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Combat Styles Coming To Star Wars The Old Republic |

SystemSystem Member UncommonPosts: 12,599
edited August 2021 in News & Features Discussion

imageCombat Styles Coming To Star Wars The Old Republic |

Combat styles are coming with its upcoming content update, Legacy of the Sith, bringing a new way for Star Wars The Old Republic players to further customize and role-play their characters in the BioWare MMORPG.

Read the full story here


  • TokkenTokken Member EpicPosts: 3,654
    edited August 2021
    It's styling time!

    Proud member since March 2004!  Make PvE GREAT Again!

  • MensurMensur Member EpicPosts: 1,531
    Form 2 is the best!

    mmorpg junkie since 1999

  • Po_ggPo_gg Member EpicPosts: 5,749
    I don't really get the point, to be honest, but since I always say "option is king", it's a positive move imo. Even if a bit pointless :)
    (but I ain't the target of this, since I've played the class stories already)

    In practice those are (and always were) already separated, gameplay-players choose based on the advanced class they want to play, while story-players choose based on the storyline they're curious about.
    I doubt there were too many players with a collision there... "I so wanna play Commando, but I can't stand the Trooper storyline, I had to pass on that" pretty unlikely.

    Anyhow, now they can, and more options the better. 
    The cross-faction part is more interesting, with the example above, playing a Commando, while being an Imperial Agent (best story imo) - now that's something.
  • ZenerenZeneren Member UncommonPosts: 29
    Stil waiting for Star Wars The Old Republic "A Realm Reborn" treatment...
  • FennrisFennris Member UncommonPosts: 277
    This is a good change. However, as part of the styles option, Bioware is also butchering the classes as they've existed since the launch of the game. On the test server they are not testing styles, they are testing massive ability prunings.
  • foxgirlfoxgirl Member RarePosts: 485

    Fennris said:

    This is a good change. However, as part of the styles option, Bioware is also butchering the classes as they've existed since the launch of the game. On the test server they are not testing styles, they are testing massive ability prunings.

    As long as they dont turn it into wow's pared down style, then I don't really mind since there's bunches of skills that don't get used.
  • ultimateduckultimateduck Member EpicPosts: 1,317
    Didn't thins game already have styles? I don't get how adding styles to a game that already had styles warrants an article that doesn't explain how this is different.
  • marcjt20marcjt20 Member UncommonPosts: 115
    too little too late, this game is dead. EEA has once again killed a star wars title
  • sumdumguy1sumdumguy1 Member RarePosts: 1,373

    marcjt20 said:

    too little too late, this game is dead. EEA has once again killed a star wars title

    This is the type of misinformation that causes issues. The games current population is among the top ten mmo's when averaged out over a year. The game is top 5 when it you look at subscriptions. Considering the skeleton crew this game has running it, it is incredibly profitable. Investors love this game and in the EA report to investors, its almost always among the most profitable games for them. Investors have even mentioned this game publicly as a being very profitable on Bloomberg TV. The rumors always have said this game was dying, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018...... wrong every year and this year as well. Right now this game continues to thrive.
  • UtinniUtinni Member EpicPosts: 2,209

    marcjt20 said:

    too little too late, this game is dead. EEA has once again killed a star wars title

    This is the type of misinformation that causes issues. The games current population is among the top ten mmo's when averaged out over a year. The game is top 5 when it you look at subscriptions. Considering the skeleton crew this game has running it, it is incredibly profitable. Investors love this game and in the EA report to investors, its almost always among the most profitable games for them. Investors have even mentioned this game publicly as a being very profitable on Bloomberg TV. The rumors always have said this game was dying, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018...... wrong every year and this year as well. Right now this game continues to thrive.

    Nah you forget the age old metric of "i dont play it so it must be dead". Sheesh!
  • Jaguaratron1Jaguaratron1 Member UncommonPosts: 299
    They try to make it sound like you are getting more variety when the opposite is true, yes its cool and years late to propagate the weapons around but they are stripping out abilities further simplifying the already pretty basic game, I expect the intent is to port it over to consoles or even cell phones for cash shop shenanigans given the game was built on completely archaic and outdated tech even when it was launched.
  • psychosiz1psychosiz1 Member UncommonPosts: 200

    marcjt20 said:

    too little too late, this game is dead. EEA has once again killed a star wars title

    This is the type of misinformation that causes issues. The games current population is among the top ten mmo's when averaged out over a year. The game is top 5 when it you look at subscriptions. Considering the skeleton crew this game has running it, it is incredibly profitable. Investors love this game and in the EA report to investors, its almost always among the most profitable games for them. Investors have even mentioned this game publicly as a being very profitable on Bloomberg TV. The rumors always have said this game was dying, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018...... wrong every year and this year as well. Right now this game continues to thrive.

    I was on a few weeks ago. I was surprised at the population in the first three areas on the empire side. I have also heard the sub rate is very high for this game. If you follow EA's financial history, when their report to investors comes out, the stock price almost always reflect positively and goes up. This wouldn't be the case if there big investment mmo was in trouble.
  • FrodoFraginsFrodoFragins Member EpicPosts: 6,071
    I don't really see the point myself but once it's live I may roll a fresh character. I'm ready to do a full story again.
  • cameltosiscameltosis Member LegendaryPosts: 3,875
    I don't understand this update at all.

    As far as I can tell, the only change is that you get to choose your "main" storyline, rather than being fixed by what class you chose.

    Is that right?

    Because all the talk of combat styles makes it sound like a very different thing indeed. "Create your own character, find you own gameplay" is a very different proposition to "do the commando storyline whilst playing a jedi".
    Currently Playing: WAR RoR - Spitt rr82 Black Orc | Scrotling rr6X Squig Herder | Scabrous rr6X Shaman

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