    (btw Halloween event has finished recently, there you can unlock 4 ATs for free, and next month will bring the winter event, with an another possible AT unlock for free)

    As for AoC, a lot of fixes and updates happened compared to launch, up until a few years into TSW, when Funcom put it on official maintenance mode.
    Alltogether it has about double the content, and only a handful of bugs. A few new mechanics too. A moderate sized playerbase (more on the end, fewer on the early game), on only two servers - you might have to do some digging as a returnee, if your old characters were on one of the closed servers.
    (Nebless might share additional insights...)
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