Unfortunately, this might not be enough to drive some people back until the legal issues have been resolved (which can honestly take years given how slow the law works unless the company agrees to settle). I don't agree with some people saying the lawsuit is a death-blow to Blizzard, but its definitely a critical hit that will take time to recover from. It might be even worse than the trouble that EA got into a few years back with Battlefront in some people's eyes (which I think it is), but EA did recover in time. Only time will tell.
I was never one to criticize a game because of the company behind it.. Yes bad things do happen but eventually those who were apart of it will be let go/fired or whatever and new people will be hired on. Everyone has a reason for not wanting to play WoW but mine was because I got bored. Give me a few months and I'll be back.
Should note as far as customization options, this doesn't even sound super-close to what people were hoping for lol. The Allied Races have such limited customization options atm that generally every one looks even more same-y than with the main races.